I was asked to write a small story as to how I kill my buck so I will give it a try.Back in the middle of summer me and my soninlaw went out to Ohio and took some walks.I found a place that is so thick you can hardly get through it but in the middle of it is a deep holla that has deer paths that look like cow paths.Lots of old rubs on big trees running down the holla allso.I knew this would be a great funnel in the rut but figured someone would surely be their.We showed up in Ohio in the middle of the day and hunted that evaning and I saw a light way down the hollow just at dark.I allmost didn`t hunt it the next morning but with all the new sign i saw I thought whats another morning in a tree where someones allready been hunting.The next morning I didn`t have to wait long before I could here a deer walking stiff legged toward me.I pick up my bow and got ready and he was beside me in seconds.I made a grunt noise with my mouth and when he stoped I let him have it.He went about a hundreds yards and I heard him crash.I probably didn`t make my soninlaw very happy because at first I thought I would wait till the morning was over to recover my deer but I couldn`t take it.I got down after about 20 minutes and called my soninlaw and told him if he wanted to help track a deer to come on down.