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View Full Version : Buckeye Big Buck Club Banquet

01-12-2014, 01:18 AM
I just got my BBBC banquet invitation in the mail today. Never had the pleasure of attending one before and was just kinda curious if anyone has, by seeing some of the pics on here I would guess yes. Not sure if I will be able to make it considering it's in Ashland, which is apparently a lil over 2 hours away from me but gonna try. Will anyone be going this year?

01-13-2014, 06:29 PM
Haven"t got my invite yet for this year, but they haven't missed a banquet year yet. I may go, depends when it is. I have gone in the past. I suggest you bring someone you know with you. Sometimes there are a lot of folks attending and you may not know anyone. Makes for a long night. They always put on a good spread though.

01-13-2014, 11:52 PM
I think it was like Feb 14 or so. I am really going to try to go but like I said a lil over 2 hour drive one way puts a damper on things know whatI mean? And I would definitely have to bring someone to hang out with, Prolly see if my dad would wanna go, since after all I owe my passion for the outdoors to him. Anyways we'll see how it goes....