morning hunt info
wll was 28 degree's and heavy frost, 5-7 mph winds
got on stand 40 minuts before shooting light, was early this morning had high hopes!

well didn't see a deer till about 2 hrs into the sit(forgot watch so no idea on real times)
had a small doe yearlying group pass me, 6 in all, no bucks tailing them??

then about an hr later had another group of does come by this time 5, and again no bucks tailing them
sat till about 10;30

evening hunt info
was 64 degree;s going in, steady 5-7 mph winds, got on stand at 2:45 pm hoping for a better evening sit!
well that didn't happen

didn't see a deer till about last 15 minutes of shooting light had a small 6 pointer work his way right to me(wish he was bigger)
then ha da 2 adult does, and 2 yearlying come out to meet him, the first doe, was all up in his face, and kept squating in front of him, and pee'd about 10 times right in front of him, he didn't seem to get it

then she started to chase him, and run about him in circles
he started to get it, then she backed up to him!

he got it!! he tried to mount her, she let him get on top, and as soon as he did she bolted, she did that 3 more times
then just started to run about like crazy with him all worked up, hot on her tail

pretty cool to watch, she at one point ran at my standing corn and jumped over 5 rows without touching a stalk, talk about a high jump!

and then she led him into the woods, and that was my night!

was 48 degree's when i left, very warm and calling for warmer weather the next few days
and that sucks, things were just starting to get going, and now a slight heat wave!!
to slow things down till too dark to hunt!!(legally any wyas)

try again tomorrow!