well for me, its some what simple
I have to stepup my trespassing watching
last yr I tried to hunt and had guys just beind me i ddn't really know were there, trying to not over walk the lands and keep certian areas free of me
only to find out guys were in ether ruining my hunts
going to have to just give up hunting on fridays and saturdays and patrol them days! sucks but / not gaining anything lhunting and having them ruin the hunts anyways! wasted time in the tree this way!!!
secondly I need to get ion a buck sooner
they were so Nocturnal this yr it was terrible, part I am guessing to teh trespassing proble s and weather
too much rain
and last I need more food plots, or I shoudl say neeed to get the plots I have in better shap by maybe doing just more fall plots,. as I ran out of feed way early this winter! and lost a lot of deer due to the lower amount of food
so they would be my 3 areas to try to do better in