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07-29-2014, 09:46 PM
Is there going to be a contest this year?

07-29-2014, 11:34 PM
I hope so. We need to figure out a better system tho. We will have something. If anyone has any ideas let me know. Or we can do what we did lastyear?

08-15-2014, 12:44 AM
Let's get something figured out, only 6 Weeks left!! Woohoo!

08-15-2014, 11:10 PM
Ok, I am trying to come up with a good way to do the contest without anyone getting overloaded. So here's what I came up with and by all means can be fine tuned or changed for that matter.

We will have a harvest post dedicated to ppl who want to sign up and anyone that harvests a deer a place to post a pic of the harvest. Any member can post from any state as long as they are a member. Because we have had members disappear in the past mid season I say we do this

1-sign up to participate before the ohio season
2-once the ohio season is in you will be allowed to post pics of a harvest
3-does will be worth 5 points and bucks 5 plus the number of points over 1"
4-at the end of the ohio season we will enter each name that signed up and use a online program to randomly pick even teams.
5- the team with the highest score wins!

What do you guys think? And I know other states will be in season but not by much.

08-16-2014, 12:04 AM
Sounds good to me, where do I sign...lol

08-16-2014, 04:03 AM
Interesting approach. I am willing to give it a shot.

08-16-2014, 08:34 AM
I'm in So the contest will start and end with the Ohio season dates or is it when your state starts but ends with Ohio end data?

08-16-2014, 10:17 AM
sounds like a fair set up for it to me
best of luck to all that get in
any idea on what will be a prize??
as that might cause some mroe folks to enter based on what it is or isn't?/

08-16-2014, 12:16 PM
I say when your state season opens and when ohio season ends will work.
As far as the prize, I'm still working on that. Hope to here something by next week.

08-16-2014, 09:02 PM
Thanks Mike

08-17-2014, 11:33 AM
Sounds good to me..

08-17-2014, 01:21 PM
Sounds good same rules as years prior have to post a pic of tag and only bow kills and the pic with you and deer and your bow in it

08-20-2014, 02:31 AM
Sounds good, but I think the teams should be picked before the season starts. Picking after the season doesn't make much sense to me.

gonehunting 45
08-20-2014, 01:14 PM
Contest are a great way to share your season with others. I do think adding a prize only creates problems. I would say bragging rights are enough. Another thing once the rules are established don't change something mid season for anyone.
carry on

08-20-2014, 03:27 PM
Contest are a great way to share your season with others. I do think adding a prize only creates problems. I would say bragging rights are enough. Another thing once the rules are established don't change something mid season for anyone.
carry on

I agree a prize can sure make a fuss happen
but since we seem to have a lck of action on this site anymore
maybe a prize would get ore folks visitng the site, and maybe some might join in more often and contribute to the site as well?
so a prize might help more than not!
my 2 cents anyhow

08-20-2014, 08:24 PM
I agree with both of you buy as long as the winning team gets the prize I don't think it should cause a fuss

08-20-2014, 08:39 PM
I'm new to the site but this sounds like a great idea and a great way to see some pictures of Ohio deer. Count me in when the season starts.

08-20-2014, 11:33 PM
I'm gonna have to say, if possible, a prize is always a good thing. All of the winning teams names are placed into a hat and draw for the winner?

08-21-2014, 06:50 AM
Would the rules be like previous years 20 posts to be in contest

08-22-2014, 11:10 PM
I'm in. Watched you guys compete last year and looked like fun. As far as prizes go - it would be fun, but somehow someone will not get what they should have and feel slighted. So in lieu of that, how about this: Once the winning team is announced the winners go out and treat THEMSELVES to a new hunting accessory of choice - they can then post a pic of their prize and brag ( in other words, do it for bragging rights!!). I can see it now.... if my team wins.... I am going to finally upgrade my "original butt-out" to the new "butt-out 2" I have had my eye on!! Speaking of the butt-out, my camp buddies and I have a standing joke about one of us harvesting a deer WITH a butt-out as our weapon! That's right.... So - I propose a 100 pt. bonus for anyone that gets a deer using only his/her butt-out. Kidding aside - the contest will make the season even more fun - Count me in.

08-25-2014, 11:38 PM
Pick teams before the season starts like years past. Seems like it worked well

08-26-2014, 06:45 AM
Pick teams before the season starts like years past. Seems like it worked well
Or pick teams prior but every year we have people fall off and never participate

08-26-2014, 03:59 PM
Let's do this! I'm ready for this season

08-26-2014, 04:27 PM
Sounds like a good time count me in. Even though I'm new and don't care about the rules. Just another reason to be in the stand or blind.

08-26-2014, 10:28 PM
Is this site going to be working this year? Count me in if so. I'm skeptical

08-27-2014, 10:11 AM
Count me in!! Hoping to tag out in WV and Ohio this season!

08-27-2014, 10:55 AM
Ok guys. If your good with the way we did it last yr then I will get things together and have something up in a few days. We will have a sign in page then a place to post harvest pictures and tags. Look for it within a few days. Also, if your on a team make sure you participate. I know stuff happens that may keep you out of the field but just keep in touch with your team. We will have several prizes for the winning team this yr. hats,shirts and some products from our sponsors as well as BHO shirts. Gonna be a great winning prize for one lucky team.

08-27-2014, 11:10 AM
Just my opinion you may want to do the contest the way you described the first time. I tried to run it it last year got 6 pics sent to me from the captain of the teams one team captain never sent one pic to me for the whole contest. And I made it clear at the beginning to every body so you would be better off drawing teams at the end and have you sign up like you said have a list of those that did have them post there pics there. I spent 5 hrs one night looking around for pics just to give them a mid season standing. So good luck with the contest I think I will go back to hunting and skip the rest of the other stuff. Just my 2 cents.

08-28-2014, 12:45 AM
I think we're thinking about this to much. How bout mike makes the rules, since he's site administrator. And everyone else will either be in or be out. Either way we do it, i'm down!

08-28-2014, 07:46 AM
Haha . I was just trying to help him out . So there will be little stress on him. I can promise only a 1/3 of the people will follow all the rules. And a 1/3 won't even show up after the teams are picked !! if he has the contest they way he described in his first suggestion I'm down """ but with a bunch of teams with capts I'm gonna stay out every year the same stuff happens.. so this member hasn't been in for ever. You never counted my harvest . Don't know how to post pics and yada yada archery tournaments have been doing blind draws for years. It's as fair as it gets !!!! imagine you get drawn and put on a team that had 2-3 guys that harvested a couple 12-14 pointers and you weren't fortunate enough to get even a doe it gives everybody a chance to win. Even someone who may be his or her first year going hunting they get a chance to win a prize I would say from a owner and marketing stand point it would be a no brainer no hunting web site I've ever seen is doing this IMHO if you have ever been to a archery shoot and watch a young man or women shoot or even a kid miss half there targets or have a low score and be all discouraged then they get paired with someone who shot great and get 1-2-3 place when you see there frown turn upside down you will understand what I'm talking about. I think some of us for get we were new to the hunting life style. And that all need to promote the sport of archery. Views and opinions seem to complicate even the smallest of topics. And I'm not sure what has caused the drop in traffic on BHO and I'm sure it will pick up in the coming weeks. The ends this weeks blog from buckstalker 17 haha

08-28-2014, 02:28 PM
well I see both side's of this
having teams picked first, can some times help folks get to know each other, by , well, just checking in, and or maybe even offering to team up on a hunt some time??

I also see the advantage of blindpicks after all is said and done at teh end
then, its won't be the guys that hunt the most or best lands, blah blah
winning if they end up on one team(still can hapen on a blind pick) but if folks know the players history before teh game starts , might scare some off and thus maybe , cause some players/teams to give up??

ME< I never get into contest, to me hunting was just something I did/do for myself
way I feel and just me, is once I start hunting as a contest, its never the same to me
and I don't want to hunt for that reason

I di enjoy seeing all that harvest a der, and wish all the best of luck
But I won't be in this contst m, as I haven't in the past LOL

Drama, takes away fun to me! and sems were off to a drama start already! \
hope it works outs!

08-28-2014, 03:05 PM
No drama really he asked for input so I pleaded my case before the court that's all.

08-28-2014, 05:33 PM
Haha . I was just trying to help him out . So there will be little stress on him. I can promise only a 1/3 of the people will follow all the rules. And a 1/3 won't even show up after the teams are picked !! if he has the contest they way he described in his first suggestion I'm down """ but with a bunch of teams with capts I'm gonna stay out every year the same stuff happens.. so this member hasn't been in for ever. You never counted my harvest . Don't know how to post pics and yada yada archery tournaments have been doing blind draws for years. It's as fair as it gets !!!! imagine you get drawn and put on a team that had 2-3 guys that harvested a couple 12-14 pointers and you weren't fortunate enough to get even a doe it gives everybody a chance to win. Even someone who may be his or her first year going hunting they get a chance to win a prize I would say from a owner and marketing stand point it would be a no brainer no hunting web site I've ever seen is doing this IMHO if you have ever been to a archery shoot and watch a young man or women shoot or even a kid miss half there targets or have a low score and be all discouraged then they get paired with someone who shot great and get 1-2-3 place when you see there frown turn upside down you will understand what I'm talking about. I think some of us for get we were new to the hunting life style. And that all need to promote the sport of archery. Views and opinions seem to complicate even the smallest of topics. And I'm not sure what has caused the drop in traffic on BHO and I'm sure it will pick up in the coming weeks. The ends this weeks blog from buckstalker 17 haha
I agree with you we where all new to this sport at one point or another and you do have people that hunt in areas with better population of deer and hunting and not seeing anything or just missing is very discouraging and I like the first idea of not choosing teams till the end I personally put a lot of time in on stand and am limited what can be shot due to not owning my own land and sometimes it doesn't work out

08-28-2014, 10:25 PM
I like the blind draw idea simply because it is different and I am willing to try it just to see how it turns out.

08-29-2014, 06:12 PM
I am game for anything

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Genesis 9:3
09-02-2014, 12:28 PM
I'd like to be thrown back into the hat this year... if it's not too late! I missed out last year...

09-02-2014, 12:55 PM
It's not to late. Busy wknd so we will have something posted this week with the rules and sign up sheet. We will be drawing teams at the end of the year this year. Seems easier and fair

09-03-2014, 02:30 PM
id like to join this year, even though im still learning and new, ill give it a go to help a team out!

09-07-2014, 12:14 PM
Ok guys. If your good with the way we did it last yr then I will get things together and have something up in a few days. We will have a sign in page then a place to post harvest pictures and tags. Look for it within a few days. Also, if your on a team make sure you participate. I know stuff happens that may keep you out of the field but just keep in touch with your team. We will have several prizes for the winning team this yr. hats,shirts and some products from our sponsors as well as BHO shirts. Gonna be a great winning prize for one lucky team.

Glad to see you guys are trying to get things together for the winning team!! That's a great step to take!

Genesis 9:3
09-08-2014, 11:41 AM
We will be drawing teams at the end of the year this year. Seems easier and fair

You're not going to do it before the 14-15 season starts? It sounds like you aren't going to set it up till January...

09-08-2014, 05:48 PM
Very easy way to draw teams for a blind draw....at the close of the season: You could randomly number each of the participants.... send that list via a private message to at least one member ( not involved in the draw) - at the same time have another member put numbers in a hat ( say 1-20) and and pair them up - you could do 2 teams or however many you want... just have whoever draws them assign each number drawn to team 1, next one to team 2 , etc... then just have that person post the numbers/teams. Then the person who has the randomly assigned names can just change the numbers to names ( and third party will have them to verify).

I think the idea of a blind draw will work well, as I have read that in years past some people "disappear". so at the close of the season you can just put in those who have stayed active. Downside is you can't pick teammates and root for them all season, the upside is any and every posted deer COULD be your teammate! Just a thought.... looking forward to contributing some horns....

09-08-2014, 08:46 PM
Yes we are. We will just wait til end of season to draw teams. Everyone who entered will be in the drawing at the end of the season.

09-08-2014, 09:24 PM
I think there is a website also I think it is random.org not sure though I thought that's how they chose years prior

09-08-2014, 09:57 PM
I think there is a website also I think it is random.org not sure though I thought that's how they chose years prior

Yes. That's how we will draw names.

09-12-2014, 02:15 PM
Interesting idea of waiting until the end of the season to draw the names Mike. Way to think outside of the box!! Hopefully that will get those that sign up to stick around more and see what happens!!

09-12-2014, 05:03 PM
Interesting idea of waiting until the end of the season to draw the names Mike. Way to think outside of the box!! Hopefully that will get those that sign up to stick around more and see what happens!!
You should jump in Holla

09-15-2014, 12:31 PM
You should jump in Holla

Thanks 00buck but I decided this year I wasn't going to do any contests at all. I'll just sit back and enjoy watching you guys bring in all the big bucks!!

09-15-2014, 04:25 PM
Thanks 00buck but I decided this year I wasn't going to do any contests at all. I'll just sit back and enjoy watching you guys bring in all the big bucks!!
I dont blame you I wasn't going to but I figure I only have a few years left of hunting with out my boy so better do it now

09-17-2014, 03:42 PM
i'm in and up for any rules you want to put up for the contest...BUT it makes no sense to me to draw after the season! What fun is that??? I'd guess most of the guys are in this contest for the fun of it and getting to know a few other guys. I really don't care if i get drawn on a team and all of my members drop out...at least i had a team! Doing it this way isn't even really a contest or any fun...it'd be like playing in a golf tourney and then drawing the 4 somes afterwards!?!?! This contest isn't about winning and having all players participate on your team its about archery guys getting together on a forum and maybe meeting a few new fellow archers. I've met a few guys that were on my team over the last couple years and we shared a lot of information. We even planned a hunt together but the weekend didn't work out.
Hey whoever gets in and participates does and those that don't oh well...
I'm in and okay with it but for me this takes the fun and competition out of it...might as well just blind draw for the prizes.
My two cents...ching, ching.