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10-15-2015, 09:39 AM
Just figure we could start a thread to share what we're seeing out there, instead of having to look at a bunch of different threads to find out.

So over the past couple weeks I've been seeing some does on the way home from work here and there but the last week seems like business is picking up (granted this is all between 10-11 pm). The wife said we had 2 does in the food plot/corn feeder last night before dark. Then as I turned on our road last night, came around a 90° curve and there stood a nice tight 8 pointer standing 5' off the rd. Headlights hit him and he jumped into the bean field but I was able to keep my lights on him for a few seconds to get a better look before he trotted off. Not sure where he came from (maybe the 2 big corn fields down the rd they cut yesterday) cuz I don't have any pics of him all year but I was obviously stoked to see him 150 yards from my driveway. Not sure if he was a shooter for me yet but definitely a nice deer with a lot of potential! Hopefully the wife can get a crack at him!

10-15-2015, 12:22 PM
This morning I didn't see anything. Of course I walked around the area my stand was for about 15 minutes trying to find it. Haven't had that happen in a long time. I did have one run in front of me when I was driving home. I also one standing along the road on my way to hunting.

10-15-2015, 08:19 PM
This evening my grandson and I saw one on the road on the way to hunting but that was it. Didn't see a single deer from the blind.

10-16-2015, 08:53 AM
I've seen deer from my stand along the corn the last 3 weekend's in the mornings with the latest sighting at 10am( havnt had an afternoon hunt yet this year). Also there has been a group of does hanging out in a cut bean field where I work every morning this week. I was feeling a little green around the gills this morning so I didn't make it to work, but I did make it to the tree stand😊

Bowtech Strykezone 350
Horton Bone Collector 175

10-16-2015, 10:07 AM
Had a good sit this morning. I saw 10 on different sides of me. I think they were all does but I'm not positive. The only problem was none were close enough to shoot.

10-16-2015, 10:10 AM
Had a good sit this morning. I saw 10 on different sides of me. I think they were all does but I'm not positive. The only problem was none were close enough to shoot.
What type of food sorce are you hunting?

Bowtech Strykezone 350
Horton Bone Collector 175

10-16-2015, 12:17 PM
I have my stand set up between a very large bean field and the bedding area. This place is loaded with deer. I have 5 stands on this property, I just picked the wrong one this morning. One of the stands I saw 8 of the 10 deer go right past it.

10-17-2015, 08:25 AM
Had my first pm sit yesterday. Saw 3 does but they wouldn't come closer than about 200 yards.

10-17-2015, 11:27 AM
Disappointed this morning. Did not see a single deer. Going to a different spot this evening.

10-17-2015, 11:34 AM
Disappointed this morning. Did not see a single deer. Going to a different spot this evening.
Bummer man. Better luck this evening. I'm headed out to the stand here soon. I saw the first scrape in my area yesterday on my way out. I might get frisky and put some doe in heat piss on it!

Bowtech Strykezone 350
Horton Bone Collector 175

10-17-2015, 02:43 PM
I did see 3 scrapes on Wednesday. Today I saw 18 scrapes. The action is definitely beginning, I was just in the wrong place this morning.

10-17-2015, 03:23 PM
http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/10/17/2be4dc508202d0c667204464f86623cd.jpghopefully this the right place tonight!

Bowtech Strykezone 350
Horton Bone Collector 175

10-17-2015, 03:42 PM
Sry for the sideways pic

Bowtech Strykezone 350
Horton Bone Collector 175

10-17-2015, 05:24 PM
Well, I finally got out in the woods this morning, First time this season. I went to my unbaited unsented stand, I did not expect to see anything really just went out to scout and setup my blind. got a late start and it was light as I approched my stand. Wouldn't you know it! there was a doe right under my stand. and it was tail up and gone!
I haven't been too pumped up about hunting this year but had a good time today and planing a evening hunt on Sunday.

10-17-2015, 05:36 PM
Oh yea, I pulled my cam that was out there for 2 weeks and this guy was there. This is about a average buck for my woods.

10-17-2015, 08:11 PM
This evening I set my camera up in a new spot before I got into the stand and I saw 2 coming towards me. They were 2 little ones. They were the only 2 I saw all evening.

10-18-2015, 10:34 PM
Yet again I sat in perfect conditions this morning and again no deer movement close by. I did witness my first sparing match between 2 small bucks this morning tho so that was pretty cool. Unfortunately they were in the next cut bean field over, about 350-400 out. Watch them briefly, they raised their heads together and slowly walked up into the adjacent woods. So I was happy to at least see something while I was behind the house. And have a new decoy on the way so next weekend will bust out the decoy and ole rattling antlers, should be exciting!

10-19-2015, 07:37 AM
Most deer I've seen in the woods in the past week have been moving around 6:00 pm or 6:40 pm.

10-20-2015, 11:41 AM
Last nights sit was a bust. I only saw one on my way in. I may or may not get out this evening. I will definitely be out Thursday and Friday evenings for sure.

10-21-2015, 12:35 AM
No luck Tuesday evening either. Next time out will be Thursday evening. It seems like the movement has just died here since it warmed up again. I'm hoping next week will be different. I start my vacation on the 29th and don't head back to work until the 14th.

10-21-2015, 09:18 AM
Drove around the block last night on the way home to check the corn situation and, at least the corn by the rd, is out!! And wouldn't you know it there was 2 does standing in the corn field.

10-23-2015, 01:40 AM
Thursday evening I started seeing deer again. About 6:15 I saw 2 about 60 yards out but couldn't tell what they were. Then, at 6:30 I had 2 yearlings pass behind me at 30 yards. At 6:45 I had 2, year and a half old bucks pass right in front of my stand at 25 yards. So, from what I could see nothing I wanted to shoot but after 3 sits of seeing nothing it looks like the action is starting to pick up again.

10-23-2015, 09:38 AM
Anyone tickling the antlers yet?

I got my new carry lite decoy the other day. I was going to get up today and try it out but couldn't get my butt outta bed, lol. I'm definitely gonna try it out Monday, hopefully in the evening since I've only set 1 evening this year and I'll for sure be hitting the antlers together a lil.

10-23-2015, 03:16 PM
I haven't even seen a doe in 2 weeks. It's Been unseasonably warm in my area though. It's hard to kill em when it's 70 degrees lol

10-23-2015, 07:56 PM
This evening I saw one about 6:45. It came across a draw then went down towards the stand I wasn't in. Couldn't really tell how good it was.

10-23-2015, 10:22 PM
Checked the trail cam today. Have a bunch of does moving in the mornings around 0900am and a video of a buck chasing a doe Monday at 1130am. As long as the rain holds out in the morning odds are good something is going to get stuck.

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10-25-2015, 11:02 PM
I checked my cameras yesterday and man can you tell how the weather effects deer movement. Had the 2 does on the feeder but all during dark hours and 2 videos of bucks (1 big and 1 small) and they were both in the middle of the night. Compared to 2 weeks ago or so when we had that nice cold streak and had all kinds of pics all throughout the day.

10-26-2015, 08:02 AM
Had my first hunt of the season last night, had a small buck chasing a doe, saw another small buck by himself. Saw 4 total, full moon tomorrow, should see some serious action heating up by this weekend!

10-26-2015, 10:34 AM
I didn't see any this morning but I did bust one on my way in to the stand.

10-26-2015, 02:35 PM
well last night and this morning, I had a small 8 pointer in my back yard locked up with a doe, they chased each other in circles in my yard then bedded up to each other just before dark
this morning they were still here, about 9 am they left
just now I seen him dogging her on a run back and forth across my street and thru my yard

ran out of town, and seen 28 dead deer in a 20 mile section, SO I am guessing the rut is starting in the chase faze, and thats why there getting splattered all over the roads here LOL

Love is in the air!! here in NE PA

10-26-2015, 02:45 PM
Sat last night and had six does walk under my stand. They were in no hurry and nothing came in after them. About an hour later a big bodied 4 or 6 point walked by my tree just as I was lowering my bow. Too dark to shoot or see rack clearly, but he walked right acrossed the does trail and never even looked up as he walked off in a different direction. There was definitely nothing hot about those six does. I am thinking it is still pretty early.

10-26-2015, 04:34 PM
Sat last night and had six does walk under my stand. They were in no hurry and nothing came in after them. About an hour later a big bodied 4 or 6 point walked by my tree just as I was lowering my bow. Too dark to shoot or see rack clearly, but he walked right acrossed the does trail and never even looked up as he walked off in a different direction. There was definitely nothing hot about those six does. I am thinking it is still pretty early.

Nomad were a few mile apart here in PA< so I guess it could be a area timing difference
but the buck I saw last nite and today was 10% ready to breed, even tried to mount a few times and she ALMOST let him
I got to watch for a while as they were right in my yard doing this LOL
I seen a few predictions on PEAK rut and they CLAIM it will be NOV 1 st this yr, they say that is the BEST day to hunt
BUT us NO Sunday states are screwed on that one LOL

10-26-2015, 10:45 PM
So I've heard that deer do not like being around livestock. Does anyone know how true this is or anything about it?

10-27-2015, 07:39 AM
So I've heard that deer do not like being around livestock. Does anyone know how true this is or anything about it?
I have hunted across the USA, and seen deer and cows in fields many many times, so not sure they dis like each other, but I do think deer prefer to NOT have them close to them if possible. Cows just smell and I think it plays with there ability to scent things coming.
But if cows are always there, they learn to co exist just fine.

for 20 some yrs I hunted a dairy farm, deer there could care less about. Cows/ Lol

10-27-2015, 08:12 AM
Nomad were a few mile apart here in PA< so I guess it could be a area timing difference
but the buck I saw last nite and today was 10% ready to breed, even tried to mount a few times and she ALMOST let him
I got to watch for a while as they were right in my yard doing this LOL
I seen a few predictions on PEAK rut and they CLAIM it will be NOV 1 st this yr, they say that is the BEST day to hunt
BUT us NO Sunday states are screwed on that one LOL

Just because there are still 99% of the leaves on the trees doesn't mean I wont be trying to hunt. I will be bout 10-30, only the afternoon of 10-31, and 11-2. Hopefully something works out.

10-27-2015, 10:10 AM

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10-27-2015, 10:16 AM
Took my two sons (9&5) out yesterday evening and this little guy came up behind us. He had a pretty good limp going probably from a fight I'm guessing. Little bit of a miss communication between me and my eldest but this guy was almost his first bow kill. I would pass this buck all day but i was going tp let him shoot it. Didnt pan out but a fun hunt nonetheless.

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10-27-2015, 12:36 PM
I can't figure out why it isn't like on TV, ten bucks from 160 to 200 in an hours time and you pass them up holding out for something bigger? LOL, me either.

10-27-2015, 07:34 PM
I can't figure out why it isn't like on TV, ten bucks from 160 to 200 in an hours time and you pass them up holding out for something bigger? LOL, me either.

OH come on, you can be just like on TV, and shoot a smaller buck and then just SAY its a MATURE buck, and then some other excuse about how you screwed up[ and didn;'t get any good pictures to SHOW you HOW big it really is! LOL
or use camera tricks and only show angles that make it look bigger than it really is
or get sponsored and have the sponsors pay you LOTS of money and or give you free products , and can bait in bigger bucks on PRIME lands
dump enough cash into a hunt and it will be JUST like on TV

OR< maybe just hunt cause you enjoy the sport and challenge
and gain pride in your kills thru hard work and knowing YOU did it yourself, and killed a deer YOU feel is worth shooting
and leave the labels off !

10-30-2015, 09:50 AM
Made it out Tuesday evening and had a very memorable hunt. I've been hunting with a buddy of mine this year and on this evening we set up in a small piece of timber about 70yds apart. Hoping to fill a tag I was excited when a good sized doe stepped out of the brush. I was really hoping that she would walk towards my buddy b/c he hasn't killed a deer yet but that wasn't the case. She walked right towards my stand then turned at 15yds giving me a perfect broadside shot. She bolted as the arrow passed through her side and ran straight for my buddy 's tree and fell dead 20yds from his stand. Ha ha. We decided we would try for a double and hunt the rest of the evening. A few minutes later I was surprised when a pair of does came from behind me (down wind) and walked right over to the spot I had just shot the first doe. I laughed and texted my buddy that I was having all the luck and shot this doe as well. Hat the shot the two deer bolted, one running game into the bedding area and the other stopping to look back at only 20yds or so. After looking back it slowly walked towards me again and sood just feet from my tree. It paused for a few moments looking around in confusion. I took time to look it over well and saw nothing wrong with it, no blood/ nothing. Then it walks right under my tree and bedded just 3ft from the base of my tree. I sat in the tree waiting for it to leave well after dark but it just laid there. Kit started to rain and I had a blood trail to find so I started down the tree. The deer ran about 40yds and stopped and rebedded. I thought that was very strange so when I got to the ground I looked in the bed and sure enough there was blood. The deer then got up and went off through the woods as I was sneaking over to my comrade to tell him of what happened. We went to the spot where I had shot the deer and found the blood trail and sure enough the deer that had walked up to the base of my tree was the one I had shot. I couldn't believe it. I thought I had made a good shot. To make a long story just a little shorter we took care of the doe that had expired by my buddy's tree. We decided to wait till the next morning to go look for the second. I was blessed to find it just 100yds from where we last saw blood. 11196
I tried to attach a pick of the deer as it walked towards my tree after I had shot it.

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10-31-2015, 12:23 AM
That's awesome tree congrats! I rattled in a lil 8 pointer this morning and 5 does. Great morning out weather wise.

10-31-2015, 08:33 AM
Hunted wed eve, Thurs eve, and last eve, saw one small 8 point wed eve, a decent eight point Thursday eve, and the same small 8 point last eve i spotted wed and 2 does, the buck last night didn't seem to interested in looking for any hot does, I watched him graze for about 10 minutes and then he went back into the woods. back at it this eve, still looking for that first mature buck encounter.

10-31-2015, 08:55 AM
4 pointerhttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/10/31/9098e75eb6c05b0e5009ba19aa748da2.jpg

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10-31-2015, 09:09 AM
Oops wrong photo. http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/10/31/b025595862695212f582b948d74bd6ba.jpg

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10-31-2015, 11:50 AM
I called in 2 year and a half old bucks this morning, then nothing after that. Heading back out this evening then not until Monday morning.

11-09-2015, 09:05 AM
1121911220Just thought I would share my buck harvest picture. Lorain County 11 point. Last Thursday Nov. 5th. at 5PM. Over 70 degree temps. Just casually walking along at 40 yards.

11-09-2015, 10:35 AM
Congrats OHPA, good one!!!!! Last 3 sits I have seen shooters but the doe they were with ruined it each time. Hopefully tonight a nice big fat in heat doe will decide to walk by me with one of the big boys trailing behind her. I probably won't be going out Tuesday morning cause it should be raining pretty hard. But I will sit this evening and again Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning.

11-09-2015, 04:48 PM
Congrats ohpa!

Sat this morning and in the tree I saw 2 does and 4 bucks, no shooters. While walking through the woods I had a doe come crashing through, jumped another doe, and jumped a very nice buck who was bedded on the field edge. Most of the action started around 9:30 and the deer piled through 1 by 1.

11-09-2015, 06:33 PM
1121911220Just thought I would share my buck harvest picture. Lorain County 11 point. Last Thursday Nov. 5th. at 5PM. Over 70 degree temps. Just casually walking along at 40 yards.

congrats there nice buck for sure

11-10-2015, 12:56 PM
Sat for a couple hours this morning. Spotted one walking in and then saw 2 small bucks. Decided to head in just in time due to the rain picking up again.

11-13-2015, 10:28 AM
Still in the tree but have had a pretty good hunt down far. One half racked buck early this morning and then another little buck about 10. 11226

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11-14-2015, 07:31 AM
I'm back in the same tree I was yesterday morning. I wanted to update yesterday's post but got side tracked. At 11:15 or so what I consider a shooter emerged from the woods to my 6 at about 150yds and headed across the field nose to the ground. I gave him a couple growls to get his attention and then a few tending grunts once he was looking my way. Well it worked. Here he came up the field then across and right into the woods. When he entered the woods he was only 15yds and of course he didn't take the trail (the only trail) that would have put him at 8yds broadside. He nosed his way through the brush until he was less than 20' from my tree and looked straight up at me. Obviously that is the end of the story because this joker didn't get this big by being curious what the 200lb blob in the tree was. He wheeled around during went straight back across the field and gone. I had my bow drawn and ready for any kind of good shot when entered the woods but wasn't presented anything I was comfortable with. So... he lives another day and I get a story to tell. And as luck has it while I'm telling it this little guy snuck in on me. Thank you Lord for the blessings of this life. 11231

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11-14-2015, 08:24 AM
Well sounds like you've had a lil fun in the tree the last couple of days. Bummer about the big one but everything happens for a reason....right? Lol. Good luck!

11-14-2015, 11:05 AM
Well he isn't the biggest buck in the woods but he's gonna have to to do. This isn't exactly catch and release, ha ha. But this guy came through that pinch point I've been hunting and presented me with that 8yd shot on the only trail through there, and that was his mistake. I made the switch to Montec G5's this year and I've killed 3 so far and couldn't be happier. This particular buck didn't make it out of sight before crashing. I am truly blessed. I got the honor of being guided by my two boys, my nephew, and my young cousin on the retrieval. http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/11/14/621a7d90b20aaa79f8cb4e2e1eaa9812.jpg

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11-14-2015, 11:08 AM
Congrats! Great buck, he's a shooter in my world any day

11-14-2015, 03:45 PM
Congrats! Doesn't look like to bad of a buck to me. Another plus is you got it out of the way before the orange army hits the woods in a few weeks. Nice buck!

11-14-2015, 04:56 PM
Looks like a good one.

11-14-2015, 06:06 PM
Doesn't get any better than a family affair to retrieve a deer . Wish my little man could travel up there to hunt with me but just not yet, he talks about it all the time though. Fine animal looks from the pic that God has blessed you in all kinds of ways.

11-17-2015, 06:38 PM
Looks like me and Mr. Big Boy is going to be a long drawn out battle. This evening was now my 4th encounter with him. I was walking into my stand and I busted him out of his bed 25 yards away from my stand. Hopefully I can get him before gun season.

11-25-2015, 05:58 PM
I hope someone is in the stand right now! I worked early today and had to run in town afterwards, on the way home I think I saw prolly 30 deer in the fields. They were everywhere!

11-25-2015, 11:54 PM
Unfortunately, I was not. I am going to try and get out on Friday and possibly Saturday evening.

12-01-2015, 12:04 PM
I hit one at 930 but the shot deflected I think. White hair no blood. Found two chunks of fat at 150 and 350 or more yards from the shot. I gave up. I didn't hit her very well. She will probably live and be fine. I was using a rifle. Pretty bummed. Searched for 2.5 hours.

12-01-2015, 12:56 PM
well that sucks Nomad, sounds like a low belly hit to me, and what happens is them guts slide down and plugs the hole,
some times they make it some times they don't, all depends on how bad the hole is and how far them guts fall down or OUT of it

as they say coyotes have to eat too, no critter ever really goes to waste, mother nature has a clean up crew out 24/7/365 LOL
lousy weather today and tomorrow, should have most hunters riding the couch at camp LOL

12-02-2015, 11:15 AM
Thanks mrbb. I think it was a low brisket shot myself. Like just behind the front shoulder but low. The chunks of fat remind me of what is on the bottom outer most part of the rib cage brisket area. There was some hide holding a bit of that hair together as well so that is why I am thinking the deer will be ok. We will really never know. She took off running like everything was ok. Only two small chunks of fat. She was a cow of a doe. I did look and found a broken branch about 1/2 to 3/4 the thickness of a pencil broken off about 2' - 2 1/2' feet from where the hair was. My guess is that branch was enough to deflect the rifle round about 6" or more low off target. I would rather have had a complete miss than a poor hit. Its amazing what a mess a little branch can make. Oh well still have 6 more hunting days this rifle season to get back at them. Something is bound to give. It has been along time since I hit one and didn't find it. Still a bad feeling everytime.

12-02-2015, 04:23 PM
yes any time you hit and loose it SUCKS big time
but hunt enough and it happens to all, just a lot of variables to over come and the odds sooner or later get you!

weather yesterday and today SUCKED big time
should be a BUSY Saturday I bet, and I know LOT of guys saved vacation time this yr for second week rather than first, due to the NO doe hunting first week in my area
upping there odds to get atleast SOMETHING, so not as many guys out first week here it seems

wish this rain would have been snow LOL

12-09-2015, 11:25 PM
Anyone seeing any deer? I've haven't seen a whole lot during daylight hours, here and there, but have been seeing quite a few driving at night. Checked my cameras today and it seems like they are agreeing with me, mostly night time. For whatever reason it seems like the deer around me are pretty much all moving after sunset. I had a fair amount of videos on the cam but every one was during the night, anywhere from 7:30 pm- 4 am. I know the weather has some to do with it but really deer, really? Lol. What are y'all seeing....

12-10-2015, 12:03 AM
well its NO surprise after gun season for deer to go nocturnal, rather the norm! if you ask me
and I too haven't seen many day time deer, but have seen a lot at Dark while driving, almost got a couple the past few nights , some close calls
and I just got a new truck, so?? was glad they made it past me!

12-10-2015, 12:35 AM
Here its been pretty much all season that the deer seem to be moving late/after dark.

12-10-2015, 10:54 AM
HAHA< I have been posting on this site for a few yrs, that IMO< ALL deer have become WAY more nocturnal over the yrs, and they sem to just BED all day long, and then get active after sun set
they have adopted WAY more to us hunting them in the past 10 yrs, then the 40+ yrs prior to it
or they sure have in MOST places I hunt

12-10-2015, 10:00 PM
Yep deer movement has been tough. I did get this lady off of a little one man push today. I did my part the 300 win mag did its job.


12-10-2015, 10:10 PM
H*ll yeah! Congrats nomad, can't beat a lil meat in the freezer!

12-10-2015, 10:14 PM
Nope I will take it any way I can. She was a nice size doe as well.

12-11-2015, 09:39 AM
congrats there nomad
been super quiet here with shooting, seems so odd for deer season to me,
all the more so since I live with two very large gun clubs right behind my place
and man its been so quiet all season here,
most of the shooting I hear is ion Sundays?? when its nothing to hear 50-100 shots??
makes me wonder?? as a almost all my bears went MIA now but one mother and 2 cubs??
Lot of cheaters in PA you know??

12-12-2015, 12:39 PM
Nice job on the doe nomad.

12-14-2015, 09:24 PM
Anyone been in the stand lately?

Not here, between work and warm/windy/rainy days...I'm good. I think its supposed to get chilly by next weekend so hopefully I'll be able to slide out and put an arrow in a nice fat doe! Had to run some errands today and took a few back rds and the amount of dead deer on the sides of the rds was crazy. I guess people are killing them just not the way the want to, lol.

12-15-2015, 05:28 PM
I plan on going out Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

12-30-2015, 09:17 AM
I am out today for awhile. There is a touch of fog. I can only see 40 yards. http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/12/30/f9950e1ea9ebb55aa9012e224fbc7a21.jpg

12-30-2015, 09:24 AM
Good luck nomad! From the looks of that pic, I'd love to be in the stand right now, I love hunting with a lil fog!

12-30-2015, 11:09 AM
Me too. I saw one of the bigger bucks I have seen in the fog. I'm actually about 150 yards from a green grass field. Hope something comes by. I could have limited out on squirrels this morning.

You can see the field in the background.


12-30-2015, 11:18 PM
Any luck...

12-31-2015, 10:56 AM
Nope zero deer yesterday. I think I will be heading into the bedding area next time out. With all he pressure on these deer I doubt they are moving far from the heavy cover during daylight hours. The bedding thicket starts about 60 yards to the right in this picture and is down over the hill. I am going to the middle I think. This is a pretty heavily used travel corridor. There is 6-7 trails that are all around this stand. But if the deer aren't moving I have to go to them.

The place I scouted this weekend had some fresher buck rubs and some trails but not much else in the way of sign. I think it is another travel corridor and probably great for archery but the late season I bet that movement happens at night.

01-03-2016, 08:00 AM
Saturday evening I had a 1 1/2 year old fork horn and 2 doe fawns walk past me at 10 yards. That was all I saw. Monday and Tuesday it's suppose to be even colder so maybe some of the older deer will be on their feet before dark. I will be going out both evenings. I'm still after a hit list buck but haven't seen any shooter bucks since mid November.

01-03-2016, 10:12 AM
Some deer is better than no deer right. Not sure when I'll be able to get back out, hopefully before muzzleloader, due to my shoulder being messed up for the last month or so not sure if I pulled something or what. Doc has me on some antiinflammatory so we'll see what happens. Worst case scenario I'll borrow my dads crossbow and take it out.

01-03-2016, 10:59 AM
Some deer is always better bthan no deer. Hope your shoulder heals up Zach. I will be out this Wednesday for a mostly odd hours sit from 830-330.

01-03-2016, 01:33 PM
went for a ride yesterday now outside of sunbury PA , up on the state and federal lands, and was about 4 pm or so, and a nice smaller 8 pointer was walking about down the game lands road, while I drove up beside it, seemed it it didn';t have a care in the world or about me
didn't think to take a pic?? expected it to run at any minute, but never did?
drove past about 30+ game land parking lots on several game lands thru out that area from about 2pm till dark
didn't see ANYONE parked on game lands at all, or hunting
and MAN some of these game lands looked awesome, lots of winter wheat fields VERY green, lots of farm lands bordering them, lots of timber cuts
and being a Saturday in late season, NO one was out hunting it seemed at all??

I say several fields with deer in them at last 20 minutes of light too
but just that one buck in day time like
BUT I never got out of the truck and wasn't hunting so LOL
just killing some time and fuel , driving back roads in this area
haven't been there in 10-15 yrs so, out for a ride just!!
MIGHT be back to a few spots come the coyote hunt in Feb, as some spots looked awesome for calling!

01-17-2016, 05:46 PM
With the cold weather finally here (most of the time) been seeing a fair amount of deer feeding in the fields while driving. Pretty stoked to check my cam back in the woods today where I had all the movement 2 weeks ago, and only had a few videos. Due to my cam acting funny, not sure what was wrong with it but it when I open it, it was on but didn't want to take a video. Anyway, had some does moving through and about 15 yards on the backside of it k had a me scrape that was started since the last time I went out there??? Thought it was a lil late for them to be starting scrapes? Anyone else (who's still on here) seeing scrape activity?

01-17-2016, 06:11 PM
no scrapes here, but haven't spent much time in the woods lately

I did on Friday take a 50+ mile drive around some farm area's started about 2 pm and drive till dark
and in all the farms, and winter wheat fields and such
I only seen deer in one field, about 30 though , all doe, or no antlers on any

so deer here are still very nocturnal I think!

01-19-2016, 09:21 AM
Saw 4 does in the neighbors field when I left for work yesterday at 12:30. And a lil ways down the road saw a decent lil buck crossing a cut bean field into some big pines.

01-20-2016, 08:17 PM
I saw a buck and a doe when walking my dog through the woods a few days ago.. shame I don't have any tags in Ontario.

Can't wait to get back home!! :)

01-24-2016, 09:22 PM
Anyone still out there trying to fill a late season tag??? I'm going to try to get out at least 1-2 more times if I can and hopefully put a nice fat doe in the freezer.

01-24-2016, 11:54 PM
I probably won't go out anymore this season but if I get that last minute itch I still could get one more doe but I'm probably done.

01-25-2016, 06:57 AM
Anyone still out there trying to fill a late season tag??? I'm going to try to get out at least 1-2 more times if I can and hopefully put a nice fat doe in the freezer.

Still out trying to get it done haven't seen much and what I have seen have been driving to where I hunt but property to the north of me are having it logged so fingers crossed

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01-25-2016, 10:04 AM
I feel ya there 00buck. Although I haven't been out really since gun season. Gonna try to slide out to my uncle's for a doe, not high hopes at my house according to the trail cams ALL night movement. Best of luck

01-26-2016, 06:51 AM
Looks like it will be warmer this weekend hopefully the deer will make a daylight appearance but if not I guess that's why they call it hunting most people would have hung it up already good luck to all of those who are still out trying and be safe

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02-03-2016, 11:22 PM
Wow...talk about being slow! Only a few days left fellas! Think I'm going to try to slide out Sunday morning for one last shot before we close another season, kinda depends on the weather tho too. Checked my cams Sunday and had a lot of activity on them,a good amount of buck movement mostly small ones but a few decent ones with potential for next year. But of course as its been all year, everything was moving during dark. Also found 3 new scrapes, 2 of them literally 40 yards from my backyard.

02-05-2016, 12:58 PM
this site is slow NOW< wait another few weeks and it will
be a ghost town I think?? here!!

as for still at it?? season ended here a few weeks ago
I did see a few bucks yesterday still with antlers on however
so for you's still at it, there is still hope LOL