11/16 pm Got off work early hit the woods @ 3PM. Cool breeze out of the WWN 3-7mph. Overcast. Beautiful evening. Saw tails bouncing through the woods as I drove up in the truck. Saw the first action at 4:15, Two does being chased by two bucks the does were 50-60 yds. apart both had their bucks in tow at about 10 yds. It was crazy! I would have said something spooked them and they were just running through the woods but both pair were zig zagging their way through the woods. Both bucks were grunting and carrying on. They went on their way and about 20 min. later a shooter buck came down the same trail, nose to the ground. I grunted snort-wheezed but he would not stop he seemed to be preoccupied with the trail he was sniffin. I thought he had left but one of the smaller bucks had left his doe and was coming back. He walked out of the thicket I saw the big boy go into. Then the big boy followed the little guy back out, and chased him off. Then disappeared back into the thicket. My thought was that the doe was stillin the area but never saw anything again. All in all a pretty exiting night. The rut is not over and I have the next few days off.. Bloods gonna flow.