What did you learn during this past season and what will you change for next season? Even though I've been hunting for several years I learn each year and try to change something each year as well. What about you?

Here's what I learned and will change:

#1- I can no longer be such a passive bow hunter. That worked when I had no kids and could hunt every day because I would eventually get a shot at a mature buck. Next year I'm going to be more aggressive and try to get a mature buck as early as I can.

#2- Some stand sites will remain but several will change that didn't produce. My goal ever year is to find one new great stand site. I don't always accomplish that goal, but I did this year.

#3- Cut shooting lanes out to 35 yards on all four sides of my stands, this is one mistake I made this year, I tried to rely on getting bucks too close before I could shoot them.

#4- Don't overlook the obvious. I had a 140+" buck living on my 33 acres this year. He made a a small portion of my overgrown field his bedroom and I didn't notice it until gun season when I saw him there and then did some looking around.