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Thread: Your first one - Tell us the story of your first deer!!

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Tuscarawas county
    My story is not gonna be glamourous, but here it is. My first deer was a doe shot at an ex's property during gun season when I was 18little years old. Bad thing is I started hunting at around age 14. Got my first bow at age ten and my dad made me pratice shooting instinctive with no sights and no release. Im now 29 and am still waiting to kill my first buck and my first bowkill. Boy that sounds like a sad story. Women kids and fast cars side tracked my hunting for years so maybe that's why im paying for it now. I've bow hunted hard this year with no luck I've had chances to shoot a deer with my bow this year but I was holding out for bigger deer. Maybe someday ill get mt first bow kill

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    SE Indiana
    Well, my first kills were with a bow believe it or not. I didn't have a dad who hunted. My friend's dad got me into shooting a bow when i was 12. My first ever hunt w/ a bow, I had been once previously w/ a gun, I was 13 at his place in Adams County. He bought me a deer tag and a turkey tag since it was fall bow out there. He said "you get in this stand, you stay still, you shoot whatever deer or turkey you can boy" Well 1.5hrs later, sure enough, 3 turkeys come up on the ridgetop at 25yds and i ended up smoking a tom w/ my bow. I honestly can say that i had no idea it was a tom,jaek, hen or what, I knew it was a turkey and he told me to shoot it,lol. First kill period, first time hunting w/ a bow. I've since learned how frickin hard it is to kill a turkey w/ a bow. Mt first deer was a doe the following year at age 14, w/ my bow, at about 12yds from a ladder stand on the first sunday of bow season. My first buck was about a 100" 8pt when i was 16 with my bow. I've actually only killed one deer w/ a gun and it was a buck during a deer drive in Adams county.

  3. #3

    First deer with a bow.

    My buddy had been hunting a small urban woodlot for a very large buck. It was the day before NY gun season and the last day to use your first buck tag. I hadn't killed a deer yet so my buddy offered to put a drive on for me at the wood lot he had been hunting. The weather was kinda crappy cold and rainy i wasn't to excited about going but grabbed a stand and my gear. We made a plan and headed into the woods. I reached my stand location and realized I forgot my steps. Since this was before cellphones I had no way to tell my buddy i didn't have steps and I needed to get them. I set the stand about 5 feet off the ground and pulled myself up and got set. About ten minutes later I heard a crash in the thicket up wind of me and two does busted out across a nearby clearing. A moment later I noticed movement coming towards me and could see it was a buck. I drew my bow as it rambled down the funnel towards me. It stopped 8 paces from me and I drilled it. It ran off into the thick cover. A few minutes later my buddy showed up and I gave him the thumbs up. He ran over thinking I had just drilled the monster he was hunting. I quickly told him it wasn't the monster he was after and told him what happened. We drove over to a local pizza shop for a slice and to give the buck alittle time. As we drove into the parking lot there stood the monster my buddy was telling me about. It was a solid 170. I was pretty impressed that my buddy would offer to push his spot and give me a shot at that trophy buck. True friends are rare. We found my little 8 point about 60 yards from were I shot it. A few weeks later the big buck was hit by a car.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    tiffin ohio
    My first deer was during my second season of bow hunting. It was the wed before the youth weekend. i just got out of my truck got dressed and sprayed down with sent cover and started across the field to the woods. i got about 75yards from the truck when i saw him. He was about 200 yards away layin down in the edge of the woods. So i dropped to my knees and decided to try to get close enough for a shoot. I started to crawl across the field on my hands and knees. (only a 100 yards from the state highway right behind me i sure all the cars going by were thinkin what the hell is this guy doin) I crawled to were there was a tree between me and him and kind of crawled/walked low to the ground in to about 50 yards for the woods. Luckly for me there was round hay bales on the edge of the woods so from here i started to crawl and try to get into postion. so i got up to the hay bales and peaked out around the one and all i could see was the left side of his rack but decied he was going to get shot. (by this time he is standing) So i crawled over about 2 hay bales got on my knees and went to come up from my crouched over postion while drawin my front hand bow hand hit the bale. I was to close. So i came back down to a crouched postion backed up about a foot took a breath came back up drawin while risein put my 20 yard pin on him and relased. I hit him and he took off runnin with my arrow in him all i saw was the arrow stickin out alot and i thought i was screwed. untill he turned to go up the hill and his front feet came off the ground and he fell backwards. He was done. I was so excited. the hunt over in about 20 min. i was fist pumpin and yellin i actully walked up to the farmers house instead of to my truck (truck 300 yards house 900 yards) i tryed callin my dad to help come gut it but he was not home from work yet so i had to wait. that was my first deer and buck ever and it was with my bow. that is the deer in my pic.

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