Good to hear. Thanks for passing ont he good news. Always nice to hear of positive experiences with the game warden!

I had a good one with ours a couple years ago too. I dropped a friend off (his land) on one end of his propperty and i was driving around to the other for an evening sit during gun season. My cell phone rings and he says come back over here and park in the well road theres a tresspasser here. So i called the sheriff's office on my way and as i was pulling in the poacher was trying to get out and i parked him in. Needless to say i thought it was going to turn ugly but the deputy showed up with the game warden pretty quickly. They had had complaints on that vehicle already so they were anxious to get him. Guy and HIS SON had just shot a buck right in the middle of my friends field. They tried to say they shot it across the fence line so the GW says well lets go look at the drag marks (snow ont he ground). Yeah, he charged them with tresspassing, hunting without written permission, impropper tagging, and one other offense. Too bad it probably didnt stop these hillbillys from doing it again...