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12-18-2012, 04:52 PM
Hey guys, when planning to go out how much of an emphasis do you put on the weather. Do you base what days to go out by what the weather is doing??? I seem to be doing this alot lately. Especially, late season. I am still puttin in work about 2-3 days a week in the stand. How should I be planning when i go out, to be more successful. I would like to be out alot more than that but i work alot and have kids in sports so, i basically get out when i can.

12-18-2012, 05:57 PM
well I believe in hunting when you can
timing weather is just too unpredictable for me to plan by

But if I am off and colder weathers hist, I do hunt different places over others hoping the cold temps makee them feed sooner
hunting food sources more in really cold weather
and also play snow , by hunting any standing crops, beans corn or, Brassicia
as deer seem to flok to things they don't have to dig for in snow as much
so, No I don't plan hunts on weather, but I do hunt different spots based on what its doing or expected to that hunt

12-18-2012, 06:36 PM
if your hunting in ohio good luck on planning around the weather now if it is pouring down rain I will hunt out of blind if i can get to it if creek isnt to high but i hunt when ever i can

12-18-2012, 08:12 PM
Do deer move that much while its raining?? I thought that they more less bedded down. I guess what I should be asking is during what conditions in the late season will you see more deer movement and in what conditions will you see minimal movement. In your experiences??? I understand that we can not pinpoint and say that these deer will be here at this time, but from your experiences what do you hold to be the most accurate??

12-18-2012, 08:28 PM
I find that in January if you get a fairly warm sunny day lots of deer move into fields to eat in the early afternoon. Light rain doesn't effect deer much at all. But, heavy downpours do slow down movement.

12-19-2012, 01:06 AM
well, in my experience, here in heavy pressured area
deer move most in shootable light in winter when its COLD, or even more so, if a storm is on its way
they will come out earlier to feed to try to beat a storm
its simple facts
the colder it is the more calories they burn to stay warm, so on colder days they have to eat more to stay warm
thus get on there feet more/sooner than in normal temps for that time
as for rain??
seen them out in major down pours andin heavy lighting storms too, all depends on how hungry they are and how long its been raining
if its been raining a few days, there out cause again they need to eat to stay warm
if its just a couple hrs of rain, they might sit it out and waait for it to stop
any bigger changes in weather do seem to get deer up and on the feed sooner too
so if a storm , a cold front is coming, the evening before is awlays a great nite here, unless hunting/people pressure keeps them out!

12-19-2012, 11:43 AM
well, in my experience, here in heavy pressured area
deer move most in shootable light in winter when its COLD, or even more so, if a storm is on its way
they will come out earlier to feed to try to beat a storm
its simple facts
the colder it is the more calories they burn to stay warm, so on colder days they have to eat more to stay warm
thus get on there feet more/sooner than in normal temps for that time
as for rain??
seen them out in major down pours andin heavy lighting storms too, all depends on how hungry they are and how long its been raining
if its been raining a few days, there out cause again they need to eat to stay warm
if its just a couple hrs of rain, they might sit it out and waait for it to stop
any bigger changes in weather do seem to get deer up and on the feed sooner too
so if a storm , a cold front is coming, the evening before is awlays a great nite here, unless hunting/people pressure keeps them out!

Thanks for the info. I am thinking thursday night or friday morning. alot of storms coming in, in front of a cold front and a huge drop in temp for southwest ohio. going into friday morning with possible snow. Storms all day thursday small break thursday night and then snow overnight into friday morning. ill be hunting out of a homemade blind that can withstand the rain and snow. they tore up two five gallon buckets of corn yesterday. After all the storms we had Monday. I did not see anything this morning but trail cam show alot of movement later in evenings.
Keeping the fingers crossed to still get my first deer.

12-19-2012, 12:24 PM
yup big drops in temps to me are about the best times to hunt, all the more so if you have crops still standing, or food plots or even a active bait site
just watch the wind and set up down from them some and get ready!

12-26-2012, 08:28 AM
I got frostbite on my fingers and hands about 15 years ago while hunting in Canada and now whenever it gets really cold here and I am out all day, I notice it really affects me.....so if its real cold out I will take a small personal sized propane heater and turn it on a few times in the morning and few times in the afternoon and again towards dark.....I have been doing this for about 5 years now and 3 of my last 5 deer were shot while the propane heater was on.....I am not saying they cannot smell it or hear it but its never seemed to bother them yet.....I would imagine if your playing around with it and they walk in then that might give you away but I have a little shelf in each of my stands that I sit it on and let er rip.....those little personal tanks will last all day if you just run it for about 15-30 minutes at a time, about 6-8 times in a day.....they truly are what saves me on those long late winter days when I am still trying to fill the freezer with meat....I suggest you give it a try on the colder days where you want to sit longer

12-26-2012, 10:05 AM
If a front is coming or due in get out a few hours before it hits. I have noticed with rain these guys are right. A light rain slows it down slightly but a heavy rain they tend to hunker down. You have to think, they are deer and if we knew all the answers we would all be pros and have tv shows. With that being said, you won't know if they come through unless you are out there. I got a new blind for Christmas so in the heavier rain, I guess that won't stop me either anymore. Just stay focused. Every year after the rut my personal thought is that you better be between beds and food for a much higher percentage of seeing deer. Before and during the rut they can show up anywhere when there are alph feilds, bean, corn, nuts and more. Most areas are different at this point especially when the weather is getting colder. So, focus and find out in your area where they are going for food then plan your hunt right close. It's like scouting again.....this is just my opinion.

12-30-2012, 02:17 AM
Over the years I also think in the late season they move better in the evening.

12-31-2012, 08:56 AM
Over the years I also think in the late season they move better in the evening.

I agree. Often times mornings they are already in their beds at first light and sit around till later in the morning or afternoon to get up to move.

12-31-2012, 06:21 PM
Been Looking at my trail cam pics trying to learn their patterns for late season and most of the time they hit the spot around 4-6a.m. and nothing really after that till afternoon.

01-01-2013, 08:34 AM
I also think it all depends on where food is available to them.

01-07-2013, 09:26 PM
South West Ohio (Cincinnati area) is about to get a nice warm up over about the next five days. couple high forties, couple mid to high fifties and I think sixty degree day come Saturday. My question is how will this affect their patterns after the colder weather we have experienced??? Will I see them out later in the mornings. After sunrise?? or out any earlier in the evening?? What are your experiences or thoughts???

01-08-2013, 06:52 PM
My personal opinion is that this "heat wave" we are about to get is going to kill the deer movement. they have their winter coats on now so i tend to believe this warm whether in the late season is very uncomfortable for them. also they don't need to take in as many calories to survive as when it's super cold so why should they waste energy trying to look for what little food is out there right now??? in my opinion i think we will notice less deer movement all together even at night until it cools back down... just my 2 cents... Deer have been making a fool of me since i started hunting and probably will until my last hunt so who knows what they are really going to do except for them... haha

01-08-2013, 07:04 PM
My personal opinion is that this "heat wave" we are about to get is going to kill the deer movement. they have their winter coats on now so i tend to believe this warm whether in the late season is very uncomfortable for them. also they don't need to take in as many calories to survive as when it's super cold so why should they waste energy trying to look for what little food is out there right now??? in my opinion i think we will notice less deer movement all together even at night until it cools back down... just my 2 cents... Deer have been making a fool of me since i started hunting and probably will until my last hunt so who knows what they are really going to do except for them... haha

That does make sense!!

01-10-2013, 05:35 PM
Been seeing alot of deer moving during the day this week so far... I think it was hortontoter that has said in a few different threads that mild sunny days in january tend to be good for deer movement. and so far this week that looks to be pretty correct... The temps haven't climbed enough yet to shut them down and it has been in the 20's at night but when we hit 60 i think things will be way different.