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08-09-2014, 09:27 PM
Curious to see what you all have to share.

08-10-2014, 10:08 AM
How bout the "kruncher acorn deer call". It's supposed to sound like deer eating acorns, a crunching sound. Really!?!? It's funny because the only reason I know about them is my dad fell into the trap and bought one. Now there's a chance it might work I guess but really...

08-10-2014, 10:42 AM
I personally think all these costumes and hats that are to make you look like a deer or proghorn or??
are just crazy
and asking for someone to get shot by an excited ???? "hunter"
I also still struggle how ever spring so many hubnters are shot in mistake for turkeys too??
makes me wonder every time I hear if it??
|a turkey and a hunter?? HUMM even in camo
still no where near the same thing in my book??

I also think the calls that are made to sound like a feeder dropping feed is silly too!
on a some what different note
I find it also crazy, there here in PA< where baiting is illegal
HOW every walmart and like stores, have pallets of deer feed and attractant's on sale just before hunting season
and I am not lying, they have pallets of it in walk ways of the stores here??

and always past the time frame when it NOT illegal to be baiting!( have to stop baiting 30+ days before deer hunting season(archery)

wonder who buys all this stuff??
HUMM< maybe cheaters??
and why my states game dept, doesn't do more checking into it maybe??

08-10-2014, 12:22 PM
I was running a archery booth one time in Va ( baiting is illegal) and I'm from NC ( baiting is legal) and I had for sale corn feeding buckets and a Va game Warden had a booth right beside me I told him I was sorry about having an illegal product for sale in his state and I would put it up but he told me it was no problem You could sell or posse one only illegal to use it at certain times of the year

I personally think all these costumes and hats that are to make you look like a deer or proghorn or??
are just crazy
and asking for someone to get shot by an excited ???? "hunter"
I also still struggle how ever spring so many hubnters are shot in mistake for turkeys too??
makes me wonder every time I hear if it??
|a turkey and a hunter?? HUMM even in camo
still no where near the same thing in my book??

I also think the calls that are made to sound like a feeder dropping feed is silly too!
on a some what different note
I find it also crazy, there here in PA< where baiting is illegal
HOW every walmart and like stores, have pallets of deer feed and attractant's on sale just before hunting season
and I am not lying, they have pallets of it in walk ways of the stores here??

and always past the time frame when it NOT illegal to be baiting!( have to stop baiting 30+ days before deer hunting season(archery)

wonder who buys all this stuff??
HUMM< maybe cheaters??
and why my states game dept, doesn't do more checking into it maybe??

08-10-2014, 02:04 PM
Baiting is only illegal during certain times of the year in PA as well alpine. 30 days prior to the season and during the seasons.

08-10-2014, 07:09 PM
well this is where things get ibnto a GRAY area, here in PA
as it is officlally Illegal to feed wildlife, bears deer, you name it
IT most times get over looked
UNLESS a neighbor complains enough LOL
they made this law yrs ago, to prevent folks from feeding wildlife that woul;d then come to homes and eat and do property damage
so, BAITING< yes is Illegal in hunting season and 30 days prior to it
BIT its also illegal to feed wilflife
what the difference is??
is again, its IF someone complains or not about you doing so
and then they make a fuss, and well, you get a waring or a ticket for it then, and then it goes up from there
again, the gray area in life as I call them
but there are rules, that just get broken all the time, so folks don't notice so much LOl

08-10-2014, 09:20 PM
Maybe you guys in PA need to try some fake corn. Pile 'o' Corn, another odd idea IMO. It's a yellow plastic pile of corn that is apparently supposed to convince deer that its real.

08-11-2014, 07:10 AM
well this is where things get ibnto a GRAY area, here in PA
as it is officlally Illegal to feed wildlife, bears deer, you name it
IT most times get over looked
UNLESS a neighbor complains enough LOL
they made this law yrs ago, to prevent folks from feeding wildlife that woul;d then come to homes and eat and do property damage
so, BAITING< yes is Illegal in hunting season and 30 days prior to it
BIT its also illegal to feed wilflife
what the difference is??
is again, its IF someone complains or not about you doing so
and then they make a fuss, and well, you get a waring or a ticket for it then, and then it goes up from there
again, the gray area in life as I call them
but there are rules, that just get broken all the time, so folks don't notice so much LOl

Definately a grey area they don't want you feeding wildlife in your backyard. But people put corn and mineral/salt licks out in their hunting spots and those are the things that the game law refers to.

08-11-2014, 11:20 AM
I agree, BUT actually the PA game commision considers ALL wildlife in PA there dept, so backyard feeders fall into there laws as well

but again, I call it the gray area, as few folks get into any troubles for feeding in yards
UNLESS neighbors start complaining a lot
its all about keeping wild life wild and not having them learn to see humans as food sources

as for putting out where you hunt
, the rule is, NO trace of bait can be there
and if a mineral bleeds into the soil, that soil all has to be removed to be legal
as for even corn dust LOL
I know no one does this , but it is how it reads
I have a lot of first hand info working, OR trying to work with my game wardens over the yrs, due to so many folks near me bait and cheat all the time
so I learned a lot about baiting in PA rules and what not's
lots of silly stuff, that seems to get ignored more than not!

08-11-2014, 11:26 AM
Maybe you guys in PA need to try some fake corn. Pile 'o' Corn, another odd idea IMO. It's a yellow plastic pile of corn that is apparently supposed to convince deer that its real.

one of my buddy's girlfriends, put up fake corn one yr at our hunting camp, hung it about the yard, for Halloween , as decorations
and some of the deer actually tried to eat it, and so did the tree rats LOL
so, fake corn could work I guess LOL
and they do sell corn scent, you could add to it I guess too! LOL

08-13-2014, 04:04 AM
That fake corn is hilarious!

08-14-2014, 04:21 PM
i was at gander mt and saw a fake tree for putting out in an open field, had durey bro pic on it , i guess it could work for scrapes and licking branches

08-14-2014, 04:48 PM
I know not many will recall this, BUT back in the late 80's early 90's
Tinks, scents, was selling "tirkey" scents LOL
no bull
they had a scent line for turkeys
to lure em in!
didn';t last long on the market? but was out there for a while!