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View Full Version : The Season grows near....Good luck Hunters!

Seeker Bp
09-26-2013, 08:06 AM
The smell of Venison is in the Air...it's amazing how the cooler temps can cause the brain to forget all the lousy things going on and make you concentrate on getting back to what makes you happy.....Bowhunting. This summer has been one of the most stressful adventures in my life, but I find myself falling back into the peaceful and relaxing mode of getting geared up to hit the woods and lose that stress by sticking an Arrow through a Big Fat Juicy Deer! I have seen people and things come and go, but my love of hunting never loses steam. Good luck to all this season, and I am sure I will see a few of you in the woods sometime...... Shoot straight............Seeker BP

09-26-2013, 08:18 AM
Good to see you alive and kicking it SeekerBP!! Been far too long!! Hope the dust is settling for you and you can really enjoy what's important in life....a big part of that being bowhunting!! Take care, good luck this season and we'll see you around!!

09-26-2013, 08:43 AM
Have a great season and good luck. Good to see you posting.

09-26-2013, 09:20 AM
Good luck, I am glad everything is calming down for you.

09-26-2013, 09:49 AM
Great to see you posting!!....good luck this season!!! I'll be trying out that barometer level stuff we were talking about late last season....I'll let you know if it helps!!

09-26-2013, 10:46 AM
Amen and well said. Didn't get everything accomplished on the new farm I bought this year but Rome wasn't built in a day and I'm looking forward to turning this place into a whitetail paradise. The soybeans were planted late so they will be around for the beginning of archery season anyway. I got a late plot cleared and planted to oats on the 15th but I'm not expecting much from it. Tons of deer hanging around though and I have had the feeder, minerals and supplements going all summer. Good luck everyone.


09-26-2013, 11:08 AM
Good luck to you to. Season is nearly here. Woohoo!

09-27-2013, 10:07 PM
Good luck everyone! Headed out in the morning with an excited 7 yr old. Trying to get my step daughter a deer. Have a good half rack buck coming in and she's wanting it on the ground! It's amazing how kids can change yor life! Hope everyone stays safe and has some luck! Hope to have some pics but just going to cherish the time spent in the woods with my step daughter.

09-28-2013, 05:26 AM
good luck seeker be safe