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View Full Version : King Buck

09-11-2012, 08:39 AM
Not sure who all has been following the big issue with te King Buck being score the world reocrd, but it seems the B&C is doign tis best to screw the little guy out of his trophy... ITs sad when big business even has control of a simple sport of deer hunting.. We all know its a big money maker and the industry is pushing products at people all day long regrdless if they work or not.. TC is the worst.. I gave all of my TC stuff away after that crap with GR. Anyways... Oh do a good search and see how many of the pro hunters you see on TV are getting busted for illegal stuff in the woods.. The big turd Nugent busted yet again... These guys are great role models for the children they keep talking about to get you the ADULT to spend more money...What 7yr kind really enjoys killing shit.. The kid is only doing it to be close to his parent(s), come on get real..

I hope people follow the DDH article and fight for the little guy..

Anyways good luck everyone this season, jsut a few more weeks and i'll be in the woods with ya..

Semper Fi.

09-11-2012, 09:28 AM
heres another article on the buck


a video of the buck being scored

09-11-2012, 03:27 PM
i say its another tine, not one attached to his g3. give the guy his trophy!!