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Thread: 2011/2012 Deer Activity, Hunting Report, Season Information & Rut Report

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2011
    Northwest Ohio
    Out gun hunting this morning with my son, saw 2 small bucks but I have already shot those, saw 2 does but further then I care to shoot with the pistol. Those went on through and saw 2 more but in the middle of the woods and couldn't get a shot as it was too thick. Supposed to rain most of the day tomorrow but probably not going out. Deer don't seem to be to scared and we have a bunch of standing corn and they know where to hide. Back out bow hunting next week and it should still be good. Haven't seen anybody back where I was hunting so hope all is good.

  2. #2
    Senior member blackbeard's Avatar
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    Oak Hill, OH
    12/03/11- AM. Saw 10 does, could have shot 8 of them, no buck sightings. Beautiful morning.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Thursday eve report.
    Got into my stand at 3:30, cold, partly cloudy, breezy eve, hunted till dark and 0 deer spotted!! There is around 50 acres of standing corn right down the road from where I hunt and it is killing my hunting, Deer are holding up in the corn!
    Is there anything better than being in the woods?!

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Northwest Ohio
    Sunday evening report: 2 does early around 4 pm running from a combine that was taking corn off across the road, ran into the wrong corner of the woods. Around 4:30 heard something behind me and got up and looked and nice 8 point walking down the trail at about 60 yards. He kept heading east and lost him through the trees. Temps in the middle 30's and slight wind coming from the south. Only deer I saw in the woods. A lot of corn harvest is going on now and I am seeing deer out the windows of the house every where and pretty much anytime of the day. Gun season back in next weekend and most likely totally different with most of the corn getting shelled right now. May try to sneak out of work and get back for some afternoon hunts before it comes in. Still looking to shoot a doe.

  5. #5
    Senior member blackbeard's Avatar
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    Oak Hill, OH
    Been good hunting weather but real cold, I'm trying to let the deer relax in my area after gun season and plan to get back at it later this week until the gun hunting starts again this next weekend.

  6. #6
    Senior member blackbeard's Avatar
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    Oak Hill, OH
    12/13/11 AM- Saw one mature doe being followed by a small buck at 7:30. Saw two more deer running into a thicket at 8:00 followed by the same small buck. Saw one small doe eating honeysuckle at 8:45. Wasn't crazy about shooting her but she just gave me too good of an opportunity and I have a friend that needs some at 19 yds...........quartering away......I released............and........clean miss! I was trying to shoot behind my tree and to my left, and being left handed, just never got a good anchor point due to my safety harness. Oh well. Beautiful morning, 32 deg with light SW/W wind.

  7. #7
    Senior member blackbeard's Avatar
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    Oak Hill, OH
    12/17/11- AM. Gun in hand, saw 5 does and 2 small bucks, could have killed 6 of the 7, not looking for does or small bucks. Beautiful morning, very little shooting.

    12/17/11- PM. Gun in hand, saw 5 does, 1 button buck, a 100" buck, and heard another buck. What I mean is I was sitting in a ground blind by a feeding site and at 5:00 the woods came alive...deer from all directions. The decent buck came in at 5:30, too dark too shoot, and proceeded to run off a button buck. I hung in there till way after dark so I could get out with the least disturbance possible. Right before leaving the 100" buck was fighting with another buck. At 30 yards and in the dark it was pretty cool to sit there and listen to them. Absolutely gorgeous evening, very little shooting around this evening too.

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