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View Full Version : Trophy Rock vs TSC Trace Mineral Block

07-29-2013, 08:10 AM
I bought a Tractor Supply Trace Mineral block on July 20th. I took a small sledge hammer and broke it into smaller chunks. I placed the first chunks out in place of my TR that afternoon. I pulled my card this past Saturday. I had over 220 photos in the 6 day period. This camera is set to take only one photo with a 30 second delay.

One week doesn't tell much, but it seems the does and fawns like it. But, my number of bucks visiting dropped big time. I had one basket eight come by, but he didn't seem much interested in my new offering. I was hoping the TSC block would work, because the price is so much better vs the TR.

We'll give it a while and see what happens. If my buck visits fall off, I'll be getting another TR quick, fast and in a hurry.

07-29-2013, 10:10 AM
Haha well thats funny to me, cause
last yr Ibought one of tractor supply blocks and all I got was bucks hitting it, not a single doe, so bought a second, and same deal
then this yr, same block and I get both
I do think however, when doe are about, and with fawns, they are much more agressive, and can keep bucks away
I know I see doe always fighting up here, always a pecking order, and so many same age always testing there place
where as bucks here seem to be a lot less agressive, till maybe the rut
But hope they work out for you, as there nice and cheap

07-30-2013, 08:51 AM
That is pretty interesting. Your bucks liked the TSC block, mine may not. Your deer ignore the TR and my deer love it. Interesting to say the least.

I was thinking about my lack of bucks last week. It dawned on me that my neighbor has been cutting up the trees that fell in the storm a couple weeks ago. I'm thinking all the activity of him cutting and hauling wood could be why the bucks laid low. He is cutting wood about 150 yards from my mineral site.

07-30-2013, 10:17 AM
Well that very well could be
also, crops now corn is starting to have good sized ears on it, and that can pull deer away too, and provide cover and food, thus less reason to travel
after all minerals get attention,sure, but don't fill a deers belly

07-30-2013, 10:58 AM
Sure wouldn't hurt to have both out for them. Like both of you found some may like one over the other. Might be good to have two separate locations too so you can see what shows up more, also would help keep the does occupied at one while bucks can use the other. Them does have a tendency to claim a spot and run off bucks now and then too.