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Thread: Hung A Scrape Dripper

  1. #11
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    I have found I can hang mine as high as I want with just a long string I toss it over a high branch then lower to fill then tie it off up as high as I want
    I found the best set for me is with it just high enough they cam bump it almost standing up, as when they hit it it causes some more to come out and keeps them there a little longer
    but to be honest doing this for a few yrs now, doe seem to be most interested in teh dripper, and bucks just come and open the scrape up not paying much attention to whats in it, and I have filled it with all sorts of scents from doe in heat to you name it if they sold it ! I think I tried it
    but to me its just fun way to get pic's and well never know?

  2. #12
    Member ApparitionRob's Avatar
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    Another good tactic to go along with the dripper is to make a licking branch. We use 3/4" to 1" manilla rope and hang a 2ft section (on average) from a branch. I then saturate the end of it in my pre-orbital lure called Apparition Scents - Nightmare. The deer have been really taking to it this year, they seem to like rubbing their head and antlers off the rope quite a bit. The rope also holds the scent a lot longer rather then a cotton wick or just applying the pre-orbital lure to a branch.
    Just another way to have fun with the camera!!

  3. #13
    Senior Member Big_Holla's Avatar
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    Was going to say the best way I found to put the thing up, so you aren't getting all your scent in and on the overhanging branch, is to find a long sapling and tie the dripper to the end. Then proceed to tie the sapling in place on the tree. Use scent killer spray on the cord you use to tie it in place with and all up along the sapling.

  4. #14
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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  5. #15
    Senior Member hortontoter's Avatar
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    I wonder if your buck to doe ratio has somthing to do with the non interest. I know at my place that the buck to doe ratio is about two bucks to each doe. I know this by running my cameras nearly year round. This is why I harp on the state allowing what I consider the over harvest of does year after year.
    I may be opinionated...but, my opinion is the only one that matters anyway.

  6. #16
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    well I am sure it could have something to do with it, I do have LOTS of doe, but at the same time this yr I have lots of bucks too
    I maybe have a 3 to 1 or maybe as high as a 4 doe to 1 buck ratio here, its about the best I have been able to get it, but from here on out my buck numbers will be dropping fast, as poaching picks up speed about this time of yr, now small gun hunting is in, so gun shots are not as attention getters as before, so more3 poaching happens
    and then my buck to doe ratio can be as high as 7 to 1 or maybe more, it gets crazy
    many time I have had 30-40 doe in a plot and not a buck to be seen come mid nov!
    I firmly believe my biggest problem is age of my deer too many 1.5 yr old bucks, that really don't know what the smells are
    I personaly feel it takes a buck a few yrs to really get the what smell means what under its belt, and then add in all the doe's the few 3.5 or 4.5 yr old deer I have to pick from
    due to just location of cover, most of the deer here all bed close to each other
    a older buck never has to go far to get with a doe here
    thus scrapes and drippers scents, get very very little attention from bucks, but I do seem to get a lot of attention from doe's of all ages
    they just seem to like to smell new thinsg here!
    to be honest, I think I would get more pic's of deer smelling checking out a bucket than deer scents LOL
    as if I leave anything out in the food plot and watch almost every deer will go check it out in summer time, very courious critters when they ain't being hunted !!

  7. #17
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    ok had extra time today and with it raining this afternoon decided to go check the second scent dripper camera

    pulled Sd card, had 48 pictures in the past 3 days , over what WAS an active scrape
    since I hung the dripper the scrape was abandoned or at least not a single buck pic
    I did get 44 pictures of different does smelling the dripper, and one red fox
    which again to me like in past yrs, says MY bucks tend to stay away from drippers
    this scrape was on a main food source for me, it gets tore up every yr, and this yr it was getting hit since the season opened, till I hung the dripper
    I will run the camera here for another week and see if it picks up, then move whole set up to another active scrape being hit right now, and see if I get same results

  8. #18
    Senior Member hortontoter's Avatar
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    Those are some pretty amazing results Stan. Hard to understand that the scent would make the bucks stay away. I pulled my card from the camera that is about 50 yards from my dripper and noticed less deer activity on that camera. I moved the camera to monitor the scrape so I get a true idea of what goes on at the scrape.
    I may be opinionated...but, my opinion is the only one that matters anyway.

  9. #19
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    OK I check cam's yesterday
    now on the scent dripper I hung just on a tree on a trail deer have to walk past it, NO scrape, I got 81 pic's, about 25% bucks, two solid 4.5 yr lds too, and NOT one looked at that dripper, BUT when I got there yesterday the dripper was empty and upin the branches from the storm's 75 + mph winds, but before that it should have had scent in it, and again not one deer even looking at it

    second set up, and again this one was over a very very active scrape, was deering deer hit it every time i hunted where i could see it
    since I added the scent dripper to it, I went from it being both active to NOT active, from having cam there before dripper , getting like 100 pic's or so every 3 days
    to just 10 pic's in 5 days and onbly 1 being a buck, other were doe's and a dam house cat, and NO idea where that cam from at 2 am

    now I checked cam on way to stand last nite, I even shook the dripper a little to add a little extra scent to the mix
    got on stand could see dripper, had wind blowing from dripper to right at me all sit
    I had several deer come out, but again NONE hear the dripper, and before this, they came out there 75% of the time
    next had a solid 4.5 yr old come out down wind of that dripper and feed for 10+ minutes(out of range from me sadly, or I'd maybe be showing you a pic of him)
    But he never once went any where near that dripper, after he fed he dogged does till dark , but even with him running after them NO deer went near that dripper
    is this all just ??? or again after must be 4 yrs now doing this and seeing how deer here avoid drippers, I have to wonder
    now the storm and all might have played into this, but going from a 100 pic's a week for a while to just 10??

  10. #20
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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