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09-19-2014, 10:05 AM
ok guys and gals does anyone on here shoot the g5 monetec broadheads going to try them this year just curious as to what peope have to say about them good and the bad

09-19-2014, 12:01 PM
never used them
but if they fly true out of your set up, thats all that really matters, and well you putting it in the right spot
I think folks over think the broadhead game, media hype or???
all you need a is a sharp head, and put it in vitals
and dead deer happens!
any head in a poor shot placement isn't going to magically make it a good shot!

started off hunting with bear SS tips plain and simple, but sharp, were like 3 bucks a head, and killed me a ton of deer with them
now, at 10-20 bucks a head??
getting silly if you ask me!
but good luck, and post follow up on how you like them after a kill or 5, LOL
maybe others will follow you and try them pending your results??

09-21-2014, 12:01 AM
thats what i was wondering i know they need to be sharp but curious as to if you miss ae they junk or are they still decent shape

09-21-2014, 09:37 AM
I used them. I was not happy with their sharpness of the blade. I recommend that you buy their practice blades and practice with them before hunting as they did not fly the same as my field tips. I have switched to Rage and have better accuracy with Rage.

09-21-2014, 09:41 AM
I actually tried NAP Hellrazor also and found them to be a little sharper than G5, but still did not fly the same as my field points. That is when I switched to Rage. The Rage do fly the same as my field points.

09-28-2014, 04:38 PM
I never used them always used thunderhead 125's with great success. 4 years ago tried rage almost lost a 10pt. I shot great blood trail at first then only a drop or 2 and then nothing was lucky to find him after that. went back to fixed blade 125's and happy again. I think any broad head placed where it should be will do the job and tracking no how. everyone wants a blood trail like a painted line and buy into a rage. some swear by it but someday sometime the rage like me will make you resort to fine tracking no how to get your deer.

09-29-2014, 12:39 AM
Nothing beats true cut on contact! I've killed prob a dozen deer over the past couple years with the G5's and they do the job excellent. Ive also had good success with making Hellrazors and Razorcaps fly well. I like the G5's above the other two just due to them being machined out of one piece of steel and there are no welds or screw in ferrules; no doubt stronger without any weak links. Rage makes a good broadhead but ive not had the blades either break or bend on hits. You can make a Rage fly well out of almost anything, but if you have the ability to tune your bow correctly you can get the open G5's to fly as well as field tips. And if you know you to resharpen them with flat files and stones they will shave hair with no problem even after breaking bone.

09-29-2014, 08:22 AM
OK fellas this may be somewhat off topic but here's an ideal...since we're talking about which broadheads are good and what not, if you harvest a deer this year take a pic of the entry/exit hole and post them on here and tell what type of broadhead you used? And if you're feeling froggy maybe how far the shot was, shot placement, etc. Think that will give us a good idea of what works good...just a thought.

gonehunting 45
09-29-2014, 06:41 PM
I'm old school I still hunt with the wasp 4 blade. Started using them when I started hunting in the 70's....lol

09-29-2014, 07:17 PM
Like someone above mentioned, broadhead opinions are very subjective so use whatever works best for your set up and what you have confidence in. I have been bowhunting for over 25 years and have tried just about every broadhead design out there. I shot 2 deer with Rage Extreme last year and I'll never switch unless something better comes along. Largest wound channels, heaviest blood trails and quickest track jobs ever. I'll admit they are seriously hyped up in the industry but boy, do they live up to the hype. I'll let the pictures tell the real story.



09-29-2014, 08:13 PM
OK like I said before, the name of the game with broadheads is simple
you need a sharp head that hits vitals
any one that does this will kill!
its impossible IMO to compare results
as too many variable
s involved
like bow speed, arrow weight, draw weight, distance to kill, angle
HOW sharp person's blades really are(as many folks target shoot with bread heads and DON"T corrrectly re sharpen!)
so?? again, any results you see will be bias at best!

I have hunted and killed deer with a bow for over 30 yrs
used all sorts of heads as others surely have
it all comes down to placement and what gets hit/cut

that said here are two rage kills
one is a 3 blade rage, and other is a two blade rage head!
but deer shot a few days apart out of same stand!

one was shot at 15 yards(pass thru), second was shot at 30 yrds again a pass thru
one with an X bow, one with a compound bow!

BOTH deer were shot in the lungs, both ran over 350 yards, both had POOR blood trails
Body cavity on both was full, and on the one, fat plugged up the exit hole on the exit side, thus didn't help on blood trail!
Both deer died in a stream too, and got lucky water wasn't too high to float them away
as one, we waited 2 hrs to track, and second one, 30 minutes!

here is the two blade rage entry

http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z457/mrbb1/rage2blad_zps001c22dd.jpg (http://s1190.photobucket.com/user/mrbb1/media/rage2blad_zps001c22dd.jpg.html)

http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z457/mrbb1/buster087_zps1fb346db.jpg (http://s1190.photobucket.com/user/mrbb1/media/buster087_zps1fb346db.jpg.html)

sorry no exit pic on this deer!

and the 3 blade entry,

http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z457/mrbb1/buster066_zps04b8eeb0.jpg (http://s1190.photobucket.com/user/mrbb1/media/buster066_zps04b8eeb0.jpg.html)

and exit

http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z457/mrbb1/buster062_zpsd1383f9e.jpg (http://s1190.photobucket.com/user/mrbb1/media/buster062_zpsd1383f9e.jpg.html)

http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z457/mrbb1/buster065_zps0a9c8e0c.jpg (http://s1190.photobucket.com/user/mrbb1/media/buster065_zps0a9c8e0c.jpg.html)

SO based on these two deer, almost zero blood trails, and 350-500 yrds of running! rage heads would be what???

I have killed deer with them that went less than 50 yrs, same heads

and hit deer with Rage heads that looked like perfect hits and still never found them

same results I have had with other brand name heads I have used over the past 30+ yrs
so many variables come into play IMO
from condition of the animal, , angle of shot, bow /arrow set up, How Accurate the shot really was and not just looked!
how far, or close! how well the tracker is?
easy to have anyone of these things go wrong and loose a deer!

I am NOT bashing rage heads, heck, If I ever bow hunt again, odds are they will be my go to head!

just saying
NO head is magic
all comes down to hitting vitals and being able to track till the deer expires!

09-29-2014, 10:24 PM
When you say "both deer were shot in the lungs" did you mean you verified after field dressing that both lungs were pierced on both deer or did you mean the arrow hit the body in the lung area? If both were double lunged, those are two of the baddest assed deer in the world to go over 350 yards.

You are correct, no broadhead is magic and I don't think anyone here claimed that. I agree and as I said broadhead opinions are subjective and folks should use what is best for their set up and what they are confident in.

09-30-2014, 06:15 AM
OK fellas this may be somewhat off topic but here's an ideal...since we're talking about which broadheads are good and what not, if you harvest a deer this year take a pic of the entry/exit hole and post them on here and tell what type of broadhead you used? And if you're feeling froggy maybe how far the shot was, shot placement, etc. Think that will give us a good idea of what works good...just a thought.
I agree I like pics and take a pic of blood trail

09-30-2014, 08:54 AM
When you say "both deer were shot in the lungs" did you mean you verified after field dressing that both lungs were pierced on both deer or did you mean the arrow hit the body in the lung area? If both were double lunged, those are two of the baddest assed deer in the world to go over 350 yards.

You are correct, no broadhead is magic and I don't think anyone here claimed that. I agree and as I said broadhead opinions are subjective and folks should use what is best for their set up and what they are confident in.

yes both deer were lung hits, the one had just one lung hit and the other had both, check all the time when I dress game out, as I try to keep track of how far a deer goes after getting hit "WHERE"

and yes I fully belive based on YRS and a few hubndred deer kills, some deer can run far no matter where or shot with what

MY proof on this came to me meny yrs back, when I shot a small doe, I mean 75 lbs
I shot this deer behind its shoulders standing broadside, NOT spooked or anything, I shot it at like 70 yrds, with a 750 grain soft point (hunting head bullet NOT a full metal jacket or miluitary ammo)out of a .50 BMG, was pushing 10,000 plus ft lbs of energy
it was in about 6-8 inches of snow
the deer had a hole going thru it that ,no lie you could have thrown a foot ball thru and not hit meat or hide, had two broken front shoulders, and this deer ran close to 200 yrds, on GOD only knows what?? or how!
there was a blood trail that looked liek someone rolled paint roller from mpact to dead deer, there were NO lungs to be found in this deer
it was shot on video too(VHS )
and again, I cannot think of a bigger bullet/caliber that could be usedon a deer, and this deer RAN after being shot
before I shot it , I expected it to drop on the spot, or maybe be throw a little , but it RAN

I have shot deer with the bow, that dropped in there tracks, same with many other weapons
and I ahve shot deer that ran, and and as far as I know are still running today
SOME Deer seem to have great will power or????
so, to me, liek Isaid, NO broadhead is magic, nor bullet or caliber
its shot placement, condition of the deer!
if they have there mind set on running, and you don't hit them in the brain, some deer just run when shot!
the above example, again, when we got to her, my buddy picked it up like acat, but the scruff of its hair on its back, and he made a fist and stuck his whole arm thru the deer thru the bullet hole, and didn't touch the deer??
HOW a anything can run after that is beyond my undrestanding, and had I not seen it I would never believe it
I wish I still had that video, as we played it in my gun shop, and cannot tell you how many customers seen it and just said WOW!
it ended a lot of debates over what caliber is best LOL