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View Full Version : pic's from tonights sit

10-01-2012, 10:22 PM
OK decided to take a camera with me tonight just for kicks
I saw 29 deer tonight, 8 antlered bucks, nothing big,
6 button bucks, and the rest were either doe or too far dark to tell for sure

I had many doe with yearlings come out, first deer to show was a small spike, then followed by a doe with a fawn, then an hr later a second fawn showed up and nursed off this doe, found that strange for a fawn to be so far off from its mother, actually came out in the big field about 400 yrds from the mother too, so wasn't like it was just in the woods watching her

so here are a few pic's

the view from my stand


and some of the deer I seen, most were a good 2-300 yrds from me, only about 6 actually came with in my shooting range, and most came out when light was too low to take pic's, but here are a few that came out early and close to me








and last this buck is very nice I been passing on him for 3 seasons now, hoping he makes it one more, he is super predictable, comes out to this plot every evening on the same trail, right past one of my stands, if I wanted him, I am pretty sure I could kill him without much effort, only good thing about him is he lives most of his time in a small swamp no one else goes in, and the main reason he is alive with all my cheaters
he hangs with another nice buck too, both are at least 4+ yrs old, and here in PA, my area, that"s rare for a buck to live that long!
its actually still much brighter out than the pic's came out, but best I could do



10-01-2012, 10:27 PM
That's awesome. I always try and take my camera along, sometimes I'm snapping pictures I forget to get ready for a shot! I'd have a tough time passing that buck!

gonehunting 45
10-01-2012, 10:34 PM
Very nice mrbb looks like a great place. Hope that Buck sticks around for you. I always have a camera with me. I forget about it sometimes. Thanks for sharing

10-01-2012, 10:42 PM
Thanks Youth, its never easy to pass on a good buck, all the more so in places where you know there very rare
bucks like this are far from common in my area
I HAD, and i say had, cause I know so many deer get poached on me here!
but 3 bucks much better than this one in Aug. that I am holding out for for a while, till I am some what more sure there gone on me!

but like they say, you will never get the one you want if you shot one less than that.
Also, I have killed a Lot of deer over the yrs, so I think that for sure helps in being able to hold off, plus I have every day to hunt if i want to too, so not presured at all about having time to hunt, just need motivation to do it, and this yr, I'm pretty low on motivation!

I normally don't take a camera with me, for same reasons, and well my camera is noisy, turning it on and off big time!
but being I have so little drive to shoot a buck this yr, don't mind chancing taking pictures, if I spook one, so be it, don't care this yr
actually this buck heard my camera turning on, and he's a good 100 yrds from me, never seen me, feed for a good 45 minutes before moving off, so didn't get busted, but almost did!
I just wish they worked better in low light, as thats when most of the deer show up for me, and if they did I could get some much better pic's

10-02-2012, 08:00 AM
Love seeing pics from the stand like this!! Gives me an idea!!!

10-02-2012, 08:22 AM
Nice pics and story. The doe in the 6th picture is giant.

10-03-2012, 09:18 PM
as always, nice pics & what a dandy buck.....you will shoot him this year right???

10-04-2012, 10:33 AM
Nice pics!!!!

10-04-2012, 11:19 AM
as always, nice pics & what a dandy buck.....you will shoot him this year right???
I will not shoot this buck this yr, I will roll the dice and HOPE he makes it one more yr
in late aug /early sept. I had a few better bucks I am targeting, I am hoping there still alive, but been lost of shooting at last light since the velvet came off, and here thats a sure deal on poaching, as its HUGE problem in this area, tons of folks feed deer in backyards and such(baiting is illegal in PA), and so many cheat and shoot them with a bow off there decks over feed, so I tend to loose most of the better bucks long before the season starts
so till I am sure the one's i'm after are gone, this buck is safe from me
I personally don't care anymore if i tag out, I hunt now a days to kill time I think, and if something I want comes by I won't complain, but really don't care anymore

10-07-2012, 12:10 AM
Awesome pictures mrbb! I also enjoy these pictures to see other peoples setup and see what they see when they hunt.

10-07-2012, 12:54 AM
Nice looking plot! Great view you've got there, mrbb

10-07-2012, 01:03 AM
thanks guys, Glad you enjoy these.
this set is one of my fav on the farm, almost always get to see a lot of deer, foxes, coyotes bears what ever, always an active area
I am a firm believer in food plots too, if for no other reason, building them and seeing the critters using and makes for an active sit on stand almost every time you get in !
and they don't have to be big either, but like most hobbies, you start small and get bigger and bigger as time goes by
I'm at the point now I enjoy making food plots and just watching what eat at them more than shooting anything, trail cam's get a work out too over or near plots too, makes a great way to see whats on your lands
and all the more so in states like PA , where baiting is illegal
win win for both hunter and critters too, just wish I had more money and land to work with, like so many I am sure