well, I like to take a ladder in the summer and see if any new brabnches grew up over the yr, where I hang my stands
and then trim as needed , I trim a littl;e more than needed as they will re grow till Oct!
I like to use a laddre as i can get more cut that way and don;t have to drag a stand in with me
I can attach the ladder to my ATV, and in summer I can drive up to most sets get in get out faster and carry all the gear again on the ATV

as for up in teh stand, a rope to pull the bow stuff with, and alwyas carry an extra in my pack!
and lots of bow hooks, need at least 3 for me, one for the bow, one for my back pack and one for my quiver!/and or bino's!
and always a few extras in my back pack too!
other than that, thats about it minus the hunting gear
I have been known to carry a folding saw in my pack, but over the yrs hunting same sets a lot just not needed!
more for when I use the portable stands!