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View Full Version : what to look for on public land?

09-16-2013, 07:26 PM
Well everyone I am trying to find some public hunting land near northeast ohio. I have no clue where to go and the other issue is what do i look for when going to scout on public land. Im so lost when it comes to that.

09-16-2013, 07:41 PM
Go to odnr web site they have a list of public hunting grounds , but as far as what to look for its all about scouting look for game trails , feeding ,bedding areas set out a few game cams and just work from there it's hard to pattern deer in just a few weeks good luck this year.

09-16-2013, 08:03 PM
make sure if you run cameras you are off the beaten path as they will grow legs and walk off the further you walk the less people you will see most people are looking for something that is easy to access so think outside the normal and go in a diffrent path then every one else and good luck this season

09-16-2013, 08:52 PM
the only thing I am worried about is too many people out there and someone waling in on my hunt or me walking in on someone elses hunt. and can you put up a hang on tree stand in public land.

09-16-2013, 09:36 PM
If you are wanting to get a big mature buck, depending where you find a public hunting are, you're going to have to go where no man has gone before...hahaha. No but seriously I would look for an area where most guys dont want to go, i.e. to far to walk or have to cross a swamp/river. A lot of guys dont want to go through that trouble to get a deer when they dont have to, but thats where the big boys hang out. They like the thickest nastiest stuff they can find. As far as hanging a stand on public land, you are aloud to but there are certain stipulations. I think as long as you dont put holes in the tree you are good, like screwing any parts into the tree. I have seen quite a few stands on public land down around here. But just to be sure check the odnr website. Good luck.

09-16-2013, 09:47 PM
Where in north east ohio are you located?

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09-16-2013, 10:17 PM
well, YES you can use a loc on stand in Ohio, BUT as far as I know, it cannot be there all season, there is some time frame on how long they allow it to be set up, and second NO screw in steps, legally NO screw in anything, but never see a GW bust someone for a bow hanger, as long as they remove it when they go
NO cutting shooting lanes either or any tree shrub or bush on public lands
as to what to look for
wll, me, I look for feed for the deer, like good state planted food plots, and then BACK way off, where it looks like most others won't go
or I look at setting up off borders of farm lands in corners again, where other's won't want to be
any place that is easy to get to, odds are if its good deer country, it will be hunted hard on public lands
have to think, the harder it is the better it can be!
most hunters are lazy(sorry but true) the die hards, tend to have there own lands, or private one's they worked to get on
leaving the average hunter to hunt the poublic lands, and well again the average hunter is lazy, and wants the easier hunt possible
I would also talk to the game warden in like area's
be suppried how much info they can be if you ask
they even know most land owners too, and can maybe steer you to lands to hunt by asking!
and that is my next step, if I hunt on a border of private lands, I make the effort to find the wner, and ask the dreaded question, about IF I could recover a deer if it ran on there lands, if NOT, I tend to move on
as thats a risk, way too common I don't want the hassle over!
if its hot, I hunt near water more too
colder, closer to food

09-18-2013, 01:18 PM
Where in north east ohio are you located?

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im on the west side of cleveland. I had a property get ruined for me because someone decided to shoot up my trail camera. so the land owner said he wants no one on the property until this person i caught. So Im struggling for land to hunt. I have been managing this property for months and than bam just like that i have no where.