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09-27-2014, 07:35 AM
Just seen first 5 does of the season

09-27-2014, 07:49 AM
Good luck! I Won't be out til the evening.

09-27-2014, 09:53 AM
Lucky you lol, I came out of the field about 9 and didn't see a thing but a BIG ole opossum. Not sure if I'll go out thi s evening depends on how hot it gets.

09-27-2014, 11:37 AM
Saw a total of 12 does and fawns no bucks just left woods

09-27-2014, 12:49 PM
Saw one doe at 7. I expect to see a lot more this evening.

09-27-2014, 01:08 PM
Saw one doe at 7. I expect to see a lot more this evening.
I hope to see more tonight hopefully something with some head gear

09-27-2014, 06:02 PM
Saw 3 shooter, and 1 decent one this morning watched where they wen into the woods and moved my stand. Hopefully in the morning they will do the same thing. Hunting from an observation stand this evening to see if they come out in the same place. Good luck to all.

09-27-2014, 06:24 PM
Just had a doe and 2 fawns walk past me how is every ones night going

09-28-2014, 08:02 AM
Saw 2 small bucks yesterday evening, and nothing this morning so far.

09-28-2014, 01:15 PM
I saw 7 last night. I missed a nice doe when my arrow deflected off a twig I didn't see.

09-29-2014, 07:35 PM
Saw 3 doe opening morning and filmed my buddy killing a mature doe. Too hot Sat afternoon so we worked on the barn. Supposed to have a nice cold front for Saturday morning.

10-02-2014, 10:11 PM
Anyone been out the last few days? Seeing anything? I haven't been out...to hot, plus all the deer seemed to be staying off my property for some reason. Hopefully this cold front will put them on their feet. If everything goes as planned I'll be able to get out all day Saturday

10-03-2014, 07:07 AM
Anyone been out the last few days? Seeing anything? I haven't been out...to hot, plus all the deer seemed to be staying off my property for some reason. Hopefully this cold front will put them on their feet. If everything goes as planned I'll be able to get out all day Saturday
Yeah any info would be great I have seen them in the beans about 30 mins before sunset where I hunt but haven't been out due to getting off work late just been driving by on the ride home

10-04-2014, 05:56 PM
So I went out this morning and had 5 does walk about 35 yards out but they were behind some brush munching on something and I couldn't get a shot. One finally stepped out about 15-20 by herself. Another 5 ft and she have been directly downwind of me. Once her head got behind a tree I drew back and let one fly. I could tell the shot was slightly high but looked decent left and right. It hit so hard it sounded like someone slapped two 2x4's together and buried close to half my arrow in her. She ran out in front of me and made a big circle and disappeared in some thick stuff behind me. We waited close to an hour to start tracking her, well we were finding 1-2 drops every 10-15 ft, followed that about 60 yards and lost everything! We combed the woods pretty good a couple times but in the end came up empty handed. Very disappointing with a 15 yard shot. Only thing I can think of is maybe I shot right over her vitals and hit all/mostly muscle. But I'm back out in another woods right now trying to get some redemption. Nothing I hate more than not being able to find a hit deer.

10-04-2014, 11:31 PM
it is cold now, I would keep looking

10-07-2014, 08:37 AM
Sounds like a shoulder hit to me with the loud cracking noise you heard. always a good idea to buddy up and do a grid search when you lose a blood trail. also any time a deer gets shot they get a fever and go to water to drink. look for water holes or creeks and walk up and down them. I have found dead deer almost lying in the creek after being shot.

10-07-2014, 06:20 PM
Sounds like a shoulder hit to me with the loud cracking noise you heard. always a good idea to buddy up and do a grid search when you lose a blood trail. also any time a deer gets shot they get a fever and go to water to drink. look for water holes or creeks and walk up and down them. I have found dead deer almost lying in the creek after being shot.
I shot one 3 years ago and it died in a creek that was 4 foot deep just glad a guy had seen it run in there or probably wouldn't have recovered it as you really couldn't see it very well

10-08-2014, 07:57 AM
I am guessing you hit shoulder as well. I would keep looking a little bit more before giving up since 1/2 an arrow in the deer may have hit something.

Genesis 9:3
10-08-2014, 12:00 PM
The same thing happened to me when I shot my first deer, a buck, with my bow... just about 15yds, square through the shoulder, about 20inches of penetration with muzzy fixed blades... never found a single drop of blood.

That was a rough intro to bowhunting...

Back on topic... I've seen 5 deer this year... while I was scouting. I sure hope things pick up!

10-08-2014, 02:12 PM
My girlfriend got into shooting archery and bow hunting last season some, and was really looking forward to killing her first buck with a bow this season.. Had a small 8 point that was a mature 4+ year old buck coming in daily that needed taken out of the herd.. She stuck it opening Saturday with a muzzy same thing happened.. Granted shes only pulling back 48 pounds.. But still, Muzzy hit it right in the boiler room.. arrow didn't pass through, buck ran off with arrow probably half to 1/3 sticking out... Did not find a single drop of blood, and no dead deer on the property.. She still brings it up everyday.. Tough start to bow hunting for her..Always hate when you cant find a dead or wounded animal, especially the first deer or trophy for someone..

10-08-2014, 04:19 PM
This morning I had a young 8 pointer walk past me then a little later I had 2 mature does and 2 fawns go past my stand. I did manage to shoot a squirrel though. Here are some pics.

10-12-2014, 02:11 PM
I haven't been out since last weekend but Friday evening about 6:45 pm we had 4 does walk through the bean field in front of the house about 50-60 yards from the front porch then back to the food plots. And then this morning about 9-9:30 we watched a lil 6 pointer walk up the driveway, up into the side yard, check out our chicken tractors and eventually trot back down the drive and jump into the wood line. He ended up about 45 yards from the side door.

10-12-2014, 05:56 PM
Had a button buck right under my stand but couldn't do it would rather him grow up and see what he becomes

10-13-2014, 05:37 AM
Had a small buck come in to my mock scrape on Sun. morning I made on Sat. made 3 mock scrapes Sat. 2 were hit within 24 hrs. got both on video 1 from my trail camera and 1 from my camcorder mounted to my bow on Sun. tried to put video's on here but it said they were too long. one was only 10 sec. the other was the one from my camcorder 5 min. long.

10-18-2014, 01:30 PM
Any one see anyrhing this morning

10-18-2014, 05:30 PM
Second sit of the year this morning, no dice other than the monsoon that came through. On stand now though.

10-18-2014, 05:57 PM
Second sit of the year this morning, no dice other than the monsoon that came through. On stand now though.

Good luck! Should be a good evening. Let us know.

10-18-2014, 08:45 PM
Saw one on the way in this evening. then, around 6:15 I had a little 6 point teasing me for about 15 minutes but I didn't bite. That was it for the evening. Next time out will be Monday evening. Good luck to all.

10-19-2014, 10:50 AM
I hunted last evening, I saw three does, before the rain started around 5, and nothing after that. Back at it after the Bengals game today.

10-19-2014, 07:59 PM
I hunted last evening, I saw three does, before the rain started around 5, and nothing after that. Back at it after the Bengals game today.
Bengals fan here as well.......hunting would have been a hell of a lot better than that game today!!! LOL

Genesis 9:3
10-20-2014, 11:53 AM
I got my first sighting of the year on Friday night... a doe with a fawn came by. I was getting ready to stand up (it caught me off guard) when a doe popped up on the other side of me and was curious what I was doing up in the tree! Next thing I know I hear a buck grunt as it came in... the first doe and fawn take off at that point. Next thing I know the second doe is gone and so is the buck... never got a good look at him, but didn't seem like a monster. Then on Saturday night a little 6pt or so slipped by right behind me...

It's good to finally see deer!

10-20-2014, 02:12 PM
Added a few pictures of a buck I caught on camera last week. I haven't seen him in person yet but looking forward to it.

10-20-2014, 03:56 PM
Made it out Saturday morning.... six does came by just before 9:00 and then a small 4 pt. about 10 minutes behind them... Was my first sit in a new stand so relatively satisfied. Going to head back out for a good sit tonight.

10-20-2014, 08:19 PM
I sat on a new piece of property I picked up right down the rd from me Sunday evening. Not as good as I thought it was going to be but maybe it'll heat up in a couple weeks. Anyways saw 0 deer but about 300 squirrels. And on a side note had about a dozen turkeys walk through the yard this afternoon.

10-21-2014, 04:29 AM
Brownies, looks like you had all the bad luck. buck on camera can't shoot muzzle loader season, my ? would be if you have him on camera at 5:34 pm. where is your tree stand. look at the tree's directly behind the deer. if you don't have a stand there now I would put one there. if you are limited to one stand I would move it to that location. sometimes the obvious gets put on the back burner.

10-21-2014, 09:47 AM
I appreciate all the help I can get still fairly new to stand placement and bow hunting. My stand is about 20 yards behind the trail cam so he was standing at about 25yds from my stand. I was unable to hunt that weekend or I probably would have had a shot. I am hunting a thin strip of woods about 100 yards wide that sits in between two corn fields. A creek just about cuts the woods in half and I have the stand placed off the creek looking back towards the cornfield to the south where he was standing. I was afraid of being too close to the trail if I setup on the tree line behind him in the pictures.

10-21-2014, 01:36 PM
Here is a pic of a buck I got on camera. It is the first time I have ever seen this buck. He has some pretty cool character.

10-21-2014, 07:39 PM
well was down the old farm, pulling some stands today and seen two very nice 8 pointers(mid 130's) a small 5 pointer and a spike buck, all bedded in one area
they let me drive the ATV right past them, never even got up
I was maybe like 40 yrds from them, running over branches and just making all the noise in the world, and they just laid there LOL
must know I wasn't thunting them! ??
and they were all about 60 yrds from one of my stands I had to pull!
found a ton of fresh scrapes and rubs today too
first time in the woods at this farm since March!
place is tore up with buck sign
OH well, no one is hunting it this yr, that I know of, other than trespasser's
as I lost it!
and do miss it, but that's life I guess!

but was ncie to see some nice bucks

10-23-2014, 12:44 AM
I saw 2 does walking across a cut corn field on my way to work today. And about 11:30 tonight, on my way home from work, right down the rd from the house I saw a decent 8 standing about 30 yards off the rd in a bean field.

10-23-2014, 10:29 AM
Went out opening day, sat for hours and only saw a dozen turkey and some ducks. Heading home, not more than half a mile from where I was saw 7 doe 40 yards from the road. All pretty small. Coming home from my daughters soccer practice last night saw a nice sized doe about 100 yards off a busy road behind an old abandoned farm house. Taking next Wednesday off, hoping to get lucky with some pre-rut activity.

10-24-2014, 12:08 AM
I know this is a sighting thread but: Well guys, it doesn't happen often but tonight I didn't see a single deer. Hopefully things will pick up real soon here. My last night of work is Friday then I will be a hunting machine for the next 3 weeks. I will be going back out to the stand by the bedding area Saturday evening. I'm going to try a little rattling and grunting. I also made those 2 mock scrapes out there and put a camera on one of them. I will check the camera SD card after I get home from the hunt. I will let you all know how it goes. Good luck to you all!!!!!

10-26-2014, 08:47 PM
Saw a 6pt. with a doe going into stand Sat. evening along a fence row. at about 5:45pm I heard a deer walking in water behind me. turned and saw a big doe wading in water up to her belly to get to dry land. then behind her out of the thicket where she came from is a shooter 8pt. he followed her walking in belly deep water. I tried to find an opening to shoot thru but too many limbs and branches both in my tree stand and on the ground. 1st sit in this tree stand in the swamp. I was saving it for the rut. I went out Sun. morning no deer just my tree stand swaying back and forth. I did trim some branches in my tree behind me. it should get interesting this week end. Good Luck to all.

10-27-2014, 10:10 AM
About 8:00 this morning I tried making a difficult shot on a beast of a 10 point. I made these shot's in the past but this one was no dice. The buck barely even spooked. I almost was able to get a second shot. I rattled and grunted him in. In hindsight I probably should have waited for a better shot but you just don't know. I thought he might have been leaving since he didn't see any other bucks. I did get down and look for my arrow and blood just in case but found neither. Gonna sit a little longer then be back out in the evening. After I got back up in my stand I looked around thinking maybe I could spot my arrow. The sun was shining bright and I saw a glint of light. I thought that looks like the nock of my arrow. Sure enough it was. The shot I tried making on that buck was between 6 trees. I have made these shots before and I felt confident I had enough room here. The buck was quartering away, looking away from me, vitals exposed, and I had plenty of time to concentrate and make a good shot. Problem was I didn't clear the first tree. The arrow was stuck about a 1/2 inch in on the right side of the tree. If I only slightly moved right he would have been a dead deer. Good thing is he didn't spook at all. This buck was a solid 150"-160" inch rack. It was the first I have seen him. No pics of him either.

11-02-2014, 10:45 PM
Did you all get out this weekend? Thought I might be seeing some bucks fall. I need to hear stories of what is all going on out there in the deer woods. I will not be able to get out the early part of the week but if my pain level continues to improve maybe in the latter part of the week I may be able to get out. I am going stir crazy sitting at home while the rut is on. Good luck to everyone!!!!

11-09-2014, 04:36 AM
Saw a small buck, 2 does, and somehow barely missed a BIG 8-10 last night...with my car! Saw them all ony way home from work last night. The big buck ran out in front of me about a mile down the road from the house, not sure how I missed him but there couldn't have been more than a few inches between us. Bout to head to the woods here shortly to make something happen...

11-09-2014, 09:26 AM
Good luck Zach. Looking forward to hear a story and see some pics.

11-09-2014, 12:48 PM
Well I climbed the stand, hung my bow and looked behind me in the field and already had a doe headed my way. Sun wasn't even up (could see her through the moonlight), didn't have my release on, and no arrow nocked! So I was able to get everything together and she came about 90-100 yards out, stopped in the middle of the field and started acting a lil funny. Hung around for a minute and took off the way she came in. Not 1-2 minutes later here comes 2 coyotes running out to the field. Not sure if she smelled them or what but I was able to call them in to about 30 yards. Shot right under 1 and they took off. About 30 minutes later another doe made her way across the field 103 yards out but wasn't having anything to do with coming my way. So it was busy for about the first 1 1/2 then nothing, left about 10:30-11. But definitely did not see any rutting going on this morning around me.

11-12-2014, 11:58 AM
Sat this morning til about 10. As soon as I could see my pins I was grunting and bleating. Shortly after 8:00 I called in a smaller 7, he locked ony decoy and came in directly down wind up under my stand. I was going to pick up the bow but instead took a 4 minute video of him with my phone, lol. He walked out into the cut bean field, circled up wind and came in again, directly under the stand again. I think he was just begging me to release an arrow but I couldn't do it, maybe in another 2-3 years. After that only saw 1 more deer cruising through the woods a ways out. I had to come out due to a lil thing called work but its a perfect day to be on the stand ALL DAY!

11-14-2014, 09:45 PM
Went out this evening after work, got in the stand about 3 or so. At 4 I grunted in a decent 8 pointer, immediately had plans to put him in the back of the truck but he came in to about 50 yards, I thought about sending an arrow his way but decided 50 yards was just outside of my comfort zone and I didn't want to wound him or make a bad shot so I let him walk. At 4:20 had a lil 4 pointer walk in behind me cruising through the woods. Sat til dark and didn't see another deer.

11-20-2014, 12:11 AM
Anyone been out since all the snow hit? See anything? Here's the video of the 7 pointer I called in on the 12th. (Quality isn't the best for some reason, the actual video looks a lot better).


11-23-2014, 10:38 AM
Went out yesterday morning despite the rain and freezing rain. About 8 I had 2 small bucks coming across a cut corn field about 250-300 yards out. They would walk about 40-50 yards, turn around and stare behind them. They did that until they reached the edge of the woods that I was in. I eventually realized what they kept staring at was a BIG 8. As I'm watching him and trying to make sure the lil ones didn't sneek in to close, another small buck chased a doe into the woods in front of me. All 3 bucks ended up chasing her out into the corn field, she parked it beside the big 8 and of course the lil ones backed off a bit. Then they stated chasing another doe that I didn't see out there. Out popped another big 8-10. Small bucks chased the does and the big bucks chased the small bucks for about 40 minutes. I grunted and rattled and threw everything but the kitchen sink at them, no way those big boys were coming off of their does (they were both 140-150" deer). I was about to climb out of the stand and make my way to the edge of the woods and try bringing them in, about that time something spooked them and they all split, hauling *ss! Talk about frustrating. But overall a good morning I guess. First big shooters I've seen hunting all year.

11-25-2014, 11:46 PM
Well....been pretty slow on here the last couple days, anyone having any action....?

11-26-2014, 08:10 AM
No it has been slow for me lately. went out Sat. with the sleet 0 deer seen. I did get a pic of a nice 10pt near one of my stands he is a new buck. Sun. morning I had a big doe coming in to my stand stopped at 50yds and looked to it's right. it saw something a deer or another hunter. it turned and left the way it came in from. I was going to shoot it I have a tag left for a doe. here is the 10pt.
2 weeks ago on a Fri. I got the 1st pic of my target buck. then this last Fri. I get a pic of this 10pt. I guess they know when I am working. well this Fri. I am off for the holiday and will be out there. the time on the one pic is off because I never changed the time. I have to use the remote to do it. also the pic of my target buck should read 5:16 due to the time change.

11-26-2014, 08:17 AM
A little better pic of my target buck.

12-10-2014, 10:07 AM
Sat out Sunday evening and saw 3 does, came out if the woods adjacent to my property and fed in a cut bean field until dark, about 300-400 yards out. The wife went out Monday morning had 3 does and a small buck cruise by but didn't hang around long enough for a shot. I just got back in from the stand, at daybreak saw 8 does in the same cut bean field feeding, they finally eased up into the woods shortly after 8. Seems like they're starting to move a lil more around here, just have to get them in closer! Was talking to a guy at work about bringing them out in the daylight. He said go to tsc and get a bale of compressed pure alfalfa and put some out the morning that I plan on hunting, said the scent might bring them out before dark. Said it worked for him on an 8 pointer a couple years ago. Anyone ever tried anything like this or used the alfalfa bales?

12-10-2014, 06:39 PM
I have feed deer alfalfa bale for yrs off and on, I normally buy the BIG round or square bales(50-700 lbs) and cut them up into smaller pieces, place on a pallet or something to keep it off the ground, as once it gets wet it gets moldy fast, and then goes bad!
deer up my way will eat it, but IF there is other food, they prefer other food it seems, standing corn, or Barassicia, turnips, standing sot bearns, are hard to be beat in winter
But anything could I guess work, if its new to the area and smells good to the deer!~

12-22-2014, 12:06 AM

Anyone see this...pretty interesting!

12-22-2014, 09:39 AM
well I bet there are mixed emotions for the kid, as afterall, he killed a 200+ inch buck, and due to it NOT being a wild free ranging deer, no record book will count it, as so:
second, I wonder if the state will get involved?; as it was a game farm animal that escaped
normally that throws up red flags, as ligally you cannot release pen animals into the wild, they are gray area critters then , where the state can take possesion of them, and can fine those that lost them!

and I have to think, a pen raised critter doesn't have the same smarts as a wild deer would,
a bait pile I bet lead to its undoing!
as I gather there is some pretty low hunting pressure in the high fence deal, so free easy food, to a deer from in there , made for an easier kill!
doubt anyone would pass up a chance to shoot it if they could, but its NOT the same as killing a wild free roaming and raised buck to me!
would bother me some afterwards I think ::???

12-22-2014, 10:16 AM
I would have to agree for the most part. As far as
the state taking it from him, imo I don't know about that but only time will tell I guess. None the less, I would have smoked that beast if given the chance! I obviously agree that its not the same as harvesting a wild free range deer but hey...its a once in a lifetime opportunity, might as well take it!

12-22-2014, 11:24 AM
yeah, as for the state I think that will be there call, BUT legally, it was a illegal deer that he shot, as legally you cannot release pen raised deer into the wild, that makes them illegal game animals in the state!
NOW will the state game dept be a prick and take it off the poor sap???
WHO know's I think the fact he is stating he knew it was a pen raised edeer before he killed it isn't helping him out
should have said NOTHING about knowing LOL

and said he thought it was that once in a life time deer

the gray area can of worms maybe got open when he said he knew it was a pen farmed deer, and he then shot it knowing so??
and actually by the book, that would even make it an illegal kill maybe????

Crazy, but in today's world , NOTHING shocks me!!
you know you can kill your own cow's,
but shoot someone else's and its?????
and a pen raised deer is just that domestic animals mroe or less so???
Food for thought maybe??

12-22-2014, 12:46 PM
Again agree with maybe not saying he knew it was a high fenced raised deer but still. Any hunter out there who tries to tell me he wouldn't have shot that deer, I would call his bluff! Wether you knew where it came from or not!

12-22-2014, 12:52 PM
I actually hunt about a mile from where this kid shot that deer. There was actually four deer that got out when a wind storm dropped a tree on the 10ft fence. One was killed during bow season and then three were killed during gun season. The one in the article got the most attention but I have seen the other three and they are monsters as well. Rumor is there are still two out there but the outfitter that lost them isn't confirming or denying. From what I have heard all four people have been allowed to keep the heads for mounting but ODNR has taken the bodies for testing. At least two of them crossed the farm I hunt during gun season. I was obviously in the wrong place at the wrong time.

12-22-2014, 04:50 PM
hey I'm not saying anyone would pass a buck like this up, LOL
or even they should
BUT I am saying, its not the same in any way shape or form, if this kid knew it was there and targeted that area due to this info of knowing its there, its NOT like he grew the deer, or found it on his own!, or just dumb luck walked into it
and the info in that blog seems to state he knew it was there had trail cam pic's
and well, like I said, I bet it was there cause he had bait out(NOT ILLEGAL IN OHIO)
but took advantage of a pen raised deer maybe????

also, I would have hated to waste a tag on it and found out the state was taking it, or even the owner of it back!!
as after all, it was his property that got loose and was killed by someone??
like cow example
if a neighbors cow landed in your cow pen and you killed it, odds are he can claim it back, and even maybe press charges on you killing it??
Food for thought!
I'm glad the state let the folks keep them, IF that is true
BUT to be honest I would have a hard time hanging the head in my home and bragging about being a trophy deer I worked for!

I mounted a buck I hit with my truck, too, BUT never said I hunted it LOL
the mount has the hood Badge from my truck on it, t show it was a truck kill, and not a hunted buck kill
world of difference to me??

but to each there own!!

12-22-2014, 09:46 PM
glad to see a KID get one & lmao at the guy that has the high fence, i would tell him thanks for letting the common joe get a crack at a farm raised 20k buck...lol....not a fan of the fence's great to see mother nature set a few free

12-23-2014, 08:05 AM
mrbb he could have been legal if he was hunting private land and hunting over bait that is still legal in ohio. Plus who cares that the deer was raised on a high fence operation. It was shot in the wild outside of the fences. I would have hunted that deer if I knew it was there as would anyone else. Though it was raised in the high fence outfit it was shot free range outside of the fences. So it is a good and legal kill in my book. I bet the ODNR is taking the carcasses not the meat for testing. The most likely want to check for Chronic wasting disease.

12-23-2014, 09:41 AM
well Nomad, I would care? lol
and yes I know its legal to bait in ohio, and stated so in post,
what the difference is to me, is that deer maybe spent most of its life eating care free off bait piles and hand out, hell could have ben hand fed for all we know
and that is like shooting alost a pet?
NOT a wild deer with wild insitncts,or smarts
as for targeting it, cause it escaped from a pen?
hey folks can do what they want, BUT in no way shape or form to me, would that be the same as hunting after a true wild deer?
nor would the claim of killing a 200 inch deer be the same, its also why record books will not accept pen raised/high fence deer kills as such, which this is, so its not just me that thicks this way

it would have been anothernslightly different story, had he hunted not knowing it got loose, but I still would feel the same after he found out what he shot.
its a fact, not a guess on my part, the state of ohio, can fine anyone who releases high fence deer into the wild, due to they can pass on sickness to WILD deer
that is why IF they wanted to, they could take that whole deer, antlers and all off who ever shot it?
I would think they would want the head for testing(brain matter), and then have to give back the rack, minus a cape???
yes its a big buck, not saying other wise.
just saying, its NOT the same as if he hunted for a wild free ranging deer.
i've seen pen raised bucks up close and hand fed many??
like almost shooting a pet some are, have little , lets say street smarts??
I wouldn't have any pride in a kill of this sorts.
that's me?? others can make that call, but??
it is what it is?? no way around it
your a pa resident, and know we have poachers??
many poachers call there kills trohphy's too??
still ain't hunting fair chase in my book, the above is an extreme example yes

12-28-2014, 01:00 AM
Anyone still hunting? Been VERY slow on here lately....

12-28-2014, 06:32 AM
I haven't even got started yet. Waiting for it to cool down. I did see a giant chasing does on Christmas eve.

12-29-2014, 08:31 PM
Yes still hunting when I can if work permits

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12-30-2014, 12:06 PM
Haven't had time to get out since gun season but plan on being out there starting tomorrow evening for a few days. I am finally getting does back on my trail cameras during the day. Have had a few shooter bucks pop back up too but all at night.

12-30-2014, 04:47 PM
all the deer here are hitting my feeder from about 9 pm till about 4 am, then nothing
still have one small bear too, guess its MOM got shot in bear season, and doesn't know its supposed to den for winter!
the mild temps haven't helped , but getting cold again, so maybe he will figure things out soon and get some sleep in lol!

12-31-2014, 12:08 AM
That's how the deer are, on camera anywhere from midnight to about 4. Hope something changes soon! Times a tickin...lol

12-31-2014, 06:36 AM
Only seeing deer from 8-9 am and then again after it gets dark but the daylight sightings are in the property owners front yard so I don't want to shoot anything in there yard

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12-31-2014, 08:36 AM
I have two feeders up. One in the woods about 20 yards and another in a field off a tree line. The one in the woods is where I am getting the does in the daytime. I have a picture of me refilling the corn at 218pm on Christmas Eve and then a picture of 4 doe in there at 238pm eating. They must be bedded not to far from my feeder and know when to come eat. The feeder in the field is where I am seeing the bucks again but like you guys they are all in the 12-3am range. I don't think I have seen a deer in daylight other than on my camera in 4 weeks. This has been a weird year. I need to start a hunting journal to keep track of these things.

12-31-2014, 05:34 PM
an old hunter I knew once told me
A deer can cover a LOT of ground in a short period of time
so them showing up in 20 minutes or so of you being there, could mean there close, or NOT
I have seen deer cover a mile in less than 20 minutes
BUT odds are this time of yr, IF safety is PK< they will be bedding closer to food, as to NOT burn wasted energy!
but the smarter deer always place safety over food 99.9 % of the time IMO!

01-01-2015, 11:34 PM
Just saw 4 on the way home tonight. All within about 15 yards off the road, 2 basically in a front yard and 2 in a driveway. Seems like we finally get a break in the clouds at night and with the moon shining bright, the movement picks up. Also might of spotted a couple guys trying to get an early start on muzzleloader season, turned the corner on my road and saw a car creeping real slow about 2 drives down from me (going the same way). As I got almost to my drive (keep in mind I have about a 200-250 yard driveway) I saw backup lights come on and they backed into the field across the road from the house and cut the lights. So I pulled in the drive and sat for about a minute to see what they were gonna do, and saw nothing. Well I guess they figured I wasn't moving so the lights came back on and they pulled out of the field, and headed back toward the main road going about 10 mph. They passed by drive and I backed up to are where they were going and wouldn't you know it they rounded the corner and headed out!

01-02-2015, 09:44 PM
an old hunter I knew once told me
A deer can cover a LOT of ground in a short period of time
so them showing up in 20 minutes or so of you being there, could mean there close, or NOT
I have seen deer cover a mile in less than 20 minutes
BUT odds are this time of yr, IF safety is PK< they will be bedding closer to food, as to NOT burn wasted energy!
but the smarter deer always place safety over food 99.9 % of the time IMO!

A lot of truth to that! We've seen more deer around 11-2 this week. And when it's really cold out mid day is great on hillsides where the sun hits and there's browse or food. Find the group of deer this time of yr and the big boys will show up eventually.

01-05-2015, 08:22 AM
Finally had some luck this past week and got a deer. Friday evening about 45 mins before sunset I had 10 deer come into a feeder I have about 20 yards into the woods. I have a ladder stand about 20-25 yards from the feeder. There was what I thought was 8 doe and 2 button bucks that I could see from my stand. After sitting there for about 10 mins allowing them to eat and take their attention off of me I had what I thought was 2 button bucks and 1 doe right in front of me. I waited about another 2-3 mins for the doe to turn broadside and then I flung an arrow. Put a good shot on the deer that passed completely through and left a great trail. Ended up finding it about 40 yards from where I shot it. It ran about a 100 yard loop and almost came back to where I shot it. Anyway, when I rolled it over I came to realize it too was a button buck. I took my time trying to avoid the other two because I could tell they were button bucks and still shot one. I was a little disappointed but he isn't going to waste thats for sure.

When tagging him in I was given button buck as an option and I selected it as the type of deer I shot. I could have sworn there used to only be buck or doe/buck with less than 2 inch antlers. Does a button buck count as an antlered buck and not allow me to shoot an antler buck now? 10861

01-05-2015, 08:54 AM
Wolfe what you shot was considered an antlerless deer.

"What is an antlerless deer? Antlerless deer include deer without antlers and deer with antlers less than 3 inches in length. Antlered deer are deer with at least one antler 3 inches or longer in length."

From the Hunting Permits section of the page: http://wildlife.ohiodnr.gov/hunting-trapping-and-shooting-sports/hunting-trapping-regulations/deer-hunting-regulations

01-05-2015, 10:02 AM
Wolfe what you shot was considered an antlerless deer.

"What is an antlerless deer? Antlerless deer include deer without antlers and deer with antlers less than 3 inches in length. Antlered deer are deer with at least one antler 3 inches or longer in length."

From the Hunting Permits section of the page: http://wildlife.ohiodnr.gov/hunting-trapping-and-shooting-sports/hunting-trapping-regulations/deer-hunting-regulations

Thank you for the info Nomad!! I skimmed through the regulation book and couldn't find that initially. I knew someone on here would definitely know.

01-05-2015, 10:34 AM
Congrats on the harvest Wolfe! Yeah kinda a bummer its a button buck but we've all shot them. And like you said he aint to waste...meat in the freezer!

01-05-2015, 11:59 AM
Wolfe by the way congrats on the deer. They all count and it wont go to waste.

01-05-2015, 01:10 PM
well congrats, and it can be very hard at times to see buttons on a small one, orjust very small buttons, been there done it, even though I looked really hard thru binocular's and based on size(bigger than other deer with it)
It happens, don't feel bad, and enjoy the hunt and the meat!

01-16-2015, 07:19 PM
Just got back from the stand. I worked an early shift today (got off at 2), and my neighbor finally let me get back in the woods behind my house. So by the time I got home, ate real quick, shot my bow, changed and climbed into the tree it was close to 4. Well to start off the deer at the house have been stressing me out again the last couple of weeks with no trail cam pics of deer. I have been wondering if the big bucks that we've been watching all year were still alive. Well about 4:45 I heard something running through the woods out of the pine thicket into the hardwoods, look over and see a doe coming, stand up grab my bow, and now see 3 deer. And wouldn't you know it, ones the big 10 with the arrow sticking out of his back! Still running through the woods like nothing happened! Thank goodness! Something spooked them out of the pines and I could see they were gonna be about 50-60 yards in front of me. Came to full draw because I knew I wouldn't have much time to shoot, he hit an opening about 3 feet across and I stopped him. Put my 45 pin about the top of his back and let her fly...well with them being spooked already he jumped as soon as he heard the bow, and I watched my arrow fly right behind him as he jumped forwards. Clean miss but at least I didn't wound him. Pretty sure if they weren't spooked I would have drilled him. Anyways they trotted off into the next woods. Bad news I missed him, great news he's still out there! Try again hopefully in a couple days.

Genesis 9:3
01-22-2015, 12:00 PM
Saturday night I was in the stand... around 5pm a little one bolted through the woods, turned around and bolted another direction and then turned around again and bolted back to where it came from... not sure what that was all about... bu then at 5:20 the whole herd walked out into the winter wheat field and set to grazing. Nothing but curiosity brought one closer as I was climbing down... just not close enough through the knuckle brush.

One young'n passed behind me, 10 ft past the property line, crying ever ten seconds for something... couldn't get a shot...

03-08-2015, 11:22 PM
Well wouldn't you know it, I put out 2 food plots, dump corn regularly, everything I can to bring the deer onto my property this season with very little luck...in the daylight. So tonight a few minutes before dusk I look out the window back towards the food plots and I spot 3 does not 45-50 yards from my bedroom window, then out past them I spot another 8-9 deer. They were all grazing back towards the woods behind the house. We watched them until dark. So 1st I'm stoked that we got to see that many deer on our property at once, would have been nice to see them about 2 months ago, lol. But secondly, and please help if you can, I checked the camera cards Friday morning and while I was back there I checked for fresh tracks in the snow. So I could clearly see a couple sets of fresh tracks walking around and some through my turnip plot but NO signs of them digging up ANY turnips. Now with the frigid temps we had not to long ago and all the snow we've had, does anyone have any clue as to why they are not eating the turnips? I have slowed down on dumping corn but when I do they are in there eating it and I have some a pics of them just cruising through. But it just seems like they could care less about a 1/4 acre of nice fat turnips. Any thoughts.....

03-09-2015, 08:50 AM
How is you ground? If it is any thing like where I am it is frozen and there is snow on the ground. Deer are going to get the easiest food available especially in the winter when they need to conserve energy to stay alive. Right now deer are eating bark, twigs, pine needles, anything above the snow that they can get to with little effort. Deer are not going to dig for food in frozen ground unless it is a last option.

03-09-2015, 12:28 PM
food plots and corn help deer in winter time, BUT like having a 24/7 food bank, , deer will tend to eat when its safest for them, and don't care that you want them there in hunting hrs LOL
NOW as for the turnips, I have seen deer love them and some deer could care less about them, I planted them for many many yrs, and the type of turnips made a BIG difference too, some brands they liked better, but they always seemed to like the green stems best! and, come winter time, when the ground was frozen, they tended to stay out of the turnips, NOW if there was snow and the ground was still soft, they did dig some, but , prefered my other food plots better(corn/beans) they WOULD however, get the turnips come spring time and clean them up when they were rotton and smelly as crap!,
I have seen this many times in many areas too, when there frozen, I think they are too hard for deer to really eat and as such they don;t like them, guess the moisture in them also freezes and makes them rock hard!
NOW here in my area the local gun /hunt clubs feed deer piles of Flower bulbs, just like a turnip, they feed about a 100+ ton a winter behind my house, and there are deer 24/7 on these piles
but they eat the soft ones and leave the frozen one and are always digging to get lower in the pile to where they are soft, there will be holes about 3 ft deep in spots

as for getting deer into hunting lands in shooting light, thats tricky, on smaller plots, I would suggest you look into plot saver, and like systems to keep deer out till hunting dates you want to hunt, I would also suggest trying to make the plots more attractive to day time use, buy planting pine trees and such to surrouind it to make them feel safer in it in day light
same can be said with making bedding cover closer to it or at least making cover they can travel thru
deer just don't like being out in the open if they don't have to, and in summer, into harvest time, that is one BIG reason standing corn works so well, they can live in it 24/7 just need water and there good, and other foods they can hit at night!

but its hard to pull deer with small plots if BIG food /crops are near by, thats where saving a prime food till later on can be the killer set up

here's a few pictures of deer on a bulb pile, if you look in the last pic, a button buck is mounting a doe?? LOL
little eary for the rut this yr LOL

there are a bout a dozen piles like this behind my place, they pull deer from MILES in winters like this one, and its about all that is keeping them alive, as about 3 ft of snow has been on the groun d here for the past 2 months and temps below freezing since dec, without these bulbs there would be a ton of wionter kills here!, going to have a lot of winter kill in PA this yr!
see bad hunting in 2015 due to it too!

03-20-2015, 01:23 AM
Sunday afternoon (2 pm) we had 4 deer out in the fall plot, due to the oldest one walking around the house with her new turkey call and the windows open they trotted off back into the woods and I picked them up a short time later heading into the pines. Later in the evening we saw 5 out in a cut bean field and not a couple miles down the road we had 4 cross the road and with them another 2 that thought it would be ok to stand in front of us in the road.