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View Full Version : Great first PA sit...21 deer

10-09-2012, 01:49 PM
I usually don't get out until about the 20th or so of Oct. and then hunt every day...but i had the itch so i decided to pop out last night...i picked the maple tree gully stand that overlooks all of my big fields so i could scout while hunting...i ended up seeing 12 does and 2 small bucks in the alfalfa field...2 small bucks and 4 does in the soybeans...and a shooter buck in the soybeans..."flat brow", 8 point with a sideways brow tine...he was the first out of the woods...he stood in the treeline for a long time...then right as he started entering the field he snort wheezed...he fed to within 60 yards but didn't stick around long...i think i'll get out a few more times before the 20th! great start to my season.

10-09-2012, 10:33 PM
well good for you, I'm seeing lots of deer on there feet here as well, there not hitting my beans like I figured they would, but are nailing my Brassicia right now, and all the dam acorns!

10-10-2012, 04:48 PM
they've been hitting my beans pretty hard lately...only 2.5 acres they won't last that long...but better now during archery season than before or after...also cleaned off my buckwheat in the same patch too...but the whitetail clover and alfalfa has been helping out too...and yeah akerns and cherries are big draws right now too...alfalfa up back has been the #1 draw and whitetail clover over front...both fields there are deer in all day it seems...LIKE.

10-10-2012, 09:49 PM
? for you.
are your deer eating the beans, or the tops of the plants??
as like 10 days ago they came in and ate all the tops off mine in like 3 days, about 2 acres worth, but there just picking at the actual beans themself. and just hitting either the clover or the brassicia for most of there food plot feeding, Acorns I have to think are the big deal now here, its loaded this yr, best acorn yr in the last 5-6 yrs so, think there digging the easy meals all over this yr!