to me, every bow X bow , shoots different types of heads differently, and that is why I think everyone should shoot what they use at ranges they will shoot at deer, and I don't just mean one shot, but lots , and in winds too, to see how that effects there flights

I simply went to the Rage heads for my X bow, as I had too many troubles with fixed blades flying well all the time

I still test the rages at ranges i will shoot at a deer with them, and to date haven't had a single issue, I am using there 125 grain X bow head, its longer than the bow head they sell, not sure if that is why they fly so well or not for me , but its what I am using due to simply they fly so well, and I do trust them, so??
I have tried many fixed heads too, some did better than others , but as consistant as the rages

not sure if that helps or not, but just my experience!