First Ohio deer
I moved here to Ohio about four years ago and underwent 3 back surgeries and have had nothing but problems ever since. well to make a long story short I finally was cleared to hunt.:hurray: what a great morning!! saw a few descent bucks but nothingI wanted to fill my tags with so along came mrs slick head about 42 yrds out and I decided to let the rage do some work. 1 down and hopefully a few more not to far behind. thank you Lord
:cheers2:Congrats to you! Great news that you were cleared to hunt, great news that you put some meat in the freezer and great news cause you're on my Challenge team!
Congrats on the deer! It's great to be reading success stories again!
Congrats, partner! Glad you are well enough to get back at it. KB
I'm sure it is great to be back in the woods. Congrats on the doe.
congrats on your first! good luck
Congratulations!! Take some good pics too!!
Way to get off to a fast start!