well for a GUess I say morning, due to if this storm hits as its supposed to, the evenings might be hard as many deer MIGHT be siting it out
then again, they might be in a feeding race to stock up
but heavy winds to me sems to keep deer in cover till dark
so it really depends on what terrian your hunting
if your hunting food , like food plots of crops, I say evening, as morning in them are not always the best, just cause most have left them before light
if your hunting closer to bedding and or hard woods
I say morning are much better
this storm is a lot of hype right now with so many IF"S I find it funny
here ther are reporting rain from 2 inched to 12 inchs or possible 2 ft of snow or more
thats a pretty big window from rain to snow to inches to feet
will be sitting out tomorrow, due to no sunday hunting here or ?? I'd be out there unles winds get too heavy to safely be up a tree
if winds are that bad, most deer will be sitting tight I think anyhow!