well I am from PA and have been hunting ohio for about 14 yrs now

I have hunted both private and public lands
and there are great lands all over SE ohio, you have to go and spend some time scouting to get into better areA'S

Nthing beats going there and learning the better areas, as every thing can change from season to season, just taking advice from hunters in a hotel your staying at isn't good way to find better spots

if you hunted a area where you seen lots of doe, you are in a good area, as where there are doe there are for sure bucks
I would start looking more at the area you already know some what, and pick it apart for better set up spots, you KNOW there are deer there

the Wayne is a great place, but its BIG and in many areas in SE ohio, and it gets a lot of coverage in magazines, but still lots of room if you try to find it, its a mix of bigger woods and crop lands, and steep and flat too!

I would suggest if you plan to hunt it to stop at the head quarters and get good maps, and even to ask local rangers for advice on where to try, they work there every day so can telel you where recent logging has happened, and maybe even where there seeing bigger bucks
AND for sure what areas get the most pressure as well as crop damage deer problems

at $400 bucks a day you got taken I think, that is what a full blow guided hunt should run or heck, seen many for a lot less!

Ohio has lots of big bucks, but they are not easy, you still have to do your part
no single area is a sure deal
also, hunting in the early season always has less perssure, most guys hunt the rut, so when hunting public lands, I suggest maybe you go early in the season rather than wait till the rut or gun season!
this yr, I would also be hunting water

good luck

what part of PA are you from??