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Thread: 2012/2013 Daily Hunting Report, Deer Activity, Season Information & Rut Report HERE!

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  1. #1
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    northeast PA
    10/26/12 evening hunt
    still way warm
    62degree's going out at 4 pm
    was very very overcast and looked like if it was colder it would be snowing?
    any way at 6;05 pm, I had one of my target bucks show up, only came out 85 yrs away, came out right past one of my trail am's I have a scent dripper next to full of active scrape scent too
    BUT he ignored it like it wasn't even there!
    so much for that working, he is a at least 4.5 buck too, maybe a 5.5,
    would have expected him to at least look it over
    any how, he came out into my food plot eating soybeans and then he got into a staring contest with the far corner of the field, started at it for a solid 10 minutes without moving a muscle
    then he started grunting real loud, and then a doe showed up, he ran over to her, smelled her over real good then ignored her and went back to eating, then, he walked right past, like 5 ft from a ground blind of mine and went out into a huge 50 acre field with nothing but 6 inch grass mostly standing out like a sore thumb, walking about like not a care in the world, getting farther and farther away from me
    he stayed out in that big open field milling about till just before dark when two doe showed up about a 180 yrds from me, he started chasing them, and one of them ran right to me, almost got my hopes up, but as luck is, he followed the other one, smelled her over and then just back to eating at 110 yrds from me till dark
    then again I was stuck in my stand, didn't want him to se me getting out, so had to wait almost an hr to get out till he went away
    but by then I had a ton of other deer now in the plot?? thats the biggest problem with hunting food plots getting out!
    I was just getting ready to thow my p[ack and got super lucky, a huge tree some where behind me just fell over or?? sounded like a 100 ft tree just dropped from the sky, talk about a huge smash and thud, wow
    but deer ran off and I got away without being seen that I know of

    maybe tomorrow with this storm a coming and temp s hopefully dropping!

  2. #2
    Senior member blackbeard's Avatar
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    Oak Hill, OH
    10/26/12- Fri PM. Got out for just an hour and a half before dark on Friday evening. Sat on the ground away from my stand sites because the wind was out of every direction and unpredictable....W, NW, N, NE...crazy wind before the cold front. Jumped one walking back at dark. The cold weather is coming and I'm hitting it hard the next month, good luck guys.

  3. #3
    This is my very first post on the site, and i wanted to introduce myself to everyone (especially ohio hunters lol). I live, and have been hunting in southeastern ohio for about 10 yrs. Hocking county and athens county...the first 3-4 yrs. was more learning than anything (still learning), so by no means am i a professional. I posted here, because i'm sure i'll be sharing a few stories of my own here and there. I look forward to making new friends on the forums. Last week i smoked a mature doe, so i'm on the board in 2012 lol. Got meat in the freezer, so now i'm after the big boy! Well goodluck to everyone, and that special time of the year (PEAK RUT) is almost here!!! (:

  4. #4
    Senior member blackbeard's Avatar
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    Oak Hill, OH
    10/31/12- AM. Rainy morning but the best one to hunt for a week or more. Had three bucks (6 pt, 7 pt, 7 pt) come past me at 8:30 and 9:45. They were mostly smelling around looking for a hot doe and occasionally eating anything green they could find as well. The biggest 7 pt run off the smaller 6 pt after he made two scrapes. He thought he was the big boy on the block this morning. Saw two does and a button buck later hammering the honey suckle. My rut hunting will be intense over the next three weeks. Can't wait.

  5. #5
    Senior Member rednecklb69's Avatar
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    the woods, ohio
    I rattled a 130 inch buck into 40 yards. He circled my big boss decoy and then spotted my blind. He bound off but didnt snort or blow. I may shoot him if i see him again
    ive hunted my whole life, the rest I just wasted

  6. #6
    Member apostledon's Avatar
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    ashtabula county
    just got off work this morning 7:00 am hurried home showered put on what i thought were scent free clothes out of thier plastic bag, grabbed my grunt, rattlin bag, and delta decoy headed right out back, set up my decoy down wind of me 17yds in the soy bean field. why did i set it up down wind? dont ask me stupid move. got in my ladderstand nocked an arrow and im ready. little did i had forgot to wash my clothes, in the anticipation of vacation for the first 12 days of november, guess it jus slipped my mind!!!! soooo stupid! any way i said "pee on it i aint waitin" so i give 5 grunts lightly rattled for bout 30 second...... south side of the soy bean field big ten pt. come bustin in yess grab my bow, and he's commin fast!!!! sees my decoy then veers to the left circling down wind of my decoy, that is down wind of me. once he gets to about 18yds he stops does the head bob gives a quick snort and he's off.Busted, crap disgusting!!!! to make a long story short, 15 mins later had a small 6pt comes 15 yds upwind, no way am i shooting him after what i just saw,then about 35 mins later after another rattle sequence a nice 8pt comes into the field from the north goes to circle my decoy downwind,busted again!!!!!!! so needless to say soon as soon he cleared out i got down defeated but not detoured, AND WASHING MY CLOTHES AS IM TYPING THIS!!!!!! 3 bucks in less than an hour and i havent had a single buck on trail cam all season!!! was gonna take a napp but cant do that not now they are on their feet and cruisin!!!! good luck

  7. #7
    Senior member blackbeard's Avatar
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    Oak Hill, OH
    11/01/12- AM. Sat a stand in some oaks. Had a 115" 8 pt come right under me and eat acorns at 8:30. Then he worked the scrape that I noticed walking in about 50 yards from me. At 9:00 a basket racked 8 pt came under me and ate acorns. Other than that nothing. Definitely the calm before the storm right now in Jackson County. Lots of younger bucks out cruising, smelling, filling their bellies. Good time to be hunting scrapes. I poured some feed out today at my feed site and there was one of the biggest scrapes I've ever saw right beside the feeding area. About the size of a car hood and tore up. I'll be hunting over that Saturday morning.

  8. #8
    Senior member blackbeard's Avatar
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    Oak Hill, OH
    11/01/12- PM. Sat my crabapple stand which sits atop a huge hill overlooking a grassy area where deer stage before going out into big pasture fields at night. It used to be a good one but since fence went up and cows started pasturing the area it just hasn't been the same. Have saw some deer there but nothing like before. Beautiful evening, kinda blustery with a stiff SW wind at times. Sun actually reared its head for the first time in 7 days. However, didn't see a single deer. Got excited about 6:30 when I heard something coming but it was a possum with a big waddle! Might have to bite the bullet and finally move this stand. I was giving it another year to see if it got back to near normal, but don't look like it will.

  9. #9
    Yesterday got in the stand around 11am. I was hunting one of my really good spots in the woods on one side the creek and the other a cut corn field and to my other side a travel corridor through woods. Anyways I figured this was going to be the day to see some action. Boy was I wrong a 4 pointer and a doe later on in the corn field by herself. I think everybody is saying the rut is on but I have seen no evidence of that either. Startling and grunting is producing 0 deer !

  10. #10
    Went out early this morning and got the decoy up. Dident see or hear a single thing by 11am broke for lunch and back out in a different spot this time in a ground blind. Crazed rutting bucks in this one this morning. Big ol' 9 Pointer stayed about 35 yards back as the does came in to eat. let's hope they come back.

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