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08-26-2013, 10:53 PM
How many people use range finders or just take a good guess at the distance of the deer? I personally use a range finder but I have had deer sneak up on me and not had time to use my range finder and find it to be tricky sometime to judge.

08-26-2013, 11:42 PM
How many people use range finders or just take a good guess at the distance of the deer? I personally use a range finder but I have had deer sneak up on me and not had time to use my range finder and find it to be tricky sometime to judge. i grab my range finder and put it in my pack before i grab my roll of t/p thats how important it is to me. the trick is when they surprise you like that always know your 20 yards find a reference point tree ,bush ,piece of trash anything that is 20 yards once you can instantly know your 20 it easy to judge yardage after that

08-26-2013, 11:45 PM
well I always use mine when time allows too,
But what I learned to do, was mark lots of land marks before any deer show, so I know what and where they are
and on all my regular sets, I use survery tape to make markers for yardage's in circles all around me, this way no matter what direction a deer shows up in, I am covered
I like using the colored tape, cause no damage to tree's and simple to take down

08-27-2013, 07:50 AM
I use it when I can. Most of my usual spot are really close quarters and most of my shots have been at 20 yards more or less but I have my range finder at hand most of the time so even when I am suprised I can typically get a quick range for the longer shots. Around 20 yards I dont range the deer I just shoot.

08-27-2013, 09:50 AM
Well I know what I'll be doing this weekend sometime. Ranging brush and trees and marking the distances lol. Thanks for the imput

08-27-2013, 10:10 AM
i take spray paint in various natural colors and spray on the trees at certain yardages after ranging them i do this well before the season so the scent is gone and most people walk right by them and not even notice the land owner where i hunt doessnt want any of the florescent trail marking tape on the trees and told me to do it this way

Whitetail Freak
08-28-2013, 01:12 AM
I climb my tree get all settled in and i range landmarks from the same hight as iam in the tree that gives me the true straight line dist to the targen animal at gtound level cuz my range finder dont have the a.r.c tecnology in it and i dont make enough money to buy a new one lol single dad with custody of kids ya dont get many new toys lol

08-30-2013, 08:36 AM
I definitely use a range finder, especially when i'm hunting a new area. I always like, as many others have said, to range a couple reference points when I get everything settled in. that way when that sneaky one sneaks in at least I have an idea how far he is.