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View Full Version : Man....I suck at shed hunting!

Lord ToneKing
03-31-2013, 12:42 PM
I've been out 3 times now for about 3 1/2 hrs each time and havent found not one shed! I've walked thru fields, swamps, thickets...you name it. Ive got lots of pics of nice bucks on my cameras so I KNOW theyre in there...somewhere

So ok, what's the secret??

03-31-2013, 01:06 PM
get a dog,and teach him to find them for you

Lord ToneKing
03-31-2013, 01:36 PM
get a dog,and teach him to find them for you

Lol, I swear the bird hunter in me thought of that!

03-31-2013, 01:53 PM

I am working with mine,,seeker bp found this shed and left it untouched and worked my dog till he found it

Seeker Bp
03-31-2013, 02:50 PM
LTK....shed hunting is just alot of luck...They can fall off about anywhere. I tend to look in large bedding areas, fence crossing, Creek crossings... One of the hardest places to find them , but where I find several is in the corn field.. You just have to grid walk the rows.. Stay at it, and you will find some. I also like to follow very established deer runs (Trails).. Good luck to you.... The one we worked Longdraws dog on was half buried, probably stepped on by a horse. I have justbeen to busy to get out, but will try and make some time next week. have several spots I like to hit!!

03-31-2013, 04:18 PM
the best advice I can tell you is to keep looking
sure a dog can help if there looking for them
but to be honest there never easy finds maybe they get easier if you have less places for deer to be, like large open areas, with small patches of woods, where deer spend more time, or about feders or food plots
but its still never easy
I know guys that have hunted for them and just hunted for over 50 yrs and never found one in all the yrs
I spend weeks worth of hrs every yr, and I am lucky if i find 6 sheds a yr, and thats on lands with a lot of deer
higher buck to doe ratio's I am sure help, but knowing your deer too I think helps, like where they bed, eat and drink, and then back tracking there paths every few days
lots of folks say looking after a good rain helps too, it flatens down debri, and gives them a shine or such
I find most of mine by dumb luck I think, and tons of boot time, with a few every yr in a food plot I find when making the next yr's plot!
good luck, if you have kids, bring them, there closer to the ground I think that helps LOL
more eye's the better too ups the odds maybe!

03-31-2013, 09:48 PM
I suck at it too but we keep trying! I would say my biggest problem is going too fast. We also had our dog Rusty with us the last time around but us trying to cover a lot of ground in a little amount of time probably didn't give him enough opportunity. Also we didn't spend much time at all in the corn fields which was a big mistake. Sure hoped to be back down by now but it isn't looking good. Take your time and slow down if you can.

One other thing that may help is if you have an old shed take it with you. Once in a while stop and toss it over your shoulder, wait a minute or two and then find it. Good way we were told to help spot them when you know one is there. Did that a couple times our last time out and it was a good reminder!

04-03-2013, 03:35 PM
I have never been able to find them either. I might find one or two a year and mostly that's in turkey season and they're already chewed up! I am in the process of training my Lab to help...we'll see how that goes. Keep looking, hey it's better than being in the house doing honeydews.

04-11-2013, 10:45 AM
I finally found my first one about three years ago. Now I find 3-4 a year. I actually find the majority of them by riding an ATV through hay fields. I also cover all the fence rows where they might jump into the field. I find stopping and standing up on the quad and glassing the fields helps me see the white of bone. This technique of riding an ATV also allows for covering a greater distance in less time, especially since the wife is always needing me home...lol.

04-16-2013, 11:27 AM
Everyone has great ideas. Luck Luck Luck is what it is just like the lottery and you don't win unless you play :) Thickets Beds and fence rows.