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View Full Version : I am officially switching to a QAD drop away!!!!!

08-14-2015, 06:57 PM
I have been shooting a whisker biscuit for the last 3 years. The first 2 years I shot great last year I started seeing some inconsistency. This summer there is no consistency at all. I talked with the local bow shop and he said he would bet my problem is the biscuit, He said he hears this story all the time, almost word for word. I will let you all know how it plays out.

08-14-2015, 09:05 PM
I don't know about the brisket being the issue, a QUICK thing to try is replace the brisket, and see
many times inconsistency is IMO< more a thing with form, being rusty from the off season or, just as the body age's
things are NOT the same, or a combo of them all
the WB is a pretty simple thing, NOT a ton to go wrong
a moving part rest has more things to go wrong with, as in anything, more parts, higher odds of one moving
NOT bashing drop away rest, just saying
Millions of hunters love both set ups and shoot well with them
also an OUT of tune bow can be the cause here too
so, double check all things, from string to?? , hey strings stretch, small things can play hell here?
OR again, a combo of small things adding up

08-16-2015, 11:03 PM
I would have to agree with you mrbb, I would say*replacing the biscuit in the rest would have prolly fix it. I shot a WB for the last several years and eventually noticed my shots were going here and there, I got to looking at the biscuit and noticed the "fibers" were wore down. Swapped it out and was shooting like new. Now I'm also not bashing drop aways. They say they are the way to go now days, but IMO I like a rest that I can put my arrow in and walk/move without my arrow falling all over the place. My new bow gas a Hostage rest and I like it so far. Drop always are supposed to be faster and quieter. Keep us up to date motf!

08-16-2015, 11:24 PM
for guys that like to walk about a WB is a better choice
as I have seen guys that like to walk with a nocked arrow, and HOLD there finger on the rest to keep it there and that constant pressure moves the rest on them
there always making tuning adjustments, they find when they shoot between hunts
SO keep that in mind maybe??
I honestly never walk with an arrow nocked, I some times will carry an arrow in my hand in case , or expect to sneak up MAYBE on some thing

08-17-2015, 08:24 AM
I have used both a WB and a QAD rest. The QAD is a captive drop away so being able to walk around it is the same as the WB. I like the drop away much better because it does not destroy veins like the WB eventually would. I shoot blasers and they helped with the WB. Its really a personal thing. If you go the the QAD I am sure you will love it but it probably wont fix you inconsistency issues. Those typically stem from out of tune bow or a change in form.

08-20-2015, 10:27 AM
I have been shooting a whisker biscuit for the last 3 years. The first 2 years I shot great last year I started seeing some inconsistency. This summer there is no consistency at all. I talked with the local bow shop and he said he would bet my problem is the biscuit, He said he hears this story all the time, almost word for word. I will let you all know how it plays out.

Quick question, when was the last time you changed your string?? Sounds more like something is changing with the bow to me. Don't get me wrong, I think a drop away is by far a better choice but in years past when I started having problems like this it was due to a string that stretched and needed replaced anyways.

08-20-2015, 04:34 PM
I've been wanting to do this for awhile anyways. Right now bow is at the shop having the QAD put on tweaking a few things completely going over it and laser tuning it. If I'm still shooting bad after that then I guess it's back to the drawing board.

08-22-2015, 12:10 AM
I was able to shoot some today after I got the bow back and the jury is still out. I didn't have much time to shoot. Before I wasn't getting good groupings and with the new rest I am. I did have to adjust the 20 yard pin and that was the only one I was able to test. I kind of expected that though cause my guy at the bow shop told me I may be a little high. Next time I shoot I will try the longer distances and hopefully I will be more adjusted to the new setup as well. I was very pleased with the groupings. I was shooting 3 arrows and they were all in a 1 1/2" inch circle. I was able to get the pin closer to the bull but didn't have enough time to get it all the way on. Overall I'd say it was a success.

08-22-2015, 10:09 AM
Regardless of the rest, consistent tight groups is all you can ask for. Practice practice practice... Lol

08-22-2015, 10:02 PM
drop away rest are good things, but as I said before, more moving parts
I started using a drop away rest I think in the late 90's
a Muzzy made one
I would HIGHLY suggest paper tuning your bow to the new rest!
to make sure its good