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View Full Version : New- Springboro area.

07-10-2013, 10:39 AM
Hi my name is Nichole, obviously I am new.
I do not currently own a bow at the moment. Which is why I joined the site, I want to learn all there is about bow's and bow hunting.
Currently I have my eye on a recurve bow I like the simple bows nothing to complicated.
I am on a budget so hopefully soon I will be able to get one, so like I said before in the mean time I would like to learn as much as I can.

07-10-2013, 11:36 AM
Welcome aboard. I can't help you much with bow ideas, I only use a crossbow. But, there is a wealth of information to be had from the folks on this site. Feel free to ask questions. We all like pictures too. Check out the trail camera section for lots of photos.

07-10-2013, 12:39 PM
Welcome Nichole89!! There are a bunch of great knowledgeable people on the site so if you have questions, ask away!! As far as picking a recurve for your first bow, that can actually be one of the hardest to learn simply because you have no sighting system that can be installed. Also, the more you draw back on a recurve the more poundage you will be drawing and holding. A compound, even though they look complicated, would be best because as you draw the string back the weight actually decreases. That really would be a great way to get started and if you have any reputable archery shop in your area that would be the best way to go.

07-10-2013, 01:55 PM
well welcome to the site, this is a great place to learn and ask questions some great folks on here, However
this time of yr many are just not very active
as for picking a recurve for a first bow, Like Bigholla said, they have some draw backs,
but are not impossible to get over( a plus on a compound is you can adjust the draw weight, so start off lower till your good, and then go up to hunt with, kinda can grow into it more than a recurve)
I would strongly suggest going to a few bow shops, and seeing what all they have, find a shop that has a worker that you feel comfortable talking with
and ask them to show you how to shoot a bow, and try out a few, stating you plan to buy one
most shops now are in a slower season, so its a great time to take advantage of that, as comelate summer, early fall, they will all be in a mad rush, with a boat load of bows needing going over before hunting season, most folks seem to wait till the last minute
have you ever seen onidia bows" there a cross between a recurve and a compound bow
they tend to be long, and pretty forgiving
I shot one for 10+ yrs and loved it!, here is a link to look at them

and remember, the number one thing with buying a bow, is getting one that fits you
never mind the name brand
one that fits you , you will shoot better and enjoy shooting
so again, go see a pro shop, and try out some bows, and work with a good person that knows what there telling you, and not just selling you a bow
a good shop, will want you happy, and have you shooting before you leave there shop!
Good luck

07-17-2013, 03:49 AM
Welcome to the forum Nichole.

07-18-2013, 12:49 AM
welcome to the site and big_holla is right compound bows are easier to learn on