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View Full Version : Cool weather (Summer) change deer patterns?

08-10-2014, 05:34 PM
Just wondering what everyone thinks about the cool summer we're having and how (or if) it will affect or change deer patterns or behaviors. I know for myself that I'm seeing more deer out sooner in the evenings. Any thoughts?

08-10-2014, 10:53 PM
I'm gonna have to agree jwright, with the cooler summer days deer seem to be moving earlier than usual. Both watching with my binoculars and with my trail cameras, the days that are only hitting the low to mid 70's I have seen deer moving a decent bit in the daylight (shortly before sunset) compared to when it's in the 80's + I haven't really seen them moving in daylight. Now as far as them changing their patterns from here to bow season, I wouldn't think it would affect it a whole lot. Overall I think it's gonna be a good year tho.

08-11-2014, 06:16 AM
Haven't had but 2 deer on trail cam this year both showing up at all times of the day and night not sure what to make of it

08-11-2014, 11:24 AM
well I haven't noticed any changes here, that seem off from normal

I have noticed crops are not as high as in hotter summers, but even with all the cooler temps
water ij most places up here is very low, and we'd been getting rian almost ocne a week
so I guess its a good thing its not super hot out, or we might be ina drought

apple's this yr are far and few too?
so, doesn't look like its going to be a great mast crop up here

08-13-2014, 10:04 PM
Not sure but I have an awful lot of daytime buck pictures this year.