About 8 years ago I was hunting on a farm that's literally right behind a Chevrolet dealership(this farm is actually for sale now and was featured on one of them fancy hunting shows) I was really pretty care free about scent at the time and only played the wind when it was convenient. Anyhow I was set up on a small ridge that led directly into a super thick cedar thicket. It was early november. I am just sitting in my tree smoking a cigarrette and I see an absolute giant buck out of the corner of my eye walk into the thicket. I blew every call I had with me and he never even looked my way. So after I couldn't see him for a half hour or so I came to terms that he was long gone. So about an hour goes by and I was again smoking a cigarette(I think this must have been the luckiest pack of smokes I had ever had), I notice a doe walking straight to me down the ridge. I stood up and got ready, let her walk by me and on out to about 30 yards when she turned broadside. As soon as she turned I drew my bow and as I got anchored I noticed the beast of a buck busting through the brush right for her! I thought I was the luckiest person in the world, he came in like he was reading a script, right to that doe and stuck his nose right in her rear end. I knew this was 30 yards because I stepped it off before I got in my stand. Anyhow, I shot, and it seemed like it took that arrow five minutes to get there and then CRACK! I had dead centered a 3/4" sapling that I didnt see! The buck jumped and ran directly to the base of my tree not knowing what happened. The doe ran into the thicket. Now I always take three arrows, I nock one, then use the other two to fasten my quiver around my bow hanger. So I'm shaking like a leaf cuz a giant ten pointer is standing directly below me, trying to slowly get another arrow nocked. The buck is standing there stomping and snorting at the sapling thats still wobbling and I finally get another arrow nocked. I clip my release on my loop and then I hear the sound of my quiver hitting my stand platform and then watch it fall down and hit the buck right between the shoulder blades! Needless to say, he took off and was never seen again! And to this day I'd say he is still the biggest buck I've ever had a good oppurtunity at killing and I kick myself in the butt every time I think about it!!