I'm from pa also, central pa near state college and I think it's the best thing to happen to the Pa regulations, next I want them to reduce rifle season to one week, get rid of rifles and convert to ohios gun regulations, and potentially adding in sunday hunting. Honestly I never stopped hunting does, ppl would always complain about the deer herd and so on and so forth but does need to be taken just as bucks do but it's the type of doe you shoot and unlike the antler restrictions they can't put an age restriction for does, but a solid mature doe that has seen her prime is always a good kill.

On that note, growing up in central Pa you here the saying that makes me furious "if it's brown it's down" i can't stand these hill billy hunters like that, probably why I don't rifle hunt either because that's the only time you'll see them. I couldn't tell you how many times when I was younger that I thought I saw hunters dragging a chocolate lab outta the woods b/c the thing was at MOST 70 lbs.

If only Pa could be more like ohio........