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View Full Version : Shot A Doe Friday Evening!!!!!

01-05-2013, 12:23 AM
Friday evening at last light I shot a doe with the bow. From what I saw I had a high lung shot and the doe was quartering towards me. I got down and saw decent blood but not great blood. I decided to back out and get on the track first thing in the morning. I will post an update and hopefully pics after I find her.

01-05-2013, 09:54 AM
Good luck on finding her. Hopefully the yotes didn't get to her, hearing lots of those stories lately.

01-05-2013, 11:56 AM
Well the shot must not have been as good as I thought. The first 50 yards it looked good. Then the blood turned really dark and slowed way down. I gave her over 15 hours. We tracked her a little over 1/2 mile then lost all blood. Did not see one spot where she bedded down. I think she may have survived the hit.

01-05-2013, 12:56 PM
well that sucks, sorry to her, was hoping for a good picture of the kill
but still lots of time
and sadly, coyotes and other critters have to eat too, if she did die where you couldn't find her, or even saves maybe some healthier deer from them! they do seem to target the weak and small first!, not that thats what you want to hear, but never goes to waste is how I like to view a loss, helps to take some of the sting off them that way of thinking! !

01-06-2013, 09:58 AM
Quartering towards you is a poor shot choice IMO. But, that is just my opinion and a shot I wouldn't take with archery equipment. To each his own though. To bad you weren't able to recover her.

01-07-2013, 10:57 AM
Quartering towards you is a poor shot choice IMO. But, that is just my opinion and a shot I wouldn't take with archery equipment. To each his own though. To bad you weren't able to recover her.

Sorry to hear no deer but I have to agree with HH, I have shot deer quartering toward me and killed everyone BUT, I would never go behind the shoulder in this situation. If I can get in the corner of the chest...where the arrow will go into the cavity then I take the 1/4 ing toward me shot. Obviously from the ground. I see guys take the shot you took fall on tv and they kill the deer....I have just never been confident in myself with doing that. Just my opinion, sometimes its not much, just ask my wife. :)

01-10-2013, 01:32 AM
I know the quartering to shot isn't optimal but I have made this one several times in the past. It wasn't a hard angle and the shot seemed like a pretty easy one to make. About 23 yards out. Hopefully next time I will get it right.

01-10-2013, 08:16 AM
Along with what I put in my other post, if you were shooting for behind the shoulder on that front quartering shot the one thing that you HAVE to make sure is where that front near leg is at. If it's back at all that moves your arrow completely out of the double lung shot and puts you back into the liver. Live and learn and hunt another day!!