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View Full Version : 2012/2013 Daily Hunting Report, Deer Activity, Season Information & Rut Report HERE!

09-25-2012, 02:52 PM
Everyone, let us know what you are seeing out there for deer activity when you are scouting and while hunting this season. If you are comfortable with it, list the county or region you are reporting from. If your report is from a state other than Ohio please still list it here but make sure you mention what state it's from and again, the county or region of that state.

Let us know when you find rubs, scrapes, pre-rut, rut and all post-rut activity. Additional information such as acorn reports, what the deer are eating in your area, deer activity such as bachelor groups, family groups or herding, sparring activity, knock down drag out fights and even the moment you spot a buck with shed antlers. Let us all know! Pictures to go along with your post would be great!


Video courtesy of Mike Baker

09-26-2012, 02:42 PM
9044 Pulled trailcamera cards yesterday... ..lots of does with fawns up feeding until about 10;00 A.M. I did capture what I think is an old buck that I have never seen before and a red fox. Weather cooling down... been seeing large groups of deer in evenings..8-10 at a time feeding at dusk.


09-26-2012, 02:44 PM
I say old because of the saggy belly and the wrinkled neck...

09-28-2012, 08:30 PM
Don't forget, here is where you tell us how your hunts went!! Let us know what you saw and anything else you want to share!! Pics are always welcome!! LOL

09-29-2012, 08:55 PM
Ok thought I would start a daily report

I didn't hunt this morning, just didn't want to
got out this evening set up about 4 pm in the tree
had a lot of cloud cover and 10-15 mph winds, which died to almost zero winds by 5;30
at 5;45 I had 4 doe come out and feed in front of me till about 6 then worked there way off out of range in a food plot
at 6;05 I had 2 of my better bucks show up, had them both at 15 yrds feeding not knowing I was there, both are 8 pointers, one being about 19 wide, and the other only about 16 but super heavy, like 7 inch bases heavy all the way up
would guess they both would be border line 140 ish bucks, I have been passing on these two for two yrs now, hoping they make it one more yr, so they get a pass again this yr from me!
they fed for about 15 minutes in range then like the does worked there way out of range
then I had a small 4 pointer show up and then 2 more smaller 8's , only these last two 8's never came with in 50 yrs of me
and then right after I lowered my xbow, I had another bigger 8 pointer at least come out right at the base of my stand, he actually walked up to my xbow and almost licked it
he was out past his ears, and I am sure I could see 3 on each side, not sure about browe tines or not, too dark

so that was my opening day, over all a good evening sit

09-30-2012, 06:47 AM
I saw 2 bucks and 4 doe sat morning and nothing in the afternoon. Im guessing the moon had them miving all night so thats why i saw the am movement going back to bed. I did see a little basket pushing two doe across the beans. It wasnt aggressive but it sure wasnt a coincidence he was behind them mirroring their movements.

09-30-2012, 11:11 AM
well NO Hunting here in PA on Sundays

09-30-2012, 07:29 PM
Yesterday I shot my first ever deer. She is a little thing but it can only get better from here. She came in a little after 7 am. While waiting in the stand I caught sight of a nice 8 point buck about 70 yards from me. He was very cautious and it took him about half an hour to move out. Went out last night and saw nothing. This morning I went out to the same stand and at 7:25 I had 8 does come in. I was shaking line a leaf. I was sitting and the bow was hanging. The first Doe in looked at me for a while so there was nothing I could do. She finally dropped her head and I was waiting for her to turn so I could get ready when she looked right at me an blew me up. Three of them took off west while her and the others just backed in to the brush. Then she blew me at least ten more times. That's when I knew my morning was shot.

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09-30-2012, 08:13 PM
Went out yesterday morning and saw one small buck way off in thick cover. Back out last night and had eight does under me for about 20 minutes. One mature doe had twin fawns and the big doe had triplets. They all looked very healthy and spots were gone. In walks a big old doe with no fawns with about 10 minutes of legal light left.... I shot her quartering away at 15 yds... slid it in between ribcage and front shoulder. The Muzzy put the whammy on her! she fell down the hill and then crawled and staggered another 15 yds with the Lumenok shining like a brake light. I am now a huge fan of the quartering away shot!! 9092

09-30-2012, 08:28 PM
09/29/12 (Sat)- AM. Hunted on the ground at the edge of a hollow where deer cross from big woods across a pasture field to their bedding area Saw two small does but no shots. Beautiful opening morning, cool and nice light breeze. Not much hunting opening weekend because it was my 3 year old's birthday Saturday.

09-30-2012, 08:50 PM
AM Hunt: With the full moon the previous night, I wasn't expecting to see too much activity on this hunt. I stepped off my back porch at 5:15am only to find 2 deer (too dark to tell what they were) walking in the direction of my woods. They saw me and high tailed it out of the area. Oh well, off I went into the woods. I saw a ton of evil tree rats, several turkey and 3 escape peacocks from the aviary down the road. The only other deer I saw was the rear end of a young buck in the field behind me around 9am. Around 11am, I got a bad case of A.D.D. and headed in.

PM Hunt: I headed back into the woods and was on stand by 3:30pm. Around 4:15 a very odd looking 4pt, I've never seen before, came in. His right antler came straight out to the side. This guy was around for about 30 mins when two other 4 pts came in. All 3 of them spent the next hour browsing and sparring. The one with the sideways antler was the aggressor. It was pretty cool to watch.

Had 4 doe come in close to 7pm. I came to full draw as I waited for one to step into my shooting lane. The aggressive young buck did not like the intrusion of these doe and before the one I was waiting for could step into my arrow's path, he chased her and the other 3 doe away. The bucks got tired of the sparring and eventually took off out of the area.

No kill, but an enjoyable hunt just the same.

09-30-2012, 09:21 PM
I didn't get a chance to get out and actually hunt this weekend, but my hunting buddy did. He shot a decent doe tonight. He also told me that he seen several scrapes on his way in to his stand today. Clermont County, Batavia area.

09-30-2012, 09:41 PM
9/29 Summit Co. Ohio

Had a doe and fawn come in around 8 am. Fawn still having spots not going to shoot her momma. Watched them bed down in a thicket of bushes and CRP grasses.

Later that night watched them come out of their bedding around 6:45 pm and head back into the woods.

Trail cams had limited movement during the day i think due to the full moon. Next weekend looks like a good one!

City Boyz

10-01-2012, 10:13 PM
evening sit, warm, about 60 with 10+ mph winds, that dies down about 6 pm to almost zero wind, and was about 52 at dark when I got to my truck, so warm weather tonight!
I got on stand at 4 pm, seen first deer a small spike at 5:45, and then every so often more deer came out
seen a total of 29 deer this evening, 8 antlered bucks, 6 button bucks, and the rest were either doe or too far/dark to tell for sure
over all a nice evening on stand
calling for rain tomorrow so will see

10-01-2012, 10:21 PM
AM Hunt: Needed some extra coffee this morning before heading out to my stand. Still managed to get there by 6:15am. Around 8:30, I saw 2 doe in the field behind me. Not sure what the larger doe was looking at toward the far end of the field, but she didn't like it. She snorted a bit and then both doe left, though not with tails raised. Since they weren't too spooked, I figured all was not lost. By 11am, I'd not seen anymore deer and decided to head in.

PM Hunt: Got back on stand at 1pm, after a 2 hr break. This was pretty early for the stand I was in, as most activity doesn't begin until after 4pm. Tonight was no different. I saw a lone doe coming toward me, in the woods around 4:30. She got about 70 yards away and then turned and headed into my back field. Nothing else happened until 6:25. Around that time, I heard deer running toward me from my left. Three doe were heading into the woods from my back field. When the lead doe entered the woods, her view was blocked by leaves, so I stood up and drew my bow. She walked into my shooting lane and gave me a perfect broadside shot. My arrow flew straight and true and made a perfect pass thru. The doe ran about 50 yards and that was the end of that!

Now I have venison in the freezer and memories of another great hunt!

10-02-2012, 08:05 AM
Congratulations strutndoe!! Great reports everyone!!

10-02-2012, 10:09 AM
First day Sat am I hunted Ross County just south of Chillicothe and my stand placement was one end of 20 acre plot of acorns...everywhere. I placed stand at edge of this going into an acre or two of pines...like a funnel. approximate times here but deer come in eating acorns at 8, 9, 9:30 and 10 to 10:15. I left at 10:30. About 200 yards into the woods my brother on stand saw 2 bucks and 5 doe all going through acorn eating. There are deer all over this farm and did not see one scrape or fresh rub......it's coming though.

Afternoon hunt was in Fairfield County and saw a few doe come into hay field and eat for 15 minutes and left...they were taking corn off a couple of fields over and that is where they headed closer to dark. no scrapes or any signs at this spot.....saw several beds though.

10-06-2012, 09:49 PM
OK 10/05/12 sat from about 4 pm till dark, saw a bunch of doe's and some small bucks, and two nice 3.5+ yr old 8's
was very very warm, 70+ going out and still 65 at dark

being a saturday, I know I get trespassers, so I went and parked where I know many park to sneak in
caught the first guy at 3:30
second guy at 4 pm and last guy at 4;45
this last guy was from Arizona, said he has been hunting here for last 3 yrs, and thoght my posted signs were for liability reasons, and not to keep people out!
got to love that crap

so all 3 guys got the warning, second time I then can arrest with a class A charge to it , meaning they then legally cannot own a firearm again
a much better hit if I catch them then just trespassing here in PA, hell here in PA it ends up costing me more to arrest them then they pay in a fine, crappy state set up on trespassing here for sure

any how, got on stand at 5;15
seen first deer at 5;45 a small spike, then had deer filter in to the food plots till dark, several small bucks made some agressive(for there size) rubs and scrapes about the field edge, then proceeded to chase doe like it was late Nov.
crazy rut like action from the littler bucks, the bigger one's out didn't do anything but feed and ignore what was going on about them
in all counted 26 deer, but as it got dark had more come out but got mixed up so don't know how many in all
was 58 going in at 5 pm and 41 coming out at dark

and calling for fluries here tomorrow, cool
no hunting on Sundays here!

10-06-2012, 10:17 PM
10-6-12 AM Hunt: My hopes were high this morning, as I headed into the woods. I figured with the rain just coming to an end and the low temp, I should see quite a few deer. Nope..nothing...not even a glimpse of one.

PM Hunt: Got caught up in chores and didn't make it out until around 4:30. Watched 2 doe about 100 yards away but they didn't come my way. At 6:45ish I had a 4 pt and a button buck come in and hang out about 15 yds away from me. I also noticed 2 doe in my back field headed toward the wood line I was in. Then I heard a voice.

The stand I was in tonight is about 20 yds in from my property line. My neighbor came walking into the woods and saw the two young bucks standing there watching him and he yelled at them to run away. He yelled "Yaaaa" Yaaaa" several times. Well, they listened to him and so did the doe that were coming straight towards me. All 4 deer took off running, and snorting, with white tails showing!

The words that I bit my tongue to avoid yelling were things a lady should not say. Suffice to say, I did not get a deer tonight...

10-06-2012, 11:58 PM
10/06/12 (Sat)- PM. Hunted in a ladderstand in a huge maple that sits right in the middle of my overgrown field. Two does came by at 5:25 on their way to a big oak tree to eat acorns. Didn't see any more deer, squirrels were going nuts all evening. Beautiful evening though. I could get used to not seeing one mosquito on an evening hunt on October 6 every year! Back at it tomorrow morning and/or evening.

10-07-2012, 03:44 PM
I'm hunting in knee deep acorns. Seen 10 deer and missed a doe due to deflection. There was a decent 8 point with her but I'm waiting on the big boy. This colder weather has em up and moving

10-08-2012, 06:17 PM
hunted a few sits this weekend.

Friday night the 5th,

cold front was moving in, sitting over top a outfitters blend when it started to sprinkle around 5:15 had a yearling and the momma doe come in. That was all for that night.

Saturday Morning the 6th.

Sitting over top acorns and had a lone doe come in, my was pulled back for 2 minutes until she finally decided something was going on and wanted to leave, he finally got a shot and shot her in the "paunch" where we had no blood at all. She is still running around somewhere

Sunday morning the 7th

Sitting same set that we had the encounter with the lone doe, again around 8:30 we had a young doe come in by herself. She was right under us at one point and finally worked into the shooting lane, smoked her at 15 yards and only ran another 20. Got one on the board for the team, bucks seem to be nockturnal, havent seen a buck all season but the little ones.


10-08-2012, 08:33 PM
10/07/12 (Sun)- PM. Hunted in the corner of my property that is nothing but oak trees. At 5:45 I saw a deer running in my overgrown field, not sure what it was doing. At 6:45 I looked up and a big fat doe was at 25 yards and walking perfectly apast me to the side. She didn't even stop, just steadily walked straight apast me and finally stopped at 45 yards behind some brush. I have a cold/sore throat so didn't feel like dragging one out last night so I let her walk. I am still a little amazed why she didn't stop to eat acorns. Shortly after that a coyote let out a howl in the back of my property, then another howl, then a the whole pack started in. They were probably 150 yards from me but it still made the hair on my arms stand up. I hate yotes. What an October for hunting so far, never saw weather in early season like this.

10-08-2012, 08:56 PM
10/08/12 evening sit
didn't get on stand till 5;30, had deer already in a few of my plots, so decided to hunt the edge of a big just cut saturday field of clover
was cool for this early, just 44 degree's, in the 40's all day too
almost zero wind too
well most deer don't show up here till just about dark, so knew I could get in without bustng any
at 6;30 first deer showed up, at 10 yrds, a small spiker, he feed on clover till 5 dope came and litterly ran him off, two old does were realy bitchy with this poor little guy
then at just about dark,had a nice buck show up across the creek from my stand, about 30 yrds,
he was one of my better bucks, but due to being under some hemlocks, and it being so late, couldn't tell which one,
he stood on that side of the creek for a solid 15+ minutes never moving an inch, staring at this doe group, wind was blowing right at him, the little that there was, and I was smack dab between him and these doe's
he finnaly decided I guess all was good, wadded right into the creek, about 3+ ft deep too, and was just about to step into the field, where even with the low light I was hoping to ID him at least, when just before in the opening he dropped his head, grunted and took off chasing these doe's like the rut was on, grunting like mad
he chased these doe's for a solid 10 minutes before they just hauled ass across the field, outrunning him, and he gave up and feed at about 125 yards, BUT between me and my truck, I ended up sitting in the tree a soild 40+ minutes before he took off again after the doe's way out in the food plots

over all I ended up seeing like 14 deer, 2 bucks
cold front is here for next few days low 30's, but rain tomorrow, but I sure like these temps for early oct!, and all the rut like action, hope it means a real rut this yr!

10-09-2012, 08:06 PM
was able to hunt for a few hours saturday morning 10/6 and had 2 does pass through at 7:30 a.m. as they were feeding on acorns... they were just out of range or I would have le tone have it...

Tonight 10/9 I saw a bunch of deer out and feeding around 6:30 p.m. as I drove home from work... I drive down 303 through the cuyahoga valley national park to and from work so it gives me a decent chance to see when the deer seem to be getting more active... Tonight there was more deer out than I have sighted so far this season.. even saw a few small bucks... seems like they are out a bit earlier as well... The moon is getting a bit better and this cool weather seems to be getting them up and moving...

10-10-2012, 10:38 PM
Ok no Am hunt
got to farm at 4 pm, and it was 52 degree's and a light drizzle, but Super windy, a steady 15-20 mph with good 30+ gust
was in the tree by 4;30, seen first deer at 6 pm, a good buck but 500 yrds away standing in front of one of my other treestands too, got to love that!

next deer I seen was at 6;30 a small spike, maybe 2 inch spikes if that, feed in front of me till dark at about 10-30 yrds,
and then at 6:50 had 3 doe show up a 100 yrds up the field from me, and they too fed in the clover till dark
and that was it, was in low 40's when i got to the truck, but WOW that wind had it feeling like it was 30 out!
I'm guessing the wild winds had the deer sitting it out
and to be honest, with the winds and the tree I was in rocking back and forth I don't know if i could have shot a deer tonight if one came out worth shooting , I was rocking pretty hard

try again tomorrow!

10-11-2012, 11:19 AM
I have not seen many deer the last week. I have seen more deer in the acorns than anywhere else before this last week. I placed a stand in a 3 valley corridor and highways everywhere in the bottom of several surrounding thickets and have seen one doe go through. I found 4 Big buck sheds(all very good shooters) in this valley late last season and found a dead 11 pointer from age I believe. I know this is their bedding area but I do have a good sneak in spot. Like I said 1 doe the last couple or so times out. Maybe the moon and clear nights have messed it up in my area this last week. Only good news is right as I got to my stand I saw this below 10 yards from the stand that was very fresh. I am adding a couple more stands on top of this valley as I found out the farm owner owns the top field as well and it is just full of clover I saw last night. Highways going into this field as well. Now all I need is for him to show up. Hopefully I can start seeing the bucks to those sheds I found there.9215

10-11-2012, 08:15 PM
10/11/12 evening sit
52 degree's 10+ mph winds and very sunny

got on stand at 4;30, , at 5:20 I heard what I thought was a guy behind me climbing a tree, so got down to invistage, as last yr I had lots of guys in this area, even got two nice treestands they left me !
turns out it was a small bear shaking an oak tree , guess the half a million acorns on the ground wasn't enough for him, he wanted freash off the tree one's
I got to about 80 yards and seen it was a bear, adn went back to my stand
climbed in to my stand was just about to sit down, and 3 doe raninto the field, and busted me!
or they seen something in my tree, started to snort a few times, then walked back into the trees, but came back out 5 minutes later like nothing happened so ?? not sure now if it was me or maybe the bear they were snorting at

at 6;10, I had 9 doe out in the food plot about 200 yrds from me, and all of a sudden they started to charge my way, full steam taking 30+ ft leaps , just hauling ass, ran the 200+ yrds to the trees behind me aand just kept going
then about 5 minutes later(6;20 pm) a guy poped up on the far end of the food plot
Dam Trespasser, just ruined my sit!
he turned arround I guess when he figured No deer in the plot, and started back the way he came, by the time I got down and to where he was he was a good 350 yrds out on the big fields edge working his way off the property
I gave him a yell, but he never even looked back
and no way to close the distance
SO that was my evening
Oh how I wish I could shoot trespassers!!!!!!!, I'd quit deer hunting for two yrs just to hunt them if I could!!

10-12-2012, 11:06 AM
10/11/12 evening sit
52 degree's 10+ mph winds and very sunny

got on stand at 4;30, , at 5:20 I heard what I thought was a guy behind me climbing a tree, so got down to invistage, as last yr I had lots of guys in this area, even got two nice treestands they left me !
turns out it was a small bear shaking an oak tree , guess the half a million acorns on the ground wasn't enough for him, he wanted freash off the tree one's
I got to about 80 yards and seen it was a bear, adn went back to my stand
climbed in to my stand was just about to sit down, and 3 doe raninto the field, and busted me!
or they seen something in my tree, started to snort a few times, then walked back into the trees, but came back out 5 minutes later like nothing happened so ?? not sure now if it was me or maybe the bear they were snorting at

at 6;10, I had 9 doe out in the food plot about 200 yrds from me, and all of a sudden they started to charge my way, full steam taking 30+ ft leaps , just hauling ass, ran the 200+ yrds to the trees behind me aand just kept going
then about 5 minutes later(6;20 pm) a guy poped up on the far end of the food plot
Dam Trespasser, just ruined my sit!
he turned arround I guess when he figured No deer in the plot, and started back the way he came, by the time I got down and to where he was he was a good 350 yrds out on the big fields edge working his way off the property
I gave him a yell, but he never even looked back
and no way to close the distance
SO that was my evening
Oh how I wish I could shoot trespassers!!!!!!!, I'd quit deer hunting for two yrs just to hunt them if I could!!

That just sucks. I went out with Wildlife last night hunt. Found first scrape and rubs popping up everywhere

10-12-2012, 11:54 AM
Last Night 10/11/12 on my way home from work through the Cuyahoga Valley National Park I spotted a bruiser of a buck standing on a ridge just above a thicket. he had his nose pointed in the air like he was scent checking the thicket below... certainly seems the bucks are getting frisky early!!!

10-12-2012, 06:02 PM
10/11/12 (Thur)- PM. Hunted in a stand overlooking the intersection of two old logging roads that connect an oak grove and a bedding area. Nice night even though the mosquitoes were around. Saw one deer at 6:45 but he heard me cough so went the other way. Went to the doctor today, can't handle this cold/coughing/sore throat anymore. Get better next few days then back at it hard pretty soon.

10-12-2012, 09:57 PM
evening sit
got on stand at 4 pm tonight, was cold like 40 degree;s and dropping, and pretty windy at first, good 15-20 mph windy, but they died down about 6 pm
I thought for sure with the cold, and temps dropping deer would have been out better, going to drop into the 20's here tonight
didn't have a deer show up till 6:20 , and came out 80+ yrds from me, a small doe
then at 6;50, had a heard of deer behind me, but they just didn't want to come out, like they were waiting till dark to come out in the food plot, they hovered about 5 yrds in the tree's on the field edge till dark dark, then one after another they filled the field
I managed to climb down and sneek out without disturbing any
But its looking again liek last yr that my deer are going very nocturnal
I did hear about 4-5 different rifle shots between 6;30 and 7 pm
so I know what that is, cheaters!!
will try again tomorrow!

10-13-2012, 03:34 AM
I had two bucks fighting about 6:45 but it was close to shooting time when I finally saw them. Couldn't really tell at that light if they were shooters or not. Then ended up sparing several different times. Oddly enough they ended up getting spooked off by a doe.

10-13-2012, 09:06 PM
10/13/12 evening hunt
being a saturday, I decided to sit again at a parking area where i know guys park to sneak in
and at 4:30, I had the same dam guy from last week pull in, he seen me parked there and took off
so guess he didn't get the hnt last week when I told him he was trespassing
got on stand at 5;15 pm, 42 degree's and good 10+mph winds,
seen the first doe at 5;30, a small one came out all the way across the big field a good 500 yrs away, feed for 10 minutes then went back where it came out in the tree's

next , at 6;20 2 doe came out right behind me and stood in the food plot eating from 5 yrds to 25 yrads till dark,
at about 6;50 had many deer filter out into the big field, counted 19 in all, too dark and too far away to tell what they were
was opening day of a week long muzzleloader doe season here lots of shooting off in the distance
so from here on out, my deer get very nocturnal any more
was almost zero wind at dark and was just 38 degree's

no hunting here on Sundays so be back out on Monday

10-14-2012, 05:36 PM
Went out Saturday morning and sat over a partially cut bean field. It was about 37 in the morning. Around 8:15 I had two yotes come out and I was able call them in to about 45 yards. I took a shot at one, but shot under him. I doubt I will see them in that field again. At 8:30 I gave a set of grunts and about 15 minutes later I heard a couple deer come up from behing me, downwind, a circle around through the woods. They popped out in the field about 60-70 yards to my left, looking in my direction. As it turned out it was two nice bucks, both shooters. I tried to grunt them my way, but they didn't have any of that. I then did a snort wheeze which really got their attention. I think since they didn't see another buck they weren't agressive enough to just come in on the sort wheeze. They eventually went off in the other direction around the corner of the field.

So a couple of things I took from this 1) these two bucks hadn't split up yet 2) they were moving in shoot hours, around 8:45 in the morning and 3) these were the two biggest bucks I've seen this year including what I have on camera.

So I have set a stand on that side of the field and will try to hunt it next week or weekend.

Pretty good morning...

10-15-2012, 04:25 PM
Went out Saturday morning. Only saw one deer and it was a nice shooter buck but he had his nose basically to the ground and never stopped even with a BAAAAHHH. Came in at 27 yards and by the time I could get into position to draw on him he was moving out. It was 38 degrees at 6 am when I got in my stand and saw him at 815 AM. Sure felt like rut to me.

10-15-2012, 08:54 PM
Ok I will give a recap of the hunting I have had. I have been out almost everynight since the 29th of September. On the 29th of September I had a nice big buck step out of the cornfield kady corner to my blind. Unfortunately he went west up alongside the corn. On Oct 3rd I had a nice size doe step out across the field to the left of my blind. On Oct 5th the big buck stepped out of the corn again I watched him for a bit, since it had just stopped raining I watched him shake the rain off like a dog does that was a real nice site, again he went up along the corn away from me. On Oct 9th I had 6 doe's come out into the field to my left they were starting to feed up towards the blind but as they got closer the farmer decided that he was going to fertilize the field that I was sitting on so they blew by me at 40 yards and into the corn were the buck has been staying. On Oct 13th I had jumped two doe's on the way into my other blind location in the woods. As I was walking into the woods along the trail to my blind I looked down the hill and wouldnt you know it the doe had stopped in my shooting lane in front of the blind unfortunately I was not in the blind yet I was about 5 feet from it, then she decided to move along. So no I havent put a deer down but I have had some great hunts so far. Wish the ones in the field were closer for the bow than for a gun lol over 107 yrds and 200 yrds. But Im gonna keep on trying will update again. Later.

10-16-2012, 06:53 PM
Went out this morning and had 2 does and 3 fawns eating in a corn field that connects to the woods where I hunt. They were out there almost the entire 3 hours I was there. In the woods on the other side of the corn field I also heard a couple bucks sparring. Sounded pretty big but its hard to tell. I have seen several smaller bucks walking the edge of the woods and fence rows around my area but I have yet to see one of the big boys. Have them on camera so I know they are there but they still seem nocturnal for the most part. Several scrapes and rubs around my woods so I'd say its getting close though.

10-16-2012, 10:51 PM
rained out so no hunting

evening sit got on stand at 4 ; 30 pm

seen first deer at 5:10 a small spiker
then at 6;10 had several doe come out
at 6;25 had a nice 110 inch 8 pointer come out feed for a few minutes then it was like the rut was on, he chased every doe in the plot about for a good 15+ minutes
then would stop eat some and start up again

at 6;50 pm had a buck running behind be grunting its head off, but refused to come out in the food plot , would come up to the edge then freeze up
and go back into the woods did this about 5-6 times, waiting I guess for way past dark to come out

all in all I seen about 20 deer, but just 2 bucks, all rest were either doe or fawns
but a fun sit
was 52 degree's going in and 40 coming out!

10-16-2012, 11:42 PM
10-15-12 AM Hunt:
Since the previous day was windy and warm, I figured my morning hunt would provide at least a bit of deer activity. I was really feeling good about this hunt. I had a quiver full of new Magnus Buzzcuts and was ready to get one dirty. However, I did not see even a flicker of a whitetail. A bit disappointed I headed back to the house around 11am.

PM Hunt: I headed back out to the woods around 3:45 and decided to sit in a stand I had put up prior to season. I've not yet hunted from this stand. This stand is 20 yds into the woods facing north (into the woods). Behind it is a field with several large patches brush and it ends in another wood line. According to my trail cam, deer would come in from my right, cross in front of me and head to my left. But by 6:45, this had not happened.

It was a cloudy and the woods were getting darker quicker than usual. I was not going to be able to see for much longer. Slowly I stood up and turned to check the field behind me...nothing. A bit dejected, I put on my pack and placed the quiver back on my bow. As I looked up again, still facing the field, I saw him.

Him = Clubber, a 13 point I have been seeing on my trail cam for the past 2 months. I call him Clubber because when he was in velvet, I thought he had a droptine but when he came out of velvet, I realized it was a broken antler because it came off. Right after season started he changed his pattern and I hadn't seen him again until two nights before, on my camera.

Clubber was coming out of a tall section of brush, with his nose to the ground. He was headed my way!! I took the quiver off my bow and my pack off my back. Still facing the tree I was in, he was going to come straight to me about 10 yds to my left but with the way of the deer trails here he could make a right and head away without offering a shot. I was not going to give him that chance. As soon as he got through most of the brush and was making his decision to turn or not, I could not wait any longer but I didn't have the best shot. I realized I needed to try to spine him or risk a gut shot based on what was available to me. I don't like this shot but I've practiced it many times. Buzzcut to the spine and Clubber was down! Second Buzzcut quickly to the heart and he suffered no more.

Clubber was down and all I could do was shake like a leaf, while a few tears found their way to my eyes, as I thanked my God for the magnificent creature I had just been blessed with. This feeling is why I hunt and the reward is absolutely delicious!

Happy Hunting to you all!

10-17-2012, 09:11 AM
10-15-12 AM Hunt:
Since the previous day was windy and warm, I figured my morning hunt would provide at least a bit of deer activity. I was really feeling good about this hunt. I had a quiver full of new Magnus Buzzcuts and was ready to get one dirty. However, I did not see even a flicker of a whitetail. A bit disappointed I headed back to the house around 11am.

PM Hunt: I headed back out to the woods around 3:45 and decided to sit in a stand I had put up prior to season. I've not yet hunted from this stand. This stand is 20 yds into the woods facing north (into the woods). Behind it is a field with several large patches brush and it ends in another wood line. According to my trail cam, deer would come in from my right, cross in front of me and head to my left. But by 6:45, this had not happened.

It was a cloudy and the woods were getting darker quicker than usual. I was not going to be able to see for much longer. Slowly I stood up and turned to check the field behind me...nothing. A bit dejected, I put on my pack and placed the quiver back on my bow. As I looked up again, still facing the field, I saw him.

Him = Clubber, a 12 point I have been seeing on my trail cam for the past 2 months. I call him Clubber because when he was in velvet, I thought he had a droptine but when he came out of velvet, I realized it was a broken antler because it came off. Right after season started he changed his pattern and I hadn't seen him again until two nights before, on my camera.

Clubber was coming out of a tall section of brush, with his nose to the ground. He was headed my way!! I took the quiver off my bow and my pack off my back. Still facing the tree I was in, he was going to come straight to me about 10 yds to my left but with the way of the deer trails here he could make a right and head away without offering a shot. I was not going to give him that chance. As soon as he got through most of the brush and was making his decision to turn or not, I could not wait any longer but I didn't have the best shot. I realized I needed to try to spine him or risk a gut shot based on what was available to me. I don't like this shot but I've practiced it many times. Buzzcut to the spine and Clubber was down! Second Buzzcut quickly to the heart and he suffered no more.

Clubber was down and all I could do was shake like a leaf, while a few tears found their way to my eyes, as I thanked my God for the magnificent creature I had just been blessed with. This feeling is why I hunt and the reward is absolutely delicious!

Happy Hunting to you all!

Congrats...Pics please

10-17-2012, 07:04 PM
Here ya go! His left brow tine is split in 3 with 3" pt at base. Hard to see all the pts in the pic.

10-17-2012, 08:26 PM
10/17/12 evening sit
got on stand at 4;30 pm, great weather slightkly overcast witha low steady wind

could hear tree rats from a 100 yrds out
BUT only thing I seen were 2 coyotes, first one came out at about 6 pm, and was just awesome looking almost all dark brown, never seen one that color before, came out and hunted field mice for about 10 minutes at about 40-60 yrds from me, wish I had my camera on me

second one came ouyt not long after the first one left from the oppisite side of the field, and was almost all Gray, great coat, he wandered about like he had nothing to do, was at one point sitting right under me staring at a tree rat across the food plot, like a cat he tried to get closer, but that tree rat was too smart for that

and that was it not a single deer
my first sit this yr to not have one deer show up
won't blame the coyotes either, seen both at once out in front of me too many times!
Oh well try again tomorrow!

10-17-2012, 11:57 PM
10/16/12- Evening. Hunted a stand overlooking the intersection of two dozer trails. Had one 4pt come by at 6:05 and that was it. He was eating leaves and something else I couldn't see. Not acorns, maybe some kind of seed pod.

10/17/12- Evening. Hunted my crabapple stand. Warm but breezy. Nothing until 7:05 when a deer came to the crabapple and ate for awhile at 35 yards. By the time it passed by me at 18 yards at 7:15 it was too dark to tell what it was so no shot.

10-18-2012, 12:37 AM
Here ya go! His left brow tine is split in 3 with 3" pt at base. Hard to see all the pts in the pic.

By the way Strutndoe, great buck, congrats on it and your doe too, good season you have for yourself so far!

10-18-2012, 07:39 AM
Here ya go! His left brow tine is split in 3 with 3" pt at base. Hard to see all the pts in the pic.

Very nice...

10-18-2012, 07:52 AM
Thx Guys. I found out yesterday, with the benefit of my taxidermist's tape measure that the point under his right tine is over an inch and he is officially a 13 pt! He has an almost 3" at the base of his left browtine and a 1.5" at yhe base of his right. Guess 13 is my lucky number.

10-18-2012, 08:00 PM
help me score this guy i know the brow tine are between 12 and 14 inches

10-18-2012, 09:05 PM
help me score this guy i know the brow tine are between 12 and 14 inches
after looking closer i think this is 2 different deer

10-18-2012, 09:41 PM
10/18/12 evening sit
super windy today 25+ mph winds and going from south east to south west back and forth tuff for any stand

headed to the tree at 4;30, was just 30 ft from the ladder when a spike buck walked out like 15 ft from me on the field edge, and busted me
he didn't snort or run, just walked back in not really sure what I was I think, but didn't like what ever he saw

first deer I seen at about 6 pm, were 6 doe at about 500 yrds came out of the field edge on a run and ran to about the middle of a 60 acre field, didn't want to be any where near the edges it seemed
then at 6;30 had the spiker come out or so I though on same trail he came out before, but then at 6;35 a second spiker exactly the same size and shape spikes came out, so?? not sure what one I seen earlier or even if it was one of these two?

and that was it

walked back to truck, some 600 yrds away, got to truck changed out of gear, started truck, turned on headlight and 80 yrds out in the field in front of me was one of my shooter bucks
he must have watched me get changed, didn't care I had the truck running or was turning it around to leave, didn't even really look at or towards me as I left
but good to see he is still alive!

try again tomorrow if its not raining!

10-18-2012, 10:11 PM
10/18/12- Evening. A beautiful evening, finally a little rain today quieted the woods down, before tonight the woods were as noisy as I've seen them. Hunted on the ground in a spot where deer filter down a fenceline and into some thick pines on their way toward some corn/pasture fields. Never saw a thing. Had a deer downwind of me at 6:30 and it blew a few times but that was it. Sure thought this evening would have them up and moving after the rain this morning and afternoon, guess I was wrong. Very few deer sightings around Jackson County right now, and seeing several big does around with no fawns, not sure the cause of that, maybe coyotes or EHD got the fawns. Who knows.

10-18-2012, 10:44 PM
help me score this guy i know the brow tine are between 12 and 14 inches

When estimating tine length compare them to ear length. A deer ears are usually around 6.5 to 7 inches long. KB

10-19-2012, 08:08 AM
Hunted both Wednesday and Thursday evenings this week. I agree with you Blackbeard, woods were really crunchy on Weds but I saw good action and a real decent 130" 10ptr right at 7:00pm. After the hail and rain came through this area on Thursday the woods were real quiet and after much more silent walk to the stand, I saw nothing but two (2) baby raccoons and squirrels. I too expected to see deer but did not. Hoping for better luck tomorrow morning, my 1st am hunt of the season.

10-19-2012, 05:15 PM
Saw the first scrape on the property today...gonna pick up this week I think...warm weather will probably have them moving at night..

Cold front next Sat let's hope...


10-21-2012, 09:15 PM
Beautiful evening today and they were moving! Jumped a group getting in, and then saw deer till dark. All does tonight but got a couple decent ones on cam this week. Beginning to make scrapes on my place, and swear I heard grunting at dusk.


10-21-2012, 09:23 PM
10/20/12 AM- Hunted in an oak grove, saw three does, passed a shot on a mature doe at 20 yards, passed a shot on a fawn button buck at 25 yards, then shot the doe fawn in the leg:(. Should have took one of the first two shots but I hate killing mature does when they have fawns with them and don't like shooting buck fawns either. It was definitely a leg wound, non-fatal, she ran off very well but favoring it. Found some leg hair and meat and leg blood. Hate wounded them but that happens. I was trying to shoot her at 10 yards and didn't have a good anchor on my bow since she was so close. Bad shooting basically.

10/20/12 PM- Hunted my stand where the dozer paths converge. Didn't see a thing.

10/21/12 AM- Hunted at a location in some semi-open woods where deer pass through from their nighttime oak feeding area to their daytime bedding area. Hunted on the ground standing beside a big red oak. Got there late at 7:45. At 8:45 a fawn passed but by the time I saw her she was in my shooting lane at 20 yards and my bow was hanging. Grabbed my bow but she was then behind brush and proceeded to stay behind brush for the remainder of her walk apast me. So I then started paying attention (imagine that) to the direction deer always come from and at 9:30 here came a mature doe and fawn. Wasn't passing the mature doe this time, grabbed my bow, stopped her at 20 yards, and the Thunderhead did the trick. Double lung she piled up at 40 yards. Pretty exciting hunt. Always exciting when you should them from the ground with no blind just standing against a tree with brush around you.

10-22-2012, 11:02 AM
10/20/12 AM- Hunted in an oak grove, saw three does, passed a shot on a mature doe at 20 yards, passed a shot on a fawn button buck at 25 yards, then shot the doe fawn in the leg:(. Should have took one of the first two shots but I hate killing mature does when they have fawns with them and don't like shooting buck fawns either. It was definitely a leg wound, non-fatal, she ran off very well but favoring it. Found some leg hair and meat and leg blood. Hate wounded them but that happens. I was trying to shoot her at 10 yards and didn't have a good anchor on my bow since she was so close. Bad shooting basically.

10/20/12 PM- Hunted my stand where the dozer paths converge. Didn't see a thing.

10/21/12 AM- Hunted at a location in some semi-open woods where deer pass through from their nighttime oak feeding area to their daytime bedding area. Hunted on the ground standing beside a big red oak. Got there late at 7:45. At 8:45 a fawn passed but by the time I saw her she was in my shooting lane at 20 yards and my bow was hanging. Grabbed my bow but she was then behind brush and proceeded to stay behind brush for the remainder of her walk apast me. So I then started paying attention (imagine that) to the direction deer always come from and at 9:30 here came a mature doe and fawn. Wasn't passing the mature doe this time, grabbed my bow, stopped her at 20 yards, and the Thunderhead did the trick. Double lung she piled up at 40 yards. Pretty exciting hunt. Always exciting when you should them from the ground with no blind just standing against a tree with brush around you.

Congrats on the deer down...now to focus on a shooter buck, I think

10-22-2012, 11:07 PM
On the way back from the Wilds me and the wife spent the night in a yurt and went on the tour it was a great. Go there if yeah get the chance! Now back to the real reason I am here. Set up my first trail camera last month and caught a 10 pointer basically staring at the cam. Looks like all my bucks are still way nocturnal latest pic is 10pm and earliest is 5am. Think I had my blind set up were I was getting winded were they come in. Gonna back it off a little and hunt a new stand site this week. The 10 pointer has been spotted in the evening near it. Alot of pressure in the area and a few cheaters. Anyway excited to get back out there and wanted to share this pic. Will be my first solo buck and second hunt from returning from overseas man what a trophy he will be! He had a little Tine buck with him just Two days ago dont know what that means rut wise in the area but I think the little guy was getting a few more pointers from him and then hes gonna kick him right on out!


10-23-2012, 01:27 PM
Well as you guys have mentioned activity is picking up. This past week in Eastern PA we had several smaller bucks chasing does on two different locations. Last night I saw a split brow tine 9 pt and 4 point cruising at 5:30 PM and making scapes. I had the nice 9 point at 27 yards on Wednesday of last week but had brush in the way of my shot. He made two scrapes when watching him come down logging road at 7:45 AM. One camera last week on edge of the field got pictures of 6 different buck all moving right after dusk. It should get better each day just wish the warm weather would change. Good luck!

10-23-2012, 03:22 PM
I heard that this weekend will be full moons and that might kick the rut in. What's your thoughts?

10-23-2012, 05:12 PM
Mike, weather is going to cool down this weekend, the seeking phase will be winding down next week, expect to see some mature bucks next week, if you can, be in your stand! Good luck!!

10-23-2012, 08:50 PM
OK been lacking
evening sit saw just 4 deer 1 doe, 2 yrlings and one small spike

10/21/12 no sunday hunting here in PA
just sat watching a big field seeing where there coming out, seen 22 deer all too dark to tell what they were just black blobs
but did see where they were coming out at
ok evening plans went out the window, sat yesterday watching to see where there coming out, wasting a sit in a stand to so so too!
only to have the farmer show up at 5 pm with his sprayer, and sprayed round up all over his sections he plants with round up didn't get done till just about 6;10 pm, so nothing showed up between him and the smell of the chemical

he just killed 16+ acres of prime clover he had growing for nitrogen for the soil.
I still have lots of food plots,(good 6+ acres of prime feed and some other 4+ acres of so so stuff) but the deer were favoring his clover up till now
once its dead it should actually help me for hunting, but that just killed a ton of deer food for teh winter and early spring on me
But I was hoping he was going to leave it as is till spring planting time
but the guy hates deer so he will do what ever he can to see them suffer?
Oh well, try again tomorrow

10-25-2012, 07:23 PM
10/25/12- It was hot, wind was wrong and trails full of crunchy leaves. I was just like get to the stand and see what happens. I stopped to set out a cover scent wick. Made one move an a young doe sprang up so close to me I swear I could of grabed its hoof. Glad no one got it on camera. Had the wrong attitude and not paying attention on the way to the stand. Wont happen again. Heard that cold front might be a day early down here In Ohio. Hope tomorrow I do better.I want my first deer!

10-25-2012, 09:21 PM
10/24/12 evening hunt, well got to farm and it was just so warm, I decided not to even hunt, der have been so nocturnal as is so with 70 degrees, no point in funking up a stand

evening sit, well was raining off and on all day and still warm, with pockets of fog here and there
58 degree at 4;30 pm, winds sucked, changing directions at will
but so overcast and with yesterday being a wash, figured I'd try a sit

got on a stand I haven't hunted out of this yr yet
at 5;45 I had a couple huge gobblers show up, and was standing up watching them eat some acorns, I was just getting ready to turn around and then I seen it, a darn doe 80 yrds out staring at me, she must have just poked her head out from a pine tree and busted me, first time getting busted this yr, she started snorting like mad, then dropped her head and took off snorting her brains out
great, but oh well
then at 6;20 I had a few doe show up and two small bucks running them about like the rut was on
was just sitting there enjoying the show, when this doe starts blowing again she stood about65 yrds out in the food plot taking turns from eating and snorting, was crazy, she muct have snorted a good 200 times, so much that after a few minutes the rest of the deer simply ignored her
I had a buck right under me making a scrape while she was snorting and he just didn't care about her noise making
then dark rolled in, and well after about 20 minutes in the dark with her still doing this
I wanted to leave , but didn't want to get seen climbing down
so I dropped my pack first, Nothing, then threw a branch at her, Nothing
So i would make a snort when ever she did, this turned out to just piss her off, every time I would snort, she would snort back at me, did this for about 10 minutes, now about 7;40, and way past dark
all the other deer walked off, seeming to not care about us going back and forth
then I said the hell with it and climbed down
she never even ran, just watched me leave! was only about 15 yrds from me too! crazy doe!

10-26-2012, 09:42 AM
10/26/12- 0730 on the way to the stand heard some of the loudest bleats sand roars I have ever experienced! Confirmed by the 8 point and 3 does right under my stand! He was on them for sure. No way I was getting in without getting busted so I just watched them for awhile and went back to the cabin!

10-26-2012, 10:25 PM
10/26/12 evening hunt
still way warm
62degree's going out at 4 pm
was very very overcast and looked like if it was colder it would be snowing?
any way at 6;05 pm, I had one of my target bucks show up, only came out 85 yrs away, came out right past one of my trail am's I have a scent dripper next to full of active scrape scent too
BUT he ignored it like it wasn't even there!
so much for that working, he is a at least 4.5 buck too, maybe a 5.5,
would have expected him to at least look it over
any how, he came out into my food plot eating soybeans and then he got into a staring contest with the far corner of the field, started at it for a solid 10 minutes without moving a muscle
then he started grunting real loud, and then a doe showed up, he ran over to her, smelled her over real good then ignored her and went back to eating, then, he walked right past, like 5 ft from a ground blind of mine and went out into a huge 50 acre field with nothing but 6 inch grass mostly standing out like a sore thumb, walking about like not a care in the world, getting farther and farther away from me
he stayed out in that big open field milling about till just before dark when two doe showed up about a 180 yrds from me, he started chasing them, and one of them ran right to me, almost got my hopes up, but as luck is, he followed the other one, smelled her over and then just back to eating at 110 yrds from me till dark
then again I was stuck in my stand, didn't want him to se me getting out, so had to wait almost an hr to get out till he went away
but by then I had a ton of other deer now in the plot?? thats the biggest problem with hunting food plots getting out!
I was just getting ready to thow my p[ack and got super lucky, a huge tree some where behind me just fell over or?? sounded like a 100 ft tree just dropped from the sky, talk about a huge smash and thud, wow
but deer ran off and I got away without being seen that I know of

maybe tomorrow with this storm a coming and temp s hopefully dropping!

10-27-2012, 12:02 AM
10/26/12- Fri PM. Got out for just an hour and a half before dark on Friday evening. Sat on the ground away from my stand sites because the wind was out of every direction and unpredictable....W, NW, N, NE...crazy wind before the cold front. Jumped one walking back at dark. The cold weather is coming and I'm hitting it hard the next month, good luck guys.

10-28-2012, 08:37 PM
This is my very first post on the site, and i wanted to introduce myself to everyone (especially ohio hunters lol). I live, and have been hunting in southeastern ohio for about 10 yrs. Hocking county and athens county...the first 3-4 yrs. was more learning than anything (still learning), so by no means am i a professional. I posted here, because i'm sure i'll be sharing a few stories of my own here and there. I look forward to making new friends on the forums. Last week i smoked a mature doe, so i'm on the board in 2012 lol. Got meat in the freezer, so now i'm after the big boy! Well goodluck to everyone, and that special time of the year (PEAK RUT) is almost here!!! (:

10-31-2012, 04:34 PM
10/31/12- AM. Rainy morning but the best one to hunt for a week or more. Had three bucks (6 pt, 7 pt, 7 pt) come past me at 8:30 and 9:45. They were mostly smelling around looking for a hot doe and occasionally eating anything green they could find as well. The biggest 7 pt run off the smaller 6 pt after he made two scrapes. He thought he was the big boy on the block this morning. Saw two does and a button buck later hammering the honey suckle. My rut hunting will be intense over the next three weeks. Can't wait.

10-31-2012, 07:42 PM
10/31 report

Went out this AM for 3 hours before work. I had a deer on the logging road walking in that waited til I got within 30 yards and slowly walked away. (walking out found 2 big scrapes right where I saw this deer standing that were freshly made). From daybreak til 10:00 AM I had deer movement that consisted of 4 different small basket rack bucks of which two were running does around me all morning. Big ones still have not made an appearance -cameras as of this evening still getting them at night. Should be great this weekend! Heading to Ohio on Sunday to hunt all next week in Noble County -can't wait! Good luck.

10-31-2012, 08:35 PM
10/31 PM Hunt

Got out at about 330 and stayed til 655. Had 3 does come in right underneath my stand they didnt seem to concerned had the wind in my face. Did some periodic rattling with no luck not one buck! I am not even sure if my deer are rutting yet in Madison county. I did hear what sounded like a doe making a screaming like noise at dark I have heard before they make a noise like this when the rut is almost on??

10-31-2012, 08:57 PM
I rattled a 130 inch buck into 40 yards. He circled my big boss decoy and then spotted my blind. He bound off but didnt snort or blow. I may shoot him if i see him again

11-01-2012, 10:40 AM
just got off work this morning 7:00 am hurried home showered put on what i thought were scent free clothes out of thier plastic bag, grabbed my grunt, rattlin bag, and delta decoy headed right out back, set up my decoy down wind of me 17yds in the soy bean field. why did i set it up down wind? dont ask me stupid move. got in my ladderstand nocked an arrow and im ready. little did i had forgot to wash my clothes, in the anticipation of vacation for the first 12 days of november, guess it jus slipped my mind!!!! soooo stupid! any way i said "pee on it i aint waitin" so i give 5 grunts lightly rattled for bout 30 second...... south side of the soy bean field big ten pt. come bustin in yess grab my bow, and he's commin fast!!!! sees my decoy then veers to the left circling down wind of my decoy, that is down wind of me. once he gets to about 18yds he stops does the head bob gives a quick snort and he's off.Busted, crap disgusting!!!! to make a long story short, 15 mins later had a small 6pt comes 15 yds upwind, no way am i shooting him after what i just saw,then about 35 mins later after another rattle sequence a nice 8pt comes into the field from the north goes to circle my decoy downwind,busted again!!!!!!! so needless to say soon as soon he cleared out i got down defeated but not detoured, AND WASHING MY CLOTHES AS IM TYPING THIS!!!!!! 3 bucks in less than an hour and i havent had a single buck on trail cam all season!!! was gonna take a napp but cant do that not now they are on their feet and cruisin!!!! good luck

11-01-2012, 02:45 PM
11/01/12- AM. Sat a stand in some oaks. Had a 115" 8 pt come right under me and eat acorns at 8:30. Then he worked the scrape that I noticed walking in about 50 yards from me. At 9:00 a basket racked 8 pt came under me and ate acorns. Other than that nothing. Definitely the calm before the storm right now in Jackson County. Lots of younger bucks out cruising, smelling, filling their bellies. Good time to be hunting scrapes. I poured some feed out today at my feed site and there was one of the biggest scrapes I've ever saw right beside the feeding area. About the size of a car hood and tore up. I'll be hunting over that Saturday morning.

11-02-2012, 06:43 AM
11/01/12- PM. Sat my crabapple stand which sits atop a huge hill overlooking a grassy area where deer stage before going out into big pasture fields at night. It used to be a good one but since fence went up and cows started pasturing the area it just hasn't been the same. Have saw some deer there but nothing like before. Beautiful evening, kinda blustery with a stiff SW wind at times. Sun actually reared its head for the first time in 7 days. However, didn't see a single deer. Got excited about 6:30 when I heard something coming but it was a possum with a big waddle! Might have to bite the bullet and finally move this stand. I was giving it another year to see if it got back to near normal, but don't look like it will.

11-03-2012, 07:18 AM
Yesterday got in the stand around 11am. I was hunting one of my really good spots in the woods on one side the creek and the other a cut corn field and to my other side a travel corridor through woods. Anyways I figured this was going to be the day to see some action. Boy was I wrong a 4 pointer and a doe later on in the corn field by herself. I think everybody is saying the rut is on but I have seen no evidence of that either. Startling and grunting is producing 0 deer !

In The Stand2012
11-03-2012, 12:54 PM
Went out early this morning and got the decoy up. Dident see or hear a single thing by 11am broke for lunch and back out in a different spot this time in a ground blind. Crazed rutting bucks in this one this morning. Big ol' 9 Pointer stayed about 35 yards back as the does came in to eat. let's hope they come back.

11-03-2012, 06:09 PM
11/02/12- AM. Jumped deer getting into stand eating honeysuckle, never saw a thing on stand. Windy cold morning.

11/02/12- PM. Hunted my feed site. Had the same 115" 8 pt come in at 6:30 that I could have shot the other day. He ate corn for a 1/2 hour then left. A deer came in just as I was trying to leave at dark and spooked. The disadvantage of hunting a feed site in the evening.

11/03/12- AM. Hunted in a big maple in the middle of my overgrown field. Beautiful morning. Saw a basket 8, small 5, small 6, and a button buck. The 8 and one of the 5's were sparring behind me at about 50 yards.

I haven't saw a doe in three days of hunting. I've saw six small bucks in those three days just cruising around smelling and eating but no chasing or grunting. Pretty poor first three days of November. They are hitting the honeysuckle hard everywhere I go. Not rutting hard in Jackson County right now that's for sure. The last three days were on three different properties as well.

11-04-2012, 01:42 AM

11-04-2012, 09:01 AM
11-3 AM: I set up in the same stand I killed my buck in last week, hoping to get a shot on a young doe. I've been getting pictures of a mature doe and a couple yearlings in this spot. A little after 8 I had a small 8 come in and walk by at 10 yds. Then he ran off like he was chasing something. Around 8:30 I saw a mature doe out in the field at 50 yds. She was by herself, but as she moved further out of range, she caught the attention of a decent 8 who came out of nowhere and started dogging her. This went on for about 15 minutes before they were gone. Then a 130-140" heavy racked 8 or 10 came through on one of the trails the other buck was chasing on. At about 9, my dad text me and said he shot a nice buck. He seen some of the same deer I seen, and when this one stepped out he let him have it. It wasn't till we found it he realized it wasn't one of the other bucks we saw. It was a nice 6 pt and he is happy with it. We are heading back out this evening to try to put down a doe. He is taking my boy to a ground blind and I'm gonna set up in a stand.

11-04-2012, 12:14 PM
11/04/12- AM. Sat one of my rut stands for the first time, finally got the NE wind I needed, its located where an old fenceline/ditch line intersects another fenceline at a right angle between two thickets. Saw a 4pt just slowly walking around and smelling, then a small doe just wondering, and then 5 does (2 mature and 3 fawns) moving from their nighttime feeding location into one of the thickets to bed. Heard no grunting, saw no chasing, not any rut activity there yet.

11-04-2012, 01:36 PM
Meigs county

11/2 am: seen 9 doe and 2 small bucks pushing them all around me grunting from around 930-10. Nothing before or after

11/2 pm: see 2 doe feed threw the acorns. 30 min later a 120's 8 points came threw following their steps tracking them

11/3 am: skunked! 5 of us hunting and only 1 doe seen. Dunno why they weren't moving on this pretty morning

11/4 sitting on a stand from last year for the first time this year. Rubs and scrapes everywhere around it. Waiting in the tree now..

11-04-2012, 04:45 PM
Summit Co.

Nov. 2nd PM: property #1
arrived at 3:30 to see a doe walking across the pasture. jumped a small buck on the way in. about 5 or so saw a small buck crusing. Ended up seeing a nice 120-130 buck pushing some does across the crp field. then right before dark a dinky buck pushed 3 does across a cut bean field. saw a total of 13-14 deer and 4 bucks.

Nov. 3rd AM&PM property #2
Skunked all day long

Nov. 4th AM Property #1
saw a small buck as soon as we pulled in, then skunked on a beautiful morning. Sat a stand that has some ridges running together over a creek. not a single thing.

Still dont think the Rut is here yet. seemed like pre-rut activity in my neck of the woods. just some pushing going around then the deer disappeared

11-04-2012, 11:20 PM
Member updates: Redneckross scored on 8pt, Split_G2 scored on 8 pt, Big_Holla is hunting Meigs County for first time yesterday and saw decent buck at 40 yds, h, no shot, heard from him today and he had an exciting day watching small bucks fight. No hunting for me Sunday evening...birthday party for cousin...grrrrr.

11-05-2012, 07:47 AM
Heard two big bucks fell in deleware county yesterday. Ill be out today from 1 to sundown and sunrise Til sunset tomorrow.

11-05-2012, 07:47 AM
Hunted yesterday am. Placed a new set over a fresh scrape line I found about 75 yds in the woods off a cut bean field. About 9:00 I saw a doe pop out in the field, hit the bleat a coule times and she came down the trail from the field, but didn't give me a clear shot. Rattled after she cleared out and had a 1.5 8pt come in on the that. Came down the same trail as the doe, but didn't seem to be following her. He did give me a clear shot either :(. Left the woods about 10:30. That was it for yesterday

11-05-2012, 08:09 PM
hunted sat morn 11-3 saw nothing till almoest 10am. after that it was game on till 2pm. First sighting of the day was a decent buck a little too far to get a good look at him he winded me and that was the end of that. The rest of the morning was filled with groups of does and little 6's and forks chasin em around. alot of fun to be in the woods been a little slower the last two days for me. I've got the week off work so expecting good things. God Bless n be safe.

11-06-2012, 11:17 AM
11/05/12- AM. Hunted my best rut stand where I've killed three bucks in the past. Didn't see a thing. Last 2-3 days saw no rutting action and a friend of mine reminded me that it could bust loose in my area at any time......and it did that evening.

11/05/12- PM. Hunted in a corner with oak trees surrounded by thick pines and clearcut. Saw a good buck going in tending a doe. Jumped two more does halfway to stand. Jumped several more deer that were in the clearcut. With no wind and crunchy leaves deer could hear you coming from more than 100 yards away. Not good but what do you do. So I finally got to stand and had spooked every deer within a 1/4 mile radius. Very calm evening, every noise in the woods sounded loud. At 5:35 I heard a major chase happening in the clearcut in front of me, sounded like a buffalo running through the woods. After a long chase here they came. A doe hi-tailing it followed by a 130-140" 8pt followed by a 115" 8 pt. They chased around for a while and finally the doe just collapsed beside a log and laid there and the big 8 guarded her. He snort-wheezed at the smaller 8 between 5-10 times (never saw that much snort-wheezing before). Finally the smaller 8 left and another 115-120" 8pt showed up and the big buck snort-wheezed at him. I could have shot the third buck but really wanted the bigger one. However he would never stop in range and when he did stop he was 40 yards and behind brush. Eventually the doe saw me move (after shooting time) and she got up and left and the big buck followed her. One of the most exciting hunts I've ever had.

11/06/12- AM. Hunted my feed site....never saw a thing.

11-06-2012, 12:11 PM
11/05/12- AM. Hunted my best rut stand where I've killed three bucks in the past. Didn't see a thing. Last 2-3 days saw no rutting action and a friend of mine reminded me that it could bust loose in my area at any time......and it did that evening.

11/05/12- PM. Hunted in a corner with oak trees surrounded by thick pines and clearcut. Saw a good buck going in tending a doe. Jumped two more does halfway to stand. Jumped several more deer that were in the clearcut. With no wind and crunchy leaves deer could hear you coming from more than 100 yards away. Not good but what do you do. So I finally got to stand and had spooked every deer within a 1/4 mile radius. Very calm evening, every noise in the woods sounded loud. At 5:35 I heard a major chase happening in the clearcut in front of me, sounded like a buffalo running through the woods. After a long chase here they came. A doe hi-tailing it followed by a 130-140" 8pt followed by a 115" 8 pt. They chased around for a while and finally the doe just collapsed beside a log and laid there and the big 8 guarded her. He snort-wheezed at the smaller 8 between 5-10 times (never saw that much snort-wheezing before). Finally the smaller 8 left and another 115-120" 8pt showed up and the big buck snort-wheezed at him. I could have shot the third buck but really wanted the bigger one. However he would never stop in range and when he did stop he was 40 yards and behind brush. Eventually the doe saw me move (after shooting time) and she got up and left and the big buck followed her. One of the most exciting hunts I've ever had.

11/06/12- AM. Hunted my feed site....never saw a thing.


11-06-2012, 01:19 PM
I will be in Cambridge area 8th- 18th!! Should be hot and heavy Rut!!! The big boys are sarting to chase but Does are not standing. I hope I hit it right!!! I am chewing at the bit to get down there!!!

11-06-2012, 06:20 PM
Big buck down !! going after him in the morning good blood but for some reason he went a long way so I backed out marked trail and will sleep on it till morning .

Looks to be a 10pt

11-06-2012, 07:49 PM
11/06/12- PM. Hunted a flat between a bedding area and large mature oaks. Jumped deer going in at 3:00 on the flat. Didn't see anything else. Very calm and extremely quiet evening. Difficult to get on stand right now in the evenings with these calm winds and dry leaves. Mornings much better for getting to stand.

11-06-2012, 08:00 PM
morning hunt seen 4 bucks, a buton buck, a spike , a 4 pointer, and one nice 8, maybe 110 inches,
evening hunt seen 5 bucks, same ones from above same stand too, and one other 120 inch 8, all showed up at very last light and just hit the food plot

11/6/12 morning hunt, cold light breeze, 23 degrees at thet truck going in, only sat till 9 am , to help a friend try to find a deer he shot the evening before,
only saw one lone doe, and one rufed grouse
evening hunt,
getting a little better, on stand at 2 pm, seen first deer at 3 pm, two small bucks on the prowel, a spike and a 12 inch wide 8 pointer, they then hit my food plot, for a few minutes, earliest deer in a plot in weeks
and then they caught a scent of something and took off like they were late for a hot date
few minutes later, I had very good buck running a doe 65-70 yrds behind me being followed by two other smaller bucks in the chase.

then I had two more nice 100 inch class 8 pointers out walking the big field at last light just cruising
didn't see any doe or fawns in any of my food plots at all
try again tomorrow

In The Stand2012
11-07-2012, 03:43 PM
Hunting a stand that I haven't been too in some time 15 days. Dragged a line in from the rear of the stand and saw a bunch of fresh scrapes and 2 big rubs on a couple trees. Tonights looking looking like a great night! Good luck to you all!

11-07-2012, 07:59 PM
11/07/12- AM. Hunted my ditchline stand. Saw 5 small bucks and two other deer (does?) eating honeysuckle. One of the bucks was a decent 115" 8pt with decent mass and main beams but no tine length. I grunted him in from about 60 yds away. He came by later wanting me to kill him again.

11/07/12- PM. Hunted in the corner oak stand where I saw the nice buck a couple days ago. Saw 2 does, 3 small bucks, and jumped 4 other deer (does?). The largest buck (8pt) was walking around grunting and smelling where a doe had bed. The does on my property are bedding in the oaks and hardly leaving them at all so it makes it impossible to get in without spooking them.

11-08-2012, 05:12 AM
Hunted yesterday and saw 1 doe in the evening. My buddy saw a spike and a doe together in the morning. We are not see the number of deer like we did three years ago! Deer kill-off?????

In The Stand2012
11-08-2012, 10:01 AM
Sat n the stand yesterday evening. Around 5pm a doe with her fawn came on in, mom was hip to the scent in the area and began pounding her foot. The 1 1/2 year old came into the corn and jumped back out. There ears shot backwards and I looked left praying a big boy was on the tail and it was just another doe. Decided to take a doe and took the smallest one. I've been wanting a good eater! Laid the smack down on her and she dropped 75 yards away.

First deer I've ever shot. Pretty exciting feeling! Just glad to have got the anxiety out of the way in case the big boys show up one day soon. Confident in my shot up to 30 yards, ready for the boys to come strolling in!

11-08-2012, 06:40 PM
11/5/12 had a bad day went to my ground blind in am and it wasn't there could see truck tracks and footprints in the field. And of course 3 does across the field. So decided to go to this spot I had never tried. Instantly saw a line of scrapes. Set out a doe in heat wick. Found a tree upwind and sat. 10 min and the giant 10pt pops out pf the woods.just using my eyes I ranged him at 30. Took aim and second guessed myself that he was further. So I just adjusted a tad. Shot went high but was a hit. Waited a good 2 hours. Me and the wife tracked him 1/4 mile or more. Then lost the trail in a field. Went out today he or blood nowhere to be found. Think this rookie went looking way to early. I saw 1 spot where he had laid down.if anyone in Perry county near irish ridge and port flamingo find a big buck with a NAP 3blade on a easton arrow. Please let me know!

In The Stand2012
11-09-2012, 04:46 PM
Just kicked up 2 big Bucks in the newly cut corn field to my right. Walked into the woods to my blind and kicked up 6 does. Night is probably shot but I'm heading right back here tm morning at 4 and setting up the buck decoy in the field line and waiting for one of them big boys!

11-10-2012, 06:42 PM
One doe tonight... at last light, nothing this morning. SLOWWWWWWWWW is an understatement!

11-10-2012, 06:52 PM
11/09/12 evening sit, windy and warm, sat for 5 hrs seen nothing!
11/10/12, morning very quiet and still 30 degree's and on and of rain, sat for 4 hrs seen just one small button buck
eneving sit,warm, mid 50"s, and getting warmer
seen 4 bucks biggest being a 10 inch wide 8 pointer
only one more day to the archery season here in pa, and not looking good

calling for rain on Monday, the last day, and warm temps
my rut action seems to have went south with that dam storm Sandy!
its terrible hunting here , worse I have seen it in 10+ yrs here!

11-12-2012, 10:54 AM
11/08/12- AM. Hunted in a small oak clearing around a pond in the middle of 160 acres of pines. Saw nothing while on stand, bumped one going in, heard one running in the pines while there, bumped one coming out.

11/08/12- PM. Hunted a stand in a corner full of oak trees, noisy as heck trying to get in there with the dry leaves and calm wind, saw a button buck, two smaller 8pts, and had a larger buck come in under my tree at dark and eat. He looked ok probably not a shooter.

11/09/12- AM. Hunted my best rut stand in a 50 yard wide strip of trees between two thickets. Saw small 5pt following a doe trail with his nose to the ground, an 8pt following that same doe trail with his nose to ground, heard what sounded like a larger buck tending a doe in one of the thickets but never got a good look at either deer.

11/10-12- AM. Hunted my ditchline stand in the middle of a thicket. Had a mature doe and two fawns come under me and that was it. Jumped one on the way out.

11/12/12- AM. Hunted a stand for the first time this year that is located in a big white oak along a pipeline. Haven't had too many south winds which I need to hunt that stand. Saw one small 8pt walking along a fenceline about 60 yards away. Squirrels were going NUTS this morning storing nuts before the storm. Saw nothing else left right after the rain started around 9:30.

All in all very slow hunting. Lots of small bucks, hardly any doe sightings, only one shooter seen all season, and I think breeding has definitely been going on for a few days.

11-13-2012, 07:48 PM
11/12/12- PM. Rain all day and windy so I decided to sit on the ground where I shot the doe earlier in October. Its an area where deer cross from a thick area where they bed to big timber to eat acorns at night (and vice versa). So I was hoping to catch them coming from their beds. Sat from 2:30 until 4:15 and was cold, wet, and wasn't seeing anything. My Rocky rain gear pants decided to leak this year for some reason so I was chilled to the bone. Rather than leave I decided to scout around a little in the rain. Found some good sign and a couple places to hunt then peeked over a hill into a pasture field and there stood a doe.....For the rest of the story read my post titled "Crazy Evening in the Rain".

11/13/12- AM. Hunted my oak grove stand. Very cold and frosty with SW wind and beautiful. Saw two does walking through my overgrown field at 8:30 and that was it. Out early to take my two boys to a pediatrician appointment.

11/13/12- PM. Hunted my feed site for only the third time all year. I feed at the site more to run a trail cam and see what bucks are on my property and don't hunt it much. Haven't fed nearly as much corn as usual this year and there were no apples at my neighbors tree so my boy and I have been feeding anything we can get our hands on...pumpkins, leftovers from the garden (tomatoes, tomato plants, bean plants, pepper plants, corn stalks), and more recently I'm experimenting with hedge apples. One of the places I hunt has them everywhere so I got about a 1/4 of a truckload of them, dumped them out, and smashed some of them. So anyway...the hunt. Got to stand at 3:00. A 4pt came to the feed site at 3:15. A 115" 8pt came to the feed site at 3:45. Nothing more until 5:20 when I heard some aggressive grunting on the ridge above me and here came a pretty decent 8pt, approx. 130". He was heading straight toward the feed site and when he got 40 yards from me the other smaller 8pt came walking up the hill and the larger buck turned immediately, raised the hair on his back, and walked toward him. Bad break again. Can't get an ounce of good luck. The two then proceeded to fight about 150 yards behind me and within 100 yards of my house sitting on the hill behind me. My dog barked at them the entire time. At 5:55 the big buck came back to the feed site and ate a hedge apple but it was apast legal shooting time and too dark too shoot.

Things seem to be really heating up here, two shooter buck sightings in two days.

11-14-2012, 07:25 PM
11/14/12- AM. COLD morning, 28 degrees with stiff 7 MPH NE wind. Whew. Hunted in the back corner of my property in some oaks surrounded by thick pines and clearcut. Saw a lone doe at 8:30 walking a fenceline. Got down and left at 10 and was walking a bush hogged path through my overgrown field when I spot a nice buck walking down the hill away from me at 50 yds. I crouched down and tried to sneak closer but as this was happening in front of that buck came another nice buck. So I stopped and crouched down. The first buck turned and went on another path and the second buck looked like he might walk straight to me. So I ranged the spot where I thought he would appear at 35 yards and waited......nothing. He followed the first buck. I snuck down to where they originally were and did some grunting but they never re-reappeared. Jumped a doe right as I was leaving the field. I think I'm just going to hunt pasture fields and overgrown fields the rest of the year!!!!!

11/14/12- PM. Hunted my stand at the end of a ditchline which separates two thickets. This is really a morning stand but I figured what the heck nothing else is working for me. Jumped a doe going in. Grunted in a 4pt at 4:30. Then a decent 8 pt with long main beams, ear width, but very short tines walked right under me at 5:00. Tempting but not what I'm looking for. That's it.

Mature bucks definitely on their feet right now. If you've got vacation time use it and get in the woods. I've saw mature bucks now 4 of the last 5 times I've been out. Not seeing small bucks like last week and the does are still in hiding.

11-14-2012, 09:02 PM
11/14/12- AM. COLD morning, 28 degrees with stiff 7 MPH NE wind. Whew. Hunted in the back corner of my property in some oaks surrounded by thick pines and clearcut. Saw a lone doe at 8:30 walking a fenceline. Got down and left at 10 and was walking a bush hogged path through my overgrown field when I spot a nice buck walking down the hill away from me at 50 yds. I crouched down and tried to sneak closer but as this was happening in front of that buck came another nice buck. So I stopped and crouched down. The first buck turned and went on another path and the second buck looked like he might walk straight to me. So I ranged the spot where I thought he would appear at 35 yards and waited......nothing. He followed the first buck. I snuck down to where they originally were and did some grunting but they never re-reappeared. Jumped a doe right as I was leaving the field. I think I'm just going to hunt pasture fields and overgrown fields the rest of the year!!!!!

11/14/12- PM. Hunted my stand at the end of a ditchline which separates two thickets. This is really a morning stand but I figured what the heck nothing else is working for me. Jumped a doe going in. Grunted in a 4pt at 4:30. Then a decent 8 pt with long main beams, ear width, but very short tines walked right under me at 5:00. Tempting but not what I'm looking for. That's it.

Mature bucks definitely on their feet right now. If you've got vacation time use it and get in the woods. I've saw mature bucks now 4 of the last 5 times I've been out. Not seeing small bucks like last week and the does are still in hiding.

I seen two nice bucks tonight around 5p. then at about 5:30p another smaller but still nice buck come in. did not see any does out this evening but trail cam picked up alot of them over night last night.
So are these bucks out just looking for whats left over Blackbeard???

11-15-2012, 08:32 AM
Well, been some time coming but had to get caught up on the Team Challenge stuff first. Was down in Ohio from Nov. 3 thru the 11th. and had a great week as usual. Saw what I would consider 3 mature bucks that I would have shot if I didn't screw up or have crap in the way. Saw quite a few deer, a lot of small bucks and not a whole lot of does which makes us think we should hold off on shooting any this year again. Got to see a piebald doe we had running around, named her Whitesides as the white from her underbelly goes half way up her body between her front legs and hips. Will post up a pic or two one of these days once work settles and once I stay caught up with the Team Challenge. Time is valuable these days now as it's time to get my daughter back in the woods. Well, my buddy shot a real nice 8 pt. on Tues. Nov. 6 so that was our only kill for the week. Sooner or later will get some pics up......

Good luck everyone!!

11-15-2012, 07:37 PM
11/15/12- PM. Took the morning off, need some sleep. Got to stand at 3:00. Two dogs ran a nice 8pt apast me at 4:30, grrrr. My habitual dog problem is back. A button buck came by right before dark and the 115" 8pt who wants me to shoot him so bad it's pitiful came by after that. Heard a buck tending a doe in the clearcut over the hill. Beautiful evening but not much movement or action until close to dark. Getting a real itchy trigger finger.

Cheif, now is the time the mature bucks are roaming alot looking for does not yet bred. That's what those two in my overgrown field were doing. They were cruising trying to get a whiff of a hot doe and checking doe beds, trails, etc.

11-17-2012, 08:02 PM
11/16/12- AM. Hunted my poplar blind for the first time which overlooks a hollow where deer cross in the morning from their nighttime big timber feeding area into some thick pines to bed. The blind is behind two very large poplar trees where the hollow narrows to only 35 yards wide. Saw one decent buck going in, saw a 4pt cross the hollow later, and saw 4 does crossing later in the morning.

11/17/12- AM. Hunted my ditchline stand at the fence line intersections in the thicket. Jumped two does going in, saw two more does behind me later, and had a mature doe and BB come under me later. No rutting activity at all.

11/17/12- PM. Hunted my stand which overlooks a water hole which is surrounded by some oaks in a small clearing in the middle of 160 acres of pines. Jumped deer going in as usual, heard one walking at dark, and jumped a deer when I was almost out. This is three sits in this new stand site without one sighting from the stand so three strikes and its getting moved somewhere else. No rutting activity at all. Definitely post rut now, some does still coming into estrous but the good hunting seems to be over (maybe before it even started!).

11-17-2012, 09:17 PM
11/16 PM, saw a buck driving in, and a doe walked by us within the first 5 mins we were in the stand, nothing else.

11/17 AM, two does come by at 8:30 nothing behind them. 9:30 nice 7 pt came through a cut bean field, kinda running looking for a doe. Grunted, snort wheezed, nothign seemed to work. closet he got was about 70 yards. Lone doe came through at 10:40, then few minutes later a nice buck chased a small doe across a cut bean field, never came in. a few more deer eating in the field. Two more does came through with nothing behind them.

11/17 PM, nothing after a great morning of about 10 deer.

11-18-2012, 06:17 PM
11/18/12- AM. Had two does under me early, then a 6pt, then a 115" 8pt. I was a hair from shooting him and ending my buck season but the arrow slipped off the string right as I was going to draw so I took that as an omen and didn't nock another one and let him go. My buck hunting continues.

11-19-2012, 09:33 AM
Went to Wayne National Forrest for the weekend.

11-17 Saturday 6am on way to my spot just over the hill from me there were two bucks fighting tearing the hillside up. They were really going at it for about 30 seconds and I heard the horns smash together and then heard one jump or got pushed into the swamp or he was running away to save his life...don't know.
11-18 Sunday saw one buck by himself go over the hill into the thick first thing in the morning. 9am 3 does come into field and the 2 younger ones were chasing each other around the field playing then they went where they come from and I saw 7 or 8 white tails in the woods where they went. Don't know what they all were.

11-20-2012, 06:32 PM
11/20 Saw about 6 does herded up in a cut bean field. There is no way they are all bred already. Counting on this weekend with the cold snap that the deer will be everywhere.

11-21-2012, 07:52 AM
I hunted last night, calm winds, warm evening, temps in the upper 50's. Saw 0 deer! The rut is definitely past it's peak.

11-21-2012, 08:49 PM
11/20- pm. Hunted my crabapple stand, jumped a doe that was bedded right behind it going in, never saw a darn thing.

11/21- am. Hunted my back right corner stand, never saw a darn thing.

Hunting sucks right now. No rutting activity, warm weather, and........? who knows. Few more days before the orange army rolls in. My chances of killing a buck with my bow after that is minimal. Maybe I'll get some good luck with the dropping temps this weekend.

11-25-2012, 12:45 PM
11/23- PM. Hunted in a ladderstand overlooking my overgrown field. Saw a decent buck come out at 5:30 and grunted him to about 50 yards but no closer. Windy and cold evening.

11/24- AM- Hunted a new stand site where I just hung the stand at on Friday. It is located between big timber and a bedding area in a saddle where deer funnel through. Saw one doe going in that was eating grass in a pasture field and never saw a thing on stand. Breezy and very cold.

11/24- PM. Hunted the same new stand site. Never saw a thing on stand. Saw three does in the pasture field when I was leaving.

Hunting continues to suck.........one of the best days ever to hunt yesterday, overcast, cold, and just awesome.

11-26-2012, 03:30 PM
22 point Andover story to follow

11-26-2012, 05:16 PM
got skunked in hocking co arrived on 16th saw does andforkhorn and about a130 incher first couple days then it warmed up then the wind picked up didnt see any thing the rest of the trip left on the 26th about 70 hours on stand in 8 days

11-26-2012, 07:40 PM
Here he is

11-26-2012, 09:26 PM
11/25- PM. Hunted in the corner of my property with oak trees and bedding areas surrounding it. Beautiful evening but I only saw one deer in my field about 250 yards away, nothing in the oaks.

11/26- AM. Hunted a ladderstand in the middle of my overgrown field. Saw a small 8 pt walking through the field early then 4 does later. Walking out I jumped two sets of three does bedded in the hollow below my house and within 100 yards of my house. Gun season forced them to bed there where it was safe.

11/26- PM. Hunted the ridge saddle where I just hung the stand last week. Beautiful evening. Two does came past at dark and another deer which I couldn't get a look at. Deer are moving in the evenings right as legal shooting time ends so mornings are the better right now in my opinion.

Back out tomorrow with the gun in the morning and bow in the evening.

11-27-2012, 10:04 AM
My son and nephew are at the farm down by Cambridge where I bow hunt. Yestrerday 1st day of Gun they saw several bucks 2 BIG BOYS chasing does also most of the other bucks they saw has there nose to the ground!! Could the rut have been late this year or maybe start of a second rut?? I hunted there from Nov. 9th to the 18th and we saw very little rut action those 10 days. We whacked some does and 2 8pts (115-125 score) but these bucks were by them selves cruising. I saw 3 small bucks during the hunt and passed on all of them only 1 was quartering a doe on the 17th. My buddy had 2 monsters working his ridge the whole time but only saw him trailing a doe 1 time out of 6 sightings. that was on the 16th.

11-27-2012, 11:18 AM
My son and nephew are at the farm down by Cambridge where I bow hunt. Yestrerday 1st day of Gun they saw several bucks 2 BIG BOYS chasing does also most of the other bucks they saw has there nose to the ground!! Could the rut have been late this year or maybe start of a second rut?? I hunted there from Nov. 9th to the 18th and we saw very little rut action those 10 days. We whacked some does and 2 8pts (115-125 score) but these bucks were by them selves cruising. I saw 3 small bucks during the hunt and passed on all of them only 1 was quartering a doe on the 17th. My buddy had 2 monsters working his ridge the whole time but only saw him trailing a doe 1 time out of 6 sightings. that was on the 16th.
No, I don't think it was late, I just think they were after does that were not bred their first time they came in to estrous, The secondary rut usually is around the 19th of December.

11-27-2012, 07:52 PM
11/27- AM. Gun hunting - hunted on the ground at the end of a ridge where it meets a thick bench. Beautiful morning. Saw 10 does and a 4pt. Not interested in any of them.

11/27- PM. Gun hunting - hunted on the ground behind two houses where deer come out of thick pines to eat grass and honeysuckle. Beautiful evening. Never saw a thing.

12-06-2012, 06:42 PM
11/28- no hunting.
11/29- AM. Gun hunting. Saw six does killed one.
11/29- PM. Gun hunting. Saw six does killed one.
11/30- AM- Gun hunting. Saw one doe let it go.
12/01- AM. Gun hunting. Saw four does, let one go, others snuck up behind me.
12/01- PM. Gun hunting. Saw one mature doe and another deer I couldn't tell what it was, no shots.
12/06- AM. Bow hunting. Beautiful morning, very cold. Never saw a darn thing.
12/06- PM. Bow hunting. Beautiful evening, cold front moving in tonight would lead you to believe deer would be out eating well before dark, never saw a thing on stand, busted three walking out that were eating honeysuckle.

12-12-2012, 08:11 PM
12/08- PM. Hunted a ladderstand in a big maple in the middle of my overgrown field, absolutely gorgeous evening and got lucky to have the rain let up for the last 4 hours of daylight so i could hunt, saw three does in some uprooted pines going in, never saw a deer while on stand, stayed till 6:00 just to see if anything surfaced, nothing. Very disappointing.

12/12- PM. Hunted my stand at the end of a ditchline in the middle of a thicket. Saw three does at 4:15 just walking along, saw a 4pt following their trail at 4:30 (maybe one of them was in estrous), and saw two doe way off in the distance in a field right before dark. Deer seemed to be moving this evening.

12-13-2012, 01:01 AM
Finally!!!! 12.12.12. brought me some luck, got a nice 8 pt tonight and i think he was coming in with a doe, but the doe stayed behind him. smoked him at 30 yards!!
There will be a video of this buck posted later, or on a DVD.. ill let you guys know


12-18-2012, 08:42 PM
12/15- AM. Gun hunting. Saw six doe early.
12/15- PM. Gun hunting. Made some deer drives with my family, my cousin killed a nice 10 pt. I saw one button buck while standing.

12/16- PM. Bow hunting. Decided to sit in my ladderstand in the middle of my overgrown field with my bow. Just before 5 a nice buck entered the field and walked along the mowed path on the other side approximately 60 yards away. He worked a scrape, chewed on a licking branch, then started eating honeysuckle approximately 120 yards away. I had the wind in my favor so decided to try and stalk closer and get a shot by utilizing a mowed path that went back through the middle of the field then another that cut off and went straight to him. When I got almost to the path he was on which cut off to the right, I figured him to be another 60 yards to my right, here he came walking up the path. I was squatted down on the middle path approximately 35 yards from where the two paths intersected and could see his antlers getting closer so readied for a shot on my knee. He got to 35 yards, locked up, stared me down, then ran off to 50 yards and stopped and looked back. If only I would have immediately got over in the brush and been less obvious......so very disappointing. Bad hunting on my part. That makes two years in a row I've stalked to within range of a nice buck in my overgrown field and never got either of them.....maybe I need to take up extreme couponing instead.

12-20-2012, 07:18 AM
At least you tried to make something happen. Good luck.

12-27-2012, 07:03 PM
Got out this evening for the first time in twelve days. I hunted a cut corn field that had a lot of lost corn from high winds back in early Nov. Seen three doe and one decent buck out browsing the field. Deer came out at 5 and was still there when i left. The deer usually come out in two different places on the field and tonight it was by my other stand. Weather is really shaping up for some good hunting. Goodluck to everyone still out hunting.

12-31-2012, 08:28 PM
well OK, been lacking here with hunt results
but here is a couple from the start of the late season here in PA
12/26/12 evening, sat from 2 pm till dark, had 8 deer come out into a food plot of turnips at last light, too dark to even tell what they were just blobs, at about 80 yrds from me

evening sit again sat from 3 pm till dark, didn't see a deer, very very windy

evening hunt again, 2 pm till dark, had a 4 small bucks biggest being a 5 pointer at about 50 yrds came out at last 5 minutes of shooting light
evening hunt again, cold low 20's good 68 inches of snow on the grund, deer are hitting the turnips harder now, but nothing showed up tonight again

evening hunt 3 pm till dark, nothing

evening hunt, low 20's, light wind
got on stand at 3 pm, over looking a heavy worked over turnip food plot
at last 10 minutes of shootable light I had 3 yearlyings show up, then followed by 6 bucks, two 4.5 yr olds I am passing on, and a 3 yr old 8 pointer, and some smaller 2-3-5 pointers
and then had some more deer show up too dark to tell, 17 in all, none came within 75 yrds of me any ways, but nothing I would have shot, minus a BIG doe
need to tag one before the season is over for a old farmer I know that wants one

best night so far this late season!
try again tomorrow

01-01-2013, 12:10 AM
How do you or the deer move in 68 inches of snow?

01-01-2013, 06:46 AM
How do you or the deer move in 68 inches of snow?

LMAO!!!!.....very slowly I'm guessing!!......I think he meant 6-8" of snow......there's no way that PA has 68" on the ground.......that would be a good season total for his area.

01-03-2013, 01:29 PM
I was out New Years Day for the last two hours in the Wellington area(about 45 minutes west of Cleve.). I had a mature buck chasing a doe to within 40 yards of me, but no shot offered. They were milling around me for about one hour and the buck kept a close eye on her the entire time. She was a small doe, so my guess she was a 2012 fawn.

One month ago on Dec. 1(first Saturday of gun) I was in the same tree stand and had a mature buck chasing does as well. He also got within 40 yards in thick stuff and did not present a good shot opportunity. I thought he would present a better shot. Never did as the does took off and he followed. Not sure if these were the same buck, but I am posting this as Ithough it was interesting that I saw chasing on December 1 and January 1.

01-19-2013, 07:44 PM
Haven't gave any updates since my big disappointment on 12/16, that one still eats at me. Had to take about 2 weeks off after that. But I'm still here and hunting. Here's my hunting updates in the last month.

12/31- Hunted the day after we got 6.5" snow. Saw 5 does. First 3 busted me. Was ready to shoot one of the next two but they busted me right before I was ready to draw. Hard hunting from a stand with snow on the ground and not much cover in the tree.

01/05-01/07- (Muzzleloader Season) Saw 17 does, 1 buck, and 6 unknown deer all together during the season. Hit a big doe high and in the opposite side shoulder on opening morning with my bow and didn't find blood, hair, my arrow, or the doe. Not good. Tried to shoot a doe while making a drive on 01/06 but my old MZ didn't go off. Missed another big doe on 01/07 while standing during a drive. Yeah I know, tough week. I pretty much choked on every opportunity I got! Took another week off to compose myself!

01/15- Hit a doe in the lower leg, followed blood trail right to where she bedded 60 yds away, got within 10 yds of her with a flashlight but obviously couldn't shoot her in the dark. Did someone say season from hell!

Back out tomorrow morning in the windy conditions then on MLK day Monday. Shot my bow alot today, everything is fine except my brain. Good luck to everyone else also.

01-20-2013, 04:04 PM
Thanks for the updates Blackbeard. You sure have had a tough year, but I am hoping your persistence pays off soon.

01-20-2013, 05:09 PM
I also enjoy reading your updates blackbeard........I hope you're able to tag again before the end of the season!.....as for me......I'm still hunting but not having much luck either!!....there's still time....but I'm starting to get that sinking feeling .......good luck Blackbeard and everyone else still out there trying to fill a tag..

01-25-2013, 07:25 PM
01/20/13 AM- Saw two does, too far away no shots.

01/25/13 PM- Saw one doe being chased by dogs. Too far away no shot. Beautiful evening with 3/4" of snow on the ground. Quiet as heck and COLD too. Back out tomorrow morning for another cold hunt.

Seeker Bp
01-25-2013, 08:10 PM
Good Luck Tommorow Blackbeard.....We will also be up in the trees tommorow. Could be a great day in the woods....!

01-28-2013, 06:09 PM
01/26/13- PM. Never saw a darn thing. Absolutely gorgeous evening. So quiet you could hear a field mouse fart! Full moon isn't helping right now though, seems like movement is during 10:00-11:00 AM hour and after dark.

01-31-2013, 07:07 PM
01/29/13- PM. Warm evening, 65 degrees, never saw a thing.

01/31/13- PM. Nice evening, 18 degrees with windchill, a little breezy with snow flurries but nice. Never saw a thing. 65 degrees then 18 two days later, gotta love Ohio.