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View Full Version : velvet off yet?

08-24-2013, 12:19 PM
OK anyone getting any pic's or seeing any bucks with them shedding velvet yet?
getting to be about that time
plan to check cam's maybe tomorrow or so
just wondering, with some of the dry heat in Ohio, maybe sooner this yr
still wet and normal weather here so?/

08-24-2013, 12:30 PM
No hard horned on my cameras yet. I'm sure by my next card pull there will be some bone showing. I put my best camera where I think Splitter will show. I can't wait to see him hard horned.

08-24-2013, 01:27 PM
All bucks on the property I hunt are still full velvet. Maybe if I'm lucky I can get a nice one in velvet this year. I've always wanted to get a velvet buck for some reason.

08-24-2013, 03:22 PM
Non here yet. I do see a guy post one on Facebook via coverts page. It was a 110-120in buck in ky completely clean. That's when you know season is here and gets me thinking about how far behind I am. lol

08-24-2013, 06:47 PM
KY Season opens right around labor day weekend so I guessing it should be time for them to start cleaning up their racks for the big show.

08-26-2013, 11:35 AM
nope still in velvet here in central ohio

08-27-2013, 05:55 PM
Im still seeing velvet. I hope to get out this weekend and check cams.

08-27-2013, 06:14 PM
im still waiting to catch any horn on camera all I'm getting is does which doesn't really surprise me to much, the does tend to stay on my side of the ridge but the property backs up to mead public hunting grounds and the bucks tend to stay there , i wont cross those grounds at all i will never hunt public ground again

08-27-2013, 11:14 PM
Still in velvet in sw Ohio. I usually start seeing them around the first of sept here but who knows this year. Everything seems out of whack.

08-29-2013, 11:55 AM
Haven't even seen any bucks on the cams this year. Not many does either. Getting a little discouraged. Last year we saw all kinds of deer. Not sure why we are not seeing much. We haven't been in the woods Baer as much as last year. Basically just to check cams and do a little trimming. Hopefully we will start seeing them soon.

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08-29-2013, 11:59 AM
I'm about to ask hortontotor or mrbb to send me some pics for me to post

08-29-2013, 12:12 PM
If I have a week I don't see 3-5 bucks on my cameras I get a little upset. It really amazes me the drawing power the Trophy Rock has from April thru mid September. You guys need to invest in a Trophy Rock or two. If you don't have one and do put one out I bet you get many more deer in your area in the summer at least.

08-29-2013, 12:18 PM
I put out some tube feeders quite a few doe no bucks at all. I'm going down this weekend I might stop and pic one up and see what happens.

08-29-2013, 12:39 PM
Its a little late to put one out, but it can't hurt. I keep one in place on my property year round. Fin Feather Fur just had them on sale for $10.99. I bought three of them last week. Should easily get me through til spring.

08-29-2013, 12:51 PM
I just want one buck on camera not to much to ask for. Stupid deer you just need to work with me. Lol

08-29-2013, 12:58 PM
10300Velvets still on here10296102971029810299

08-29-2013, 01:19 PM
I'm about to ask hortontotor or mrbb to send me some pics for me to post

I get about 500- to a 1,000 pic's a week, just don't post too many, don't want to be a show off, or what ever??
just takes a lot of time to do photo bucket and then post too, only way I know how to post pic's
Pm me an e mail, and I'l' send you some pic's if you like no problem LOl

and as for TR
well up here on my lands, for what ever reason the deer don't go near them, tried a few and all they did was melt away in time, if a deer went by them it was on accident
BUt I been trying different things
My BEST luck was with that stuff called Deer Cocaine, or what ever, wally world always blows it out after hunting seaon for dirt cheap, and would buy several bags
I have seen deer make holes 3-4 ft deep long after its gone
I used to dump it out in Ohio, when I was ther in Nov(4 bags) and not be back for a yr, and they would still be hitting the spot, big hole and roots all dug up, just loved it! and the price was always right!, and thats 4 bags attracting deer for a yr, best luck ever with a mineral!

lately I been using mineral blocks from Tractor supply store, like 6 bucks a 50 lb block, and deerr here this yr are hammering them, as senn in some of my pic's, even the bears been on them
BUT here in PA, its illegal to use them or bait, after the 30 day cut off before the season, so have to pull all mine this weekind
pain in the ass Ifyou ask me, but that's the law here??
so I comply!

08-29-2013, 02:39 PM
Hard horns on this guy. The date is a little off. This would have been Saturday Aug 24th.


08-29-2013, 03:06 PM
Thats what we are lookin for. Seems my first hard horns were about this date a couple years ago. 2011 was 8/23, 2012 was 9/10.

08-30-2013, 07:55 AM
We put out a few trophy rocks last year and we tried some of the granulated stuff. They didn't seem to care for the trophy rock but love the other stuff. We have also tried feeders but there is plenty of food for them on all the farms that surround us. They don't even seem to want to hit it up in the winter.

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08-30-2013, 08:17 AM
We put out a few trophy rocks last year and we tried some of the granulated stuff. They didn't seem to care for the trophy rock but love the other stuff. We have also tried feeders but there is plenty of food for them on all the farms that surround us. They don't even seem to want to hit it up in the winter.

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