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04-10-2007, 04:54 PM
Just wanted to say how much I appreciate you guys that post in here. Although, this category hasn't generated as much attention as I thought it would when I asked Chris to add it, I believe it is useful. I'd like to see posts in here about what skills you guys have learned or think are important to learn. I myself think that the basics can always be practiced and perfected. I like different ways to: make fire, build shelters, ways to filter water, ways to obtain food such as traps and snares. I'd hate to be lost like the guy that was Elk hunting last year and be unprepared. Anyways, I enjoy your posts keep 'em coming.

P.S. if any of you have put kits together post pics of them.

04-10-2007, 09:02 PM
Saw a cool product that I will definately be getting on the show Survivorman the other day. It is a Magnesium Flint Stick. You simply use a knife to shave pieces of the magnesium off onto some of your kindling then use the knife to make sparks on the flint side to start a fire. Pretty cool, one is a magnesium side and one is a flint side.

04-10-2007, 10:46 PM
Superbuckeye, If you have any good snares or good ways to start fires, post some pics on how-to. I've been wanting to try and get a fire started using the old bow and stick method. If I do, I'll make sure my wife takes some pics and I"ll post. I like this discussion board too and I'll continue to keep posting.

04-11-2007, 12:07 AM
Blackbeard, you can get those magnesium blocks at Walmart in the camping section in sporting goods. I need to buy a few more for all the other kits I'm building. I'll try here soon (no promises) to get a pic of me using one. I think they're like $7.00.

Nkinzy, I'll try soon (once again no promises). You need to go to your local library and look up a dvd and request it. It is called "Survival Basics 1 & 2 The Adventure". This guy shows a neat way to make your snare with just a couple few of snare wire/ trip wire. Also, a good thing for firestarting is small cotton balls covered in vasoline, some sparks from a magnesium block or flint stick and bingo you have burning tender.

As the weather gets better where a couple of my buddys will go with me, I'm gonna go camp at the primitive site on East Fork State Park. Neat area for camping out in the sticks, no improved sites. I'll try to get some pics then.

04-22-2007, 09:10 PM
Ok guys, it's dead in this section. Put your thinking caps on and post some thoughts or questions. I'm not a MOD yet :o (J/K Chris), but want to keep this section alive. Ask me questions... what do you want to know (if I don't know, I'll find out!).

1. What part of survival interests you the most?

2. Do you guys like the primitive skills or the high tech gear available today?

3. What do you think is the most important piece of knowledge that will keep you alive in a survival situation?

4. What is the single most important Tool you can take into the survival situation with you?

I know there's 4 questions here... just trying to get you to put on your thinking caps. Questions 1 through 3 are individual preference questions. Question 4, there is a correct answer to. Who will get the correct answer first?

04-23-2007, 09:17 PM
1. Fire starters, cool cheap gear. 2. Yes I like the gear but like most am on a limited budget. 3. How to build shelter, start a fire, get something to eat, and get water. 4. Firestarter.

Have you tried starting a fire with a magnesium block and if so is it pretty easy to use?

04-23-2007, 10:48 PM
Very good post. Magnesium block is not as easy as you might think, but still very simple. Let me clarify... It is very simple, but you might have to try it a couple times to figure out how much magnesium to shave off and start (it really depends on the quantity and quality of your tinder to be honest). I found out about magnesium blocks when a friend let me use his to try it out.

Unfortunately, answer to number 4 is wrong. It is really a simple answer if you think real hard about it. I will wait and try to let others guess before I give the correct answer (not being a punk, just want to let others try too).

04-25-2007, 07:16 PM
ok, since nobody else is posting, I will go ahead and give you the answer.

The single most important tool you can take into a survival situation is.....


People don't usually think of their mind as a tool. It most certainly is. You could have all the gear in the world, BUT... without knowledge and a calm thought process, your screwed.

04-26-2007, 07:03 PM
I love reading about this stuff. I don't have any knowledge about it other than the basics, so I would say that it has really opened my eyes to things I never though about. Keep up the great work!

10-23-2007, 09:37 AM
I have been lucky enough that i havent had to learn the survival items i learned. I think 2 tools will ensure that you will come out alive in any survival situation. #1 A cool head. #2 preparedness.

To have either one of these you would have to have spent some time researching this issue. In a safe non life threatening situation you can properly prepare and explore the idea what would i do if i had to survive and fight for my life while out in the woods. REading this forum has helped me understand what Things might help me in that type of situation. I have tried to envision myself being lost cold alone and hungry. I try to put myself in the kind of mind frame when reading these. This way if i fine myself in that situation i at least feel as if i have been there before so i keep the cool head. Reading these articles has helped me understand how to be prepared and how to react if im put into this situation.

I am confident that I will survive the encounter.

10-23-2007, 04:17 PM
glad to see the threads are a help. that's what we're here for. common interests and to learn from each other. thanks for the input.

03-20-2008, 08:20 PM
This thread can be real helpfull for me, again I can't really help anyone I'm still learning. :D :set1_STOOGE2:

03-20-2008, 11:16 PM
YH, that's why we're all here, everyone brings there own knowledge and experiences to the table. If there's anything I can do to help you learn some of this survival stuff let me know. People overlook survival a lot... UNTIL THEY NEED THE KNOWLEDGE! How many stories have you seen in the news over the last few years about people getting lost or stranded while in the outdoors for hunting, fishing, or family vacations. A lot of people have died simply because they didn't have survival knowledge... and most of them didn't have too. Most of them could have easily survived had they done some proper planning. Look this board over and let me know if you have any questions.

03-21-2008, 12:29 PM
I absolutely agree Bob. Please keep this site going. :set1_draught2:

04-02-2008, 09:54 PM
Yea. I have picked up a bok not to long ago, on survival and seen alot of movies about it.

08-06-2008, 07:43 PM
here is a website that you all might be interested in. http://www.therangerdigest.com/

11-30-2009, 08:36 PM
great board here.....a few things I want to add to the already great ideas and great knowledge.....

most important thing to remember when you realize your lost...RELAX....understand that things are not anywhere near like you see on TV. Usually when people get to that point of knowing they are lost, they panic and walk/run as fast as they can to get out.....1st thing you want to do is depending on the time, is get fire and get it NOW. Fire serves several purposes..signal smoke,boiling water, cooking food, and keeping the animals away from you as you sleep..or attempt to sleep.....

before you start fire, make sure you have enough wood to get by, then collect a BUNCH more....soon as you have firewood and a fire....get it going, big as you can handle..chances are someone will see it...and if not, at least you have a good start to keeping your peace all night long.....

I cannot stress enough that relaxing is the key to getting by alive and in good shape physically and mentally.....your brain is your biggest tool and also your worst enemy...your mind tends to think worst case scenario when you need to be thinking best case but prepare for worst.....

I dont have any stats but I read somewhere that in the rocky mountains, like 98% of people that get lost and need help usually are rescued within 24 hours..so at most, in the rockys, you will need to stay 1 night....I am sure in Ohio or PA things will be alot easier.

When I take my kids or wife out and attempt at getting lost, the 1st thing my wife does is start going into panic mode....she dont flip out but she starts thinking the worst.....my son can get her out of most situations just because he can calm her down....stay clam, use your brain and relax. most all of us could use a good night in the woods away from civilization.