04/21/14- Never heard a gobble, tried two different properties, that may be a first for opening day.
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04/21/14- Never heard a gobble, tried two different properties, that may be a first for opening day.
04/21/14- My brother only heard a single gobble opening morning, then switched properties and at around 11:00 AM called a gobbler a long way and killed him. He showed up here at noon to show it off to my boys.
well congrats to your brother
I heard a few gobbling this miorning in the back of my house
but there not in season yet here, so??
but its early , things should pick up in a few weeks I think
Haven't heard a gobble yet but I did find a turkey feather when I was cutting firewood yesterday. That go the blood pumping just because I love finding stuff like that.
I sat out for a couple hours opening morning...and it went kinda like my deer season, didn't see or hear a thing, lol. But man was it a beautiful morning.
04/22/14- Slept in but got out for an hour before noon and called some but didn't hear a thing. Slow start so far but it'll pickup.
well its been slow up here in michigan (barry cty) , but i did call in one this a.m. & BOOM- 22lbs, 9 13/16 beard, 1 1/16 & 1 3/16 spurs........i'm not good with getting pics on here so sorry about that, was a fun hunt, good luck to those that are going out