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11-19-2012, 09:24 AM
I took my nephew hunting this weekend and had a few oppurtunities at deer but just couldn't get a good shot. Yesterday at Mid-day my brother in law calls me to help him drag a deer that his nephew had killed. I obliged and decided we would all ride to town and grab a bite to eat and take the deer to the processor. We arrived at the processor to find two young hunters from NC with a couple 90-100" 8 pointers they had gotten. Then I noticed the dads were standing there watching the processor gut their deer! I couldn't believe it! Then after he was done gutting their deer he went to write down the tag info in his book and neither deer had been checked in yet. Cell service is very limited there so the processor had to let them use his home phone to check in their deer!! I was happy for young boys, and understand them not knowing how to gut their own deer, but c'mon, the dads not knowing how? And not being responsible enough to check the deer in? Why are you hunting!?!? Maybe I'm wrong for thinking like this but if you can't gut your/your childs deer then you shouldn't be hunting!

11-19-2012, 09:44 AM
Wow, yea I would have to agree with you on that one bds9. The only time I did not gut my own deer is a few years back me and the same 5 guys hunted together every year and we would draw straws at the coffee table and who lost got to gut all the deer that day. lol.

11-19-2012, 09:55 AM
That's ridiculous. Part of the process of teaching the next generation is teaching them to get their hands dirty. As a father, I could see me helping my son or daughter gut their first deer, but I'd help them, not do it for them let alone have the butcher do it for them.

11-19-2012, 10:59 AM
Ridiculous. Sounds to me that daddy didn't want to get a little blood on his hands. If I'd been the butcher I would have handed the dads the knife.

11-19-2012, 11:27 AM
That butcher should have told them to go back and check the reg book. You have to tag that deer before you touch it.

11-19-2012, 11:30 AM
Wow just wow. There have been two deer in my life that I didnt gut. My first deer and my first buck. I didnt gut the buck because my dad didnt want me to cut a finger off I was shaking so bad. Now gutting a deer is only a 10-15 minute process from start to finish its really not that hard so I dont understand how as a father you can teach your boys that part of the process. I just dont know what to say. Most butchers will charge an additional fee if the deer are not field dressed.

11-19-2012, 11:44 AM
I forgot to mention, I talked to the butcher after they left and he told me he charged them an extra $30 bucks each. I asked him how often that occurs (I assumed this was a first) and he told me its not uncommon over the past few years! Said he probably has to gut 10-12 deer a year!! I am just baffled how you can call yourself a hunter and not even know how to gut a deer!!

11-19-2012, 11:46 AM
That butcher should have told them to go back and check the reg book. You have to tag that deer before you touch it.
I should have elaborated a little more, the temporary tags were on the deer, they just hadn't checked them in yet.

11-19-2012, 12:29 PM
Well at least they did do that. Maybe they just didn't want to get dirty haha

11-19-2012, 04:55 PM
a lot of folks from the south, and not bashing, don't gut there deer, they take to processer as is
so could just be thats how they do it or were taught back in NC
not defending these guys, just saying not all gut there deer in the woods

11-19-2012, 05:33 PM
And I thought I heard it all. Mind boggling.

11-19-2012, 08:02 PM
I remember reading a few days ago about a father posting that both of his sons getting 8 pointers and his trail cam got stolen. Wonder if it isn't the same people lol?!?!?

11-19-2012, 08:27 PM
I don't think it was bowguy, these young boys appeared to have separate fathers. I remember what you were speaking of. But ya never know! Could be!

11-19-2012, 09:10 PM
Ya it's prolly not but how funny would that be. But the though of someone shooting a deer dragging it out not being gutted. Taking it to the processer and having them do it makes me laugh and feel bad for the deer that lost its life to this person lol people amaze me

11-19-2012, 10:05 PM
I'm just going to say it: I'm sick of southerners and guys from New York coming to Ohio. Leave our state alone. So Tennessee and North Carolina have small deer, sucks to be you. I haven't met one that I thought was a decent deer hunter yet. I can't imagine how Iowa and Illinois guys feel.

11-20-2012, 05:02 AM
I must be on the opposite end of the spectrum. I have gutted every deer I have ever killed. I have also gutted other's people deer for them. My oldest son, (26) just shot his first deer I gutted that one. My youngest son, (24) has killed like 14 or 15 deer and I gutted all but one of those. I gutted deer for friends, cousins, and my brother as well. I hope some day someone guts just 1 deer for me, lol.

11-20-2012, 08:56 AM
Gutting the deer u take is part of hunting lol to gut someone's first deer is a little different but after u have killed 2-3 it's time to dive in and getto learning how! Lol and ya I don't like people coming to Ohio and shooting our deer. Ohio should do a lottery for out of state hunters to get a tag here. Give out maybe 50 buck tags a year to out of staters. Guys that live in surrounding states like mich pa Kentucky Indians Wv it's a little different but when u got guys coming from like GA and NY and NY. There is no way for u to scout and what not ur coming in blind guys that live in bordering states have a lot more opportunity to come scout and come hunt a few times a year bc it's not far away and maybe a few people grew up in Ohio and moved ya know. Idk it is different when someone knows what they are doing but when u get these people with money who wanna be a hunter and really don't have a clue about anythig besides that Ohio has some nice bucks that's when it sucks!

11-20-2012, 12:18 PM
BowGuy2 - They will never discourage out of state hunters as it is a cash cow