well mid Jan can be a tuff time, to hunt, many bucks lots there antlers, and just less out there than in Oct
But this time of yr they are looking for food, most guys gave up and well you can have more land to yourself

as for info, well no one really likes to give up there hunting spots on an open forum, as if they do, there good spots wn't be good long

as for the wayne its a great place
I strongly suggest going to there head quarters near neilsonville just out side of Athens
and get some current up to date info on where logging has been going on, where if any food plots are still standing,and if nothing lese get MAPS there, they have lots of maps of the Wanye hunting area's
you can also try to ask a ranger there for places to try, ask about any areas that are known to have lots of deer, deer damage to local crops and such, then MAYBE if you get good info, maybe you can even ask if they know of any farmers that allow folks to hunt if they ask
or ones that complain about crop damage
and maybe get access to some private lands
Not that private lands are any better some times, but there might be some more food on a farm than the woods this time of yr, and well legally you cannot bait on public lands, but if given permission on private lands you can try dumping some corn out and leave it be for a few days before hunting over/near it and see if that helps

I suggest taking a day once there to scout different places and try to find any standing crops and get close to to them for evenings

if your lucky there will be snow, and that will for sure help you find fresh sign and then get on it

Good Luck!