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View Full Version : Where are the deer?

11-08-2014, 07:17 PM
Hunting in Jefferson Co. Private land 250 acres. Shooting club and not more than 6-8 hunters.

Last two yrs I could count on seeing deer every hunt more in AM than PM. THIS YEAR so far 4 hunts and I only saw 2 deer. The other guys are not seeing deer either. Not too many deer harvested in prior yrs because there aren't many hunters. Lots of deer all around in this area too.

Only different thing this year is two small foodplots on the property. My corn feeder is only working sporadically too.

I think the deer are feeding at night on the food plots. Any ideas?

11-08-2014, 07:41 PM
well right now with harvest and the rut going on? deer can be anywhere.
from yr to yr things change, so if hunting same stands, maybe them deer have figured you's out, and move different travel patterens now?

many things can play into seeing or not seeing deer, to hard to be spot on , from a post? lol

11-08-2014, 09:50 PM
Why it was really slow in Belmont Co. this weekend too.

11-08-2014, 10:16 PM
I'm going to look at the feeder tomorrow and do another afternoon sit. Can't kill a deer watching football!

11-09-2014, 08:16 AM
Well here is my take: This year in my area has been bad. Every thing leading up to the season looked good. I was getting lots of pics of deer hitting the feeder and salt lick. Then the acorns dropped and every thing changed. the deer were only coming around every other day with good bucks once or twice a week. I also had problems with tresspassers on four wheelers.
So my normal way of setting up and waiting for a deer was not working.
I found where they were bedding, stalked in and popped one with a crossbow.
This was yesterday, and I think I will call it a season. Hopefully it will get better. This is not a bounty year for me.

11-09-2014, 02:01 PM
Lots of standing corn yet too which never helps the hunting.

11-09-2014, 08:31 PM
i'm by otway and this year, same as last, not many doe's, i'm seeing bucks on camera AT NIGHT, the rut will blow up wed.be in the stand, my fyi

11-10-2014, 11:10 AM
i'm by otway and this year, same as last, not many doe's, i'm seeing bucks on camera AT NIGHT, the rut will blow up wed.be in the stand, my fyi

I hunt by Otway. Was down there Friday Nov. 7-sunday nov. 9. Saw 19 different bucks. several shooters 4 over 150. mornings were slow but afternoons were good. Big bucks chasing does afternoon and right before dark. Little bucks just cruising thru. The rest of the week and weekend should be excellant.

11-10-2014, 02:47 PM
Lock down is getting close! As most of you know, deer movement will become scarce for several days!

11-10-2014, 09:27 PM
saw 7 doe's, 2 buttons, 3 small bucks and 120in? 8 pt this a.m....action all a.m. chasing all a.m.....night hunt was slow.................................hey bbridges i hunt behind hoffer hill bap. church, are you on that side of otway????

11-11-2014, 11:01 AM
saw 7 doe's, 2 buttons, 3 small bucks and 120in? 8 pt this a.m....action all a.m. chasing all a.m.....night hunt was slow.................................hey bbridges i hunt behind hoffer hill bap. church, are you on that side of otway????

Yes hackworth hill and brush creek state forest

11-11-2014, 08:57 PM
We just got back from Morgan County and had a really good hunt. Both my friend and myself were able to take bucks that are going on the wall. We saw deer every set. Young bucks were chasing hard. Bigger bucks were following. My buddy ended up with a 10 that scored 133 and I took a 9 that was 144. We thought this week would be slamming.

11-12-2014, 08:42 AM
We just got back from Morgan County and had a really good hunt. Both my friend and myself were able to take bucks that are going on the wall. We saw deer every set. Young bucks were chasing hard. Bigger bucks were following. My buddy ended up with a 10 that scored 133 and I took a 9 that was 144. We thought this week would be slamming.

Lets see the pics!!!!!