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View Full Version : Late fall/Early Winter Rocks

10-08-2012, 09:36 PM
I have a piece of land that I will be hunting for the first time next year. Is it worth it to put some mineral stations out late fall early winter to possibly help bring the deer to my area and early spring plan my food plots and feeders?

10-09-2012, 07:51 AM
Deer will likely start using minerals a lot more in mid winter and it ramps up through spring and all of summer. If they are there when they decide they need them then you are ahead of the game. Some people's mineral sites get used year round but often most barely get used through the fall and into the beginning of winter. Hope that helps.....Good luck to ya!

10-09-2012, 07:58 AM
BH is on the mark. Mineral sites are great for herd inventory with a trail camera during spring and summer. But, come September they get used very little. I'd suggest a Trophy Rock for an easy to maintain mineral lick that has good drawing power.

I have found that using a feeder made my deer quite nocturnal. I am not using one this season to see if my deer move more during daylight hours.

10-10-2012, 04:11 PM
I use Black magic deer cocaine and trophy rock and i use a cattle salt block and mineral block

10-10-2012, 10:03 PM
I agree with above info, But would add its never a bad idea to have a mineral site all yr if you can legally do so
deer will come to know its there and even this time of yr some will still hit it, and bucks will know that other deer go there and can lead to a doe smelling just right past your set up
SO I say run it all yr if you can for best results

10-11-2012, 07:51 AM
I agree with above info, But would add its never a bad idea to have a mineral site all yr if you can legally do so
deer will come to know its there and even this time of yr some will still hit it, and bucks will know that other deer go there and can lead to a doe smelling just right past your set up
SO I say run it all yr if you can for best results

Like mrbb said, not a bad idea to have them out year round. Even if they aren't used/consumed much this time of year there may be a day or two here and there where they are looking for it. Not to mention if you put the mineral on a stump or low spot even if the mineral leaches down a lot of it will be absorbed by the dirt or stump and the deer will dig at it when they need it.