I have been checking out an area on maps and aerials that Ive never hunted or scouted. From the look on the map I have a strong feeling deer are using this area going to and coming from feeding. Yes this is public land. I want to set up a hang-on stand in this area. I can only hunt the weekends but I do have vacation in November. I would use my climber but this is so far in a hang-on would be the best option.
Now my plan for doing this is as follows. I have marked a spot in this area with my gps. I plan on leaving the truck well before daylight hopefully arriving in this area at first light. Then finding a tree getting set-up and hunting and adjusting from there. My only worry with this is getting busted while placing the stand. I have no ideal what time they might be going through. From the look of the maps and aerials I've looked at I'm sure they are using it. I know call me nuts.
Does this sound good or should I go at it a different way? How would you go about this?