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Thread: 2011/2012 Deer Activity, Hunting Report, Season Information & Rut Report

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  1. #1
    Senior member blackbeard's Avatar
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    Oak Hill, OH
    09/27/11 (Tue) PM report- Got out of the office late at 5:00 and headed to a spot on a piece of property my cousin has leased. I'm very familiar with the property because I used to hunt it before Mead/West Vaco/F&W purchased it. I hadn't previously prepared this ground spot I was heading to so when I got there I had to quickly trim some shooting lanes and prepare a ground spot behind a big white oak. The spot was on a hillside which overlooked a fence corner where thick brush meets 10 year old pine trees. Below me was a hollow. Deer skirt around the fence corner to travel through the area, making for a perfect ambush site. So I tucked myself back behind a white oak, behind the fence and waited for the evening to unfold. The mosquitoes were bad and the weather was warm, with little wind. At 6:40 I caught a glimpse of a deer coming around the fence corner. I was standing so I grabbed my bow. The yearling doe fed around the corner, through the saplings I had just cut, and started up the fence line toward me. At 10 yards she stopped broadside, I drew, and let the arrow fly. However because she was so close my fletching hit the top fence wire and sailed over her back. Uh-oh. She ran into the pines and deer started blowing in all directions. I quickly knocked another arrow and right after that a mature doe came around the fence corner below me and was heading toward the pines where the yearling went. The mature doe stopped at 25 yards, quartering away, and I had to move slightly to my left to shoot around a fence post. I let the arrow fly and she bounded off and blew a couple times when running off, which was weird for a mortally wounded deer to do. The mature doe went into the pines and there was silence. I was pretty sure I put a good shot on her but I waited 20 minutes, found the arrow, and found her. She was a big doe. I hit her perfectly, the broadhead entered in front of her back hip and exited behind her opposite front shoulder, going right through the diaphragm. 40 yards is all she could go before meeting her maker. I must say I was very impressed by the way my Scentlok Vertigo Tan coveralls blended in to the brush. The yearling at 10 yds and the mature doe at 25 yds could not pick me out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Mansfield, Oh
    Opening day had a fawn come 15 yards of my position. I could hear a couple does about 40 yards away from me in the woods checking around. Something spooked the does and they all retreated away from me. I started hitting the doe call and I had a small 4 point come running and stop at 40 yards from me. He would stare at me and put his head down. He repeated that for about 5 minutes. Then all of suddenly, he stomped his front leg, snorted and weezed, and took off the direction he came.

  3. #3
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    10/01/11 opening morning in Pa
    was 47 degrees when I left home, with rain looking sky all morning, and little to no wind!

    hope temps stay this low and get lower!

    well was a slow morning saw a few deer on the drive in on the farm all doe, and or fawns

    only sat till about 8;45, nothing moving and mosquitoes were getting thick

    I think i am in for a lot harder season, as waterlevel are beyond high
    I have a small stream that runs the propperty and 60+% of my normal deer bed on teh other side, the steam is normally only about 2+3 ft deep and about 10-15 ft wide
    right now its about 40-200 ft wide and about 10-20 ft deep, its un real, all the swamps are now like ponds, so what ever deer were bedding there ain't now unless they have a house boat!
    I think many of the deer are trapped on the other side of the creek
    so i am at the mercy of mother nature till the water levels come back down, and calling for more rain today and the hext several!!

    trail cam pic, that most of my regular bucks I got pic's of daily for weeks now, are down to just 3 of the 16 or so that seemed to be on every day before the flooded waters
    and not even getting many doe pic's now either, and I normally have too many of them

    and mosquitoes, talk about thick with them, never in my life have i seen them like this,
    going to be hard hunting till water comes down
    may have to relocated till then up north and that sucks.
    be back out this evening
    hope other have it better than me!

  4. #4
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
    Join Date
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    northeast PA

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