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Well congrats to you, on a fine buck
this past season was a crazy one here too, deer went nocturnal like I never seen before, and still arethere, only moving from 9pm to maybe like 4 am
and thats even with 2 plus weeks of no hunting season here between seasons, and having the only standing corn for miles
crazy, hard to kill deer when they don't move in shooting hr?
but again congrats, and go kiss that wife's butt some and get on her good side again,Lol
Congrats, nice deer! I see your season is going like mine (and a lot of others), all the deer just seemed to disappear come Nov.
Congrats. This was the toughest year I've had in years.
Congrats on the nice buck.. That's a good one. And I agree this has been a ruff season, rut was werid and the late season has been far and few between seeing deer during shooting hours.
Congratulations Mike!! Now it's time for Chris to get one!! LOL
Crazy season indeed with bucks disappearing......
Congrats on the trophy! And to get it on film is even more impressive!
Congrats that is a great buck
Thanks guys! I have talked to so many ppl that are at a loss of words this yr. something is up all over the country. Weird!
I blame Obama
HAHAHA, I personally think the deer have gotten so used to people hunting them, and have moved to being just nocturnal animals anymore
I run a lot of camera's yr round, and have a LOT of deer where I have them, and from the past 10+ yrs day time pic's have gone lower and lower every yr as time has gone by, to the point now, a day time pic is rare
the woods are dead for movement all day long, you would swear there are NO deer in the area, yet come a few hrs past dark, and I can have a 80-90 der in my fields
its like they come out of the ground after dark, crazy
deer have us hunters figured out , way better than we them
and making matters worse, having crops, deer learn they can live by just eating at night, as they know food is there 24/7
so no way to stop them from eating only at night
a new breed of deer it seems my way for sure
now ad in hunting pressure in day time hrs, and they just get smarter
weather doesn't seem to get cold enough to force them to move any sooner, so they have zero reason to change??
unting has gotten harder the past few yrs due to this new movement patterns of deer my way
a few yrs back, seeing a deer in daylight was a given on a food plot, now its rare!