Well well the fun pa debate. I dont mind the AR some of the heard reductions went a little far in some places but were very much needed to an extent across the state. But they have started to reign in the doe seasons and opening day slaughter that happened in alot of the state by reducing the doe season to the second week of the season. By my camp that was something that was very much needed hopefully in the next few years the doe population up there starts the rebound a bit.

I will argue though that making PA shotgun only will not help at all and will never happen. The reason being there is alot of tradition with rifle season in PA. In ohio shotgun only makes alot of sense from a saftey prosective since large portions of the state are very very flat. In PA the terrain is fairly hilly and there are very few spots that one could really shoot more then 200 yards unless you are looking out over a field or some extremely open woods where there is a very low chance that you will have deer passing through. Also most of the shotguns these days with rifled barrels and the like are capabile at 200+. This is the main point I disagree on.

To mrbb, the biggest issue I see with the deer is the fact that the PGC isnt re-investing in the public land. Most of the gamelands havent had a clear cut in some time especially not in areas that are not right off the road. The clear cuts really help that habitat especially in the 10 years or so after the cut. Also there are way way to many empty food plots on the game lands period in contrast this is where ohio does a fantastic job. In ohio every piece of public hunting property I hunted on had a plethora of food plots.