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Thread: 2012/2013 Daily Hunting Report, Deer Activity, Season Information & Rut Report HERE!

  1. #31
    Senior member blackbeard's Avatar
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    10/11/12 (Thur)- PM. Hunted in a stand overlooking the intersection of two old logging roads that connect an oak grove and a bedding area. Nice night even though the mosquitoes were around. Saw one deer at 6:45 but he heard me cough so went the other way. Went to the doctor today, can't handle this cold/coughing/sore throat anymore. Get better next few days then back at it hard pretty soon.

  2. #32
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    evening sit
    got on stand at 4 pm tonight, was cold like 40 degree;s and dropping, and pretty windy at first, good 15-20 mph windy, but they died down about 6 pm
    I thought for sure with the cold, and temps dropping deer would have been out better, going to drop into the 20's here tonight
    didn't have a deer show up till 6:20 , and came out 80+ yrds from me, a small doe
    then at 6;50, had a heard of deer behind me, but they just didn't want to come out, like they were waiting till dark to come out in the food plot, they hovered about 5 yrds in the tree's on the field edge till dark dark, then one after another they filled the field
    I managed to climb down and sneek out without disturbing any
    But its looking again liek last yr that my deer are going very nocturnal
    I did hear about 4-5 different rifle shots between 6;30 and 7 pm
    so I know what that is, cheaters!!
    will try again tomorrow!

  3. #33
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    I had two bucks fighting about 6:45 but it was close to shooting time when I finally saw them. Couldn't really tell at that light if they were shooters or not. Then ended up sparing several different times. Oddly enough they ended up getting spooked off by a doe.

  4. #34
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    10/13/12 evening hunt
    being a saturday, I decided to sit again at a parking area where i know guys park to sneak in
    and at 4:30, I had the same dam guy from last week pull in, he seen me parked there and took off
    so guess he didn't get the hnt last week when I told him he was trespassing
    got on stand at 5;15 pm, 42 degree's and good 10+mph winds,
    seen the first doe at 5;30, a small one came out all the way across the big field a good 500 yrs away, feed for 10 minutes then went back where it came out in the tree's

    next , at 6;20 2 doe came out right behind me and stood in the food plot eating from 5 yrds to 25 yrads till dark,
    at about 6;50 had many deer filter out into the big field, counted 19 in all, too dark and too far away to tell what they were
    was opening day of a week long muzzleloader doe season here lots of shooting off in the distance
    so from here on out, my deer get very nocturnal any more
    was almost zero wind at dark and was just 38 degree's

    no hunting here on Sundays so be back out on Monday

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    Greene Co
    Went out Saturday morning and sat over a partially cut bean field. It was about 37 in the morning. Around 8:15 I had two yotes come out and I was able call them in to about 45 yards. I took a shot at one, but shot under him. I doubt I will see them in that field again. At 8:30 I gave a set of grunts and about 15 minutes later I heard a couple deer come up from behing me, downwind, a circle around through the woods. They popped out in the field about 60-70 yards to my left, looking in my direction. As it turned out it was two nice bucks, both shooters. I tried to grunt them my way, but they didn't have any of that. I then did a snort wheeze which really got their attention. I think since they didn't see another buck they weren't agressive enough to just come in on the sort wheeze. They eventually went off in the other direction around the corner of the field.

    So a couple of things I took from this 1) these two bucks hadn't split up yet 2) they were moving in shoot hours, around 8:45 in the morning and 3) these were the two biggest bucks I've seen this year including what I have on camera.

    So I have set a stand on that side of the field and will try to hunt it next week or weekend.

    Pretty good morning...

  6. #36
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    Went out Saturday morning. Only saw one deer and it was a nice shooter buck but he had his nose basically to the ground and never stopped even with a BAAAAHHH. Came in at 27 yards and by the time I could get into position to draw on him he was moving out. It was 38 degrees at 6 am when I got in my stand and saw him at 815 AM. Sure felt like rut to me.

  7. #37
    Ok I will give a recap of the hunting I have had. I have been out almost everynight since the 29th of September. On the 29th of September I had a nice big buck step out of the cornfield kady corner to my blind. Unfortunately he went west up alongside the corn. On Oct 3rd I had a nice size doe step out across the field to the left of my blind. On Oct 5th the big buck stepped out of the corn again I watched him for a bit, since it had just stopped raining I watched him shake the rain off like a dog does that was a real nice site, again he went up along the corn away from me. On Oct 9th I had 6 doe's come out into the field to my left they were starting to feed up towards the blind but as they got closer the farmer decided that he was going to fertilize the field that I was sitting on so they blew by me at 40 yards and into the corn were the buck has been staying. On Oct 13th I had jumped two doe's on the way into my other blind location in the woods. As I was walking into the woods along the trail to my blind I looked down the hill and wouldnt you know it the doe had stopped in my shooting lane in front of the blind unfortunately I was not in the blind yet I was about 5 feet from it, then she decided to move along. So no I havent put a deer down but I have had some great hunts so far. Wish the ones in the field were closer for the bow than for a gun lol over 107 yrds and 200 yrds. But Im gonna keep on trying will update again. Later.

  8. #38
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    Went out this morning and had 2 does and 3 fawns eating in a corn field that connects to the woods where I hunt. They were out there almost the entire 3 hours I was there. In the woods on the other side of the corn field I also heard a couple bucks sparring. Sounded pretty big but its hard to tell. I have seen several smaller bucks walking the edge of the woods and fence rows around my area but I have yet to see one of the big boys. Have them on camera so I know they are there but they still seem nocturnal for the most part. Several scrapes and rubs around my woods so I'd say its getting close though.

  9. #39
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    rained out so no hunting

    evening sit got on stand at 4 ; 30 pm

    seen first deer at 5:10 a small spiker
    then at 6;10 had several doe come out
    at 6;25 had a nice 110 inch 8 pointer come out feed for a few minutes then it was like the rut was on, he chased every doe in the plot about for a good 15+ minutes
    then would stop eat some and start up again

    at 6;50 pm had a buck running behind be grunting its head off, but refused to come out in the food plot , would come up to the edge then freeze up
    and go back into the woods did this about 5-6 times, waiting I guess for way past dark to come out

    all in all I seen about 20 deer, but just 2 bucks, all rest were either doe or fawns
    but a fun sit
    was 52 degree's going in and 40 coming out!

  10. #40
    Senior Member strutndoe's Avatar
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    StrutnDoe's 2012 Buck

    10-15-12 AM Hunt:
    Since the previous day was windy and warm, I figured my morning hunt would provide at least a bit of deer activity. I was really feeling good about this hunt. I had a quiver full of new Magnus Buzzcuts and was ready to get one dirty. However, I did not see even a flicker of a whitetail. A bit disappointed I headed back to the house around 11am.

    PM Hunt: I headed back out to the woods around 3:45 and decided to sit in a stand I had put up prior to season. I've not yet hunted from this stand. This stand is 20 yds into the woods facing north (into the woods). Behind it is a field with several large patches brush and it ends in another wood line. According to my trail cam, deer would come in from my right, cross in front of me and head to my left. But by 6:45, this had not happened.

    It was a cloudy and the woods were getting darker quicker than usual. I was not going to be able to see for much longer. Slowly I stood up and turned to check the field behind me...nothing. A bit dejected, I put on my pack and placed the quiver back on my bow. As I looked up again, still facing the field, I saw him.

    Him = Clubber, a 13 point I have been seeing on my trail cam for the past 2 months. I call him Clubber because when he was in velvet, I thought he had a droptine but when he came out of velvet, I realized it was a broken antler because it came off. Right after season started he changed his pattern and I hadn't seen him again until two nights before, on my camera.

    Clubber was coming out of a tall section of brush, with his nose to the ground. He was headed my way!! I took the quiver off my bow and my pack off my back. Still facing the tree I was in, he was going to come straight to me about 10 yds to my left but with the way of the deer trails here he could make a right and head away without offering a shot. I was not going to give him that chance. As soon as he got through most of the brush and was making his decision to turn or not, I could not wait any longer but I didn't have the best shot. I realized I needed to try to spine him or risk a gut shot based on what was available to me. I don't like this shot but I've practiced it many times. Buzzcut to the spine and Clubber was down! Second Buzzcut quickly to the heart and he suffered no more.

    Clubber was down and all I could do was shake like a leaf, while a few tears found their way to my eyes, as I thanked my God for the magnificent creature I had just been blessed with. This feeling is why I hunt and the reward is absolutely delicious!

    Happy Hunting to you all!
    If I'm Not Out Hunting, I'm Thinking About It!
    Hoyt Vicxen
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    Ripcord Code Red rest
    Victory VForce & Carbon Express Hot Pursuit arrows
    Magnus Stinger Buzzcut 100gr
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