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View Full Version : Nice little walk

03-31-2013, 11:43 AM
I finally made it out into the woods yesterday after having my hip replaced in Jan. We went to my wifes grandmothers for an early Easter dinner and since it was a nice day and this is one of the properties that I hunt I figured it was time to try out the hip. I didnt veer too far off the beaten path but it was great just to be back out in the woods! I walked mostly the field edges and some of the woods that is not real thick or hilly, but did find some things to keep it interesting.


03-31-2013, 09:52 PM
Now that's a great way to spend an Easter Day! Nice couple of finds and boy what a rub! Also great to hear that new hip is getting you around again. Once the other one is done you'll be running up and down the hills!